Ancestors of our First Americans
The Kentucky Cave Story

Two young men named White, while idly wandering in a large tract of wild, dense forest, in the south-eastern part of our county, discovered what they supposed to be a sink-hole or
fox-den, (A)  and with that idea proceeded to explore it. After a little trouble in making their way through the entrance, the cave (for such it proved to be) became large enough to admit
of their walking upright. They had proceeded thus in this passage probably, 150 yards, when they emerged into a large and picturesque gallery, the beauty and grandeur of which will
rival that of the old Mammoth itself. The room, according to their calculations, is about 150 by 100 feet, and abounds in all the varieties of the stalactite and stalagmite.

But, it's not the things that we naturally expect to find in caves that we wish to mention particularly, but the curios remains that were discovered therein. In the northeast corner of the
first gallery, (for there are five, which we will speak of), about five feet from the ground, they noticed some strange characters or hieroglyphics neatly carved in the wall, which, upon
close examination, proved to be the head-rock of a vault. A few minutes prying served to loosen this   and disclose to view the interior of an enclosure in the solid rock of about five by
ten feet, which contained the remains of three skeletons, which measure eight feet seven and a half inches, eight feet five inches and eight feet four an three quarter inches in length
respectively. The heads were lying toward the east, each body parallel to the other. Beside them lay three huge (what looked to be) swords, but they were so decayed that upon being
touched they crumbled to dust.

After examining the remains closely, but finding nothing that would serve to throw any light on the question as to who and from whence they are, they closed the vault, but in doing so,
knocked their torch out, which they had contrived before entering, leaving them in anything but a pleasant predicament. After searching some time for their lost treasure, they
concluded to try to escape by feeling their way out, but in this they made the matter worse. They stated that after leaving the first large room they struck a good sized branch, and
continued following it until forced to turn into another passage the stream disappearing suddenly in a huge perpendicular gulch which led them into another spacious hall, the size of
which they believe to be quite as large as the first.

Out of this second opening, and through what they conceived to be three others similar at least in size their way seemed to gradually ascend, until their hearts were made glad by the
discovery of light ahead, and finally emerged from their ugly confinement through a hole about midway, the cliff of Russell's Creek, having been confined in their subterranean
discovery over thirty eight hours. The whole country thereabouts is rife with speculations concerning the interesting discovery, and numbers of citizens will visit it as soon as the
Messrs. White finish their work of rendering the entrance less difficult to pass.

The above is a correct account and may be replied on, as the young men are of unimpeachable veracity. With a party from town, your correspondent will start in the morning to further
explore and should now curiosities present themselves, will give you the account of an eyewitness.

This entire site is in the Southwestern portion of the United States on private property. (A) The entrance to the many chambers underground.
(B) Skeleton number 2. (C) Skeleton number 3. (D) This is their script? designs? records? map? (E) A cloth sample from a burial inside the chamber. (F) A fishing net. Reminiscent
of the great inland sea that once covered much of today's present southwest. (G) Woven footwear, a type of moccasin? (H) Tanit, the Phoenician goddess Asarte sometimes referred
to as the face of Ba'al, as worshiped in the Mediterranean area, found here in America.

Columbia, Kentucky
January 30, 18 76

Ancient American magazine has been republishing articles similar to the specimen included above for more than eight years. Then, as now, the first question invariably generated by
such old stories is: What became of the alleged bones and artifacts? Countless similar finds were reported during the early populating of North America in private journals and
newspaper articles not unlike that published by the Louisville Courier Journal, 146 years ago. They can't all have been hoaxes, as skeptics claim.

Indeed, it appears that during the early 19th Century partial physical evidence for over-sized human beings were sometimes discovered in a prehistoric context. But complete
skeletons have been lacking. For the first time, however, investigators may actually be able to study first-hand an intact burial of one of these larger than normal individuals. Our cover
photograph shows the remains of such an ancient man who allegedly stood some eight feet tall. His thousand-year-old grave was accidentally uncovered by a private landowner.
The burial chamber contained several human and animal bones, plus manmade objects well preserved by the local desert climate. Other unviolated prehistoric graves in the
immediate vicinity have also been located.

Ancient American will shortly be assisting the landowner in choosing a licensed archaeologist to examine these finds and prepare a site-plan for possible (but anticipated)
excavation. The cultural identity of these "giants" is still a mystery, although some researchers detect signs of Mediterranean origins. Their burials are said to contain traces of
metallurgy, examples of graphic art, and evidence for a knowledge of astronomy atypical of native tribal peoples in the American south west.

Even so, could they have originated here, or does their provenance lie in the Eastern Hemisphere? Carbon-datable materials retrieved from the site may be able to establish some
time-parameters for these vanished people, and thereby help us to understand their place in prehistoric migration, not only across our continent, but over the seas, as well.

