PROJECT ISIS - The Tomb of the Visitor
Mary Sutherland
Copyright 2004

The Back ground Alien is the reconstruction of what the face and head looked like of the mummy found in the Tomb of the Visitor.
Looks very similar to the Area 51 alien doesn't it?

There has always been the question did the Egyptians feed and care for the 100,000's slaves that it would have taken to build the ancient structures like that of the
pyramids in Egypt? One minute it is a very backwards country and almost over night a highly advanced and technological culture sprung into existence.

We now have the answer to that very question..and evidence that the Egyptians had help..Extraterrestial help at that! Thanks to Russia,the KGB and a top secret project
called Project Isis!

Astro physicist , neurologist and science advisor in advanced propulsion system gained access to the files of Project Isis. This was a top secret project brought about by
KBG concerning  the discovery of the Tomb of the Visitor in 1961.
Up until SCI-FI purchased this exclusive footage from an agent of the Russian Mafia, it had never been