Ancestors of our First Americans
by Wayne May

(A) The entrance to the many chambers underground Mammoth Cave
(B) Skeleton number 2. (C) Skeleton number 3. (D) This is their script? designs? records? map? (E) A cloth sample from a burial inside the
chamber. (F) A fishing net. Reminiscent of the great inland sea that once covered much of today's present southwest. (G) Woven footwear,
a type of moccasin? (H) Tanit, the Phoenician goddess Asarte sometimes referred to as the face of Ba'al, as worshiped in the Mediterranean
area, found here in America.

For three miles the Ohio River makes a bend between Jeffersonville, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., and rushes westward with a terrific
roar. Inspired by a fall of about 25 feet. In the center of the cataract is what has long been known as Corn Island. On the Indiana
side the big eddy whirls past Wave Rock, the graveyard of many proud steamboat. In low water the place is dotted with the
dismantled hulks. And just below the whirlpool lies the Kelly property. There is a big spring bubbling out of the side of the path that
leads down to the rocky shore that is said to have been dug by Yellow Hair. To the right of it, going up the bank, is a graveyard,
where hundreds of prehistoric people lie buried, and to the left is the Kelly farm, on the river edge of which are 50 tombs of the same
mysterious people. The school history of Kentucky says when the first white settlers arrived at Louisville they found piles of human
skeletons on Corn Island and some are found there now. To the early settlers it appeared that there had been a great battle fought
and that one tribe had been entirely wiped out.  On the banks of the falls to this day are found thousands of Indian arrows and spear
heads, with an occasional battle ax, and once a stone owl was found that had probably been fashioned by one of the prehistoric
people. This description represents the concrete facts and is the corroborative evidence of the weird tale told by Mrs. Kelly and her
ancestors tell  in their mystic chant of the vanishing of a strange race of people: “When I was a wee bit of a girl,” said Mrs. Kelly, “my
mother sang me to sleep with the words of this song. It was a sort of a chant in the Indian tongue, and I do not remember it all.
Translated so you will understand it, it was to the effect that a white people lived here on the falls and that they were mighty. A tall
Chief with yellow hair ruled over them and four ages they fought off the red men and held the fisheries of the falls and the hunting
grounds for their own. The sun was the god they worshipped, and he appeared to have blessed them with peace and plenty. Yellow
Hair our people called the Chief, who was a giant. The Chiefs or Kings must have maintained the great stature by intermarrying in
the royal family, probably killing all the females except just enough to perpetuate, the race. My mother thought they saved the best
developed girls for the wives of the Chief in order to perpetuate the governing race. I did not ask her why she formed this opinion,
and it may have been part of the legend. But our people had long viewed the land from afar and they determined to possess it. The
Chief at that time was Hawk Wing, the line through which I come. He sent spies to make overtures to the strange white people and
they visited Yellow hair and told him the Shawnee wanted to share with them the fisheries and the hunting grounds. Yellow Hair
listened to their statements and then told them that there was just enough for the white people and that he and his people preferred
to live by themselves. Then the Ambassadors of the Shawnee said that if the white people would not submit peacefully to having
then fir neighbors they would slay them and take their possessions. At this Yellow Hair laughed disdainfully and said the sun god
would destroy his enemies with fire from heaven and that every man who took part in such a bloody and unprovoked massacre
would die a violent death and that the curse would have the effect as long as one of the offending race remained on earth.

But Hawk Wing had faith in the Great Spirit, that he and his tribe worshipped, and he collected his warriors and set out for the home
of Yellow Hair. In some way, the scouts of Yellow learned of there near approach, and he and his people leaped into their canoes
and went to Corn Island. The dangerous whirlpools and the treacherous eddies, with which they were familiar, they thought would
protect them from the less skilled Shawnee. But they did not know Hawk Wing. He and his braves had been accustomed to the water
from infancy and they were almost as much at home in the torrent as Yellow Hair and his people. So that night while Yellow Hair was
peacefully sleeping in fancied security. Hawk Wing and his braves were making canoes and getting ready for battle. Just as the sun
was breaking through the murky sky of the east the canoes of Hawk Wing reached the shores of the island. Yellow Hair and his
people were awakening from sleep and were falling on their knees in prayer to their sun god. They were in this position when the
yells of my people burst upon them. Many were slain as they knelt, but Yellow Hair was a warrior, and though taken by surprise, he
seized his battle-ax and valiantly defended his subjects. With his single-hand he slew more than a score of our people. Then when
he was weary from fighting Hawk Wing confronted him. Behind Yellow Hair were his wives and children kneeling in prayer and in front
of him were Hawk Wing and his warriors. The two chieftains sprang at each other with their battle-axes. My ancestor was used to war
and familiar with all the tricks. As a result, after a terrible encounter, during which both were covered with wounds, Yellow Hair sank
exhausted and hawk Wing’s battle ax was buried in his brain.
“Maddened by the conflict, Hawk Wing turned upon the kneeling women and children and slew them. He and his men kept up the
slaughter until not one of the white race remained. Every single one of them had been killed and the scalp lock of Yellow Hair
dangled at the belt of Hawk Wing. Till his death he kept it and it was buried with him.
“Then the Shawnee took possession of the houses and lands of the vanquished people.  On the island in the falls is a small cave,
which was once known as ‘Yellow Hair’s Bath,’ but which is now always referred to as the Crystal Bath,’ It is said Yellow Hair bathed in
this every day after he prayed to the sun. The cave is of solid stone and a small stream of water trickles through the top, making a
natural, shower bath, where the fisherman to this day often bathes.“Finally, the last of the habitations of the strange people was torn
down and 300 years later, when General Clark came here and found Black Hawk in possession, nothing remained save the bones of
the murdered people on the island. (From the blog of Fritz Zimmerman) Shawnee legends say that during low water their warriors
went to Sandy Island and slaughtered the remaining White mound builders

In 1885, Professor J.F. Brown of Berea College, Kentucky was called upon to examine a puzzling find, made 16 miles east of the
town of Berea, on Big Hill in Rock Castle County, one of the spurs of the Cumberland Plateau. Near the summit, an old wagon trail
cut through a stratum of carboniferous limestone, and removal of earth to widen the trail into a road had exposed a new section of
this stratum. As E.A. Allen reported in the American Antiquarian, volume 7, page 39, preserved in the layer were the fossilized
impressions of several creatures. What mystified those who witnessed the remains was that among these tracks were two well-
preserved prints of a human being. They were described as "good-sized, toes well spread, and very distinctly marked." It was not
until 1930 that further and more detailed investigations were performed, this time by Dr. Wilbur Greely Burroughs, head of the
geology department at Berea College. Dr. Burroughs discovered a total of twelve 9 1/2-inch man tracks and portions of others, and
confirmed that they had indeed been  impressed upon gray Pottsville sandstone dating from the Upper Pennsylvanian period -well
over 300 million years old.

In 1965, a skeleton measuring 8 feet 9 inches was found buried under a rock ledge along the Holly Creek in east-central Kentucky

Evidence found in the tunnel systems of Mammoth Cave indicate that there was a pre-existing race of giant sized humans with red
haired that lived in this area.

North America was also known as “Pushkara” or “Loka Lokas”

Esotericaly, it’s two “Varshas” that lay directly at the foot of the legendary “Meru”, the abode of Brahma, of Vishnu, and the Olympus
of Indian esoteric religions.  It is said that “the two countries north and south of Meru (Swar-loka) are shaped like a bow,” and that
“one half of the surface of the earth is on the south of Meru and the other half on the north of Meru — beyond which is half of
Pushkara” (Vishnu Purana, Asiatic Researches, etc.)

According to the Sumerians the title of "Khat," "Kad," and “Gad” denotes gods or kings and their race were called "Khatti" with their
capital located in "Amarru,"which means "The Land to the West".  The name Atlantis was only later given as an alternate name for
“Amarru” or “Meru”. Based off this information, the name America (A-MERU-ka) is an indicator that this land was “the homeland of
the god/kings of Atlantis”.

In her book “The Secret Doctrine” H.P. Blavatsky claims that geographically, “Pushkara” is North and South America. Allegorically it
is the prolongation of
“Jambu-Dwipa” in the middle of which stands Meru. It is the country inhabited by beings that lived for ten
thousand years. People were free of sickness or failings. A place where there was neither virtue nor vice, caste or laws, for these
men were “of the same nature as the Gods”. Located in Meru is “Loka-Lokas,” (Vishnu Purana, Book II. Chapter IV).

In researching the name “Loka-Lokas” I learned, through the works of C.S.Raflinesque, A.M., Ph.D., that the antiquated name of
the Allegheny Mountains in Kentucky was Loka-lokas”. And beyond them was “The Great White Land” which was the seat of the
Western Atlantic Empire or the “Great Atalan Empire”. The Atlantic shores were called “Locuta”, or “Lachacuta”, which were
uninhabitable due to the arid soils emerging from the receding waters of the Deluge.

Giants ...Giants...Giants...Giants..
Was there a giant race of humans before us?
Could there been a giant race existing before
the flood.
One age of Man dying out being replaced by
Reports of giant remains and skeletons
being unearthed show convincing evidence
that these giants indeed existed in a
pre-existing culture.
Read below of the Giant Races of the World.
Ancient Maps Supporting
theories that the Aztec and
Toltecs were in North America
First -
THEN  migrated South
Click Here
Giants of Kentucky
Mary Sutherland -
Author of the World's Best Selling Books on Giants and Ancient Man
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Culture and Mound Builders
with Brad and Mary

Rock Lake
Franks Hill
Did A Race of Giants Pre-Exist Modern Man
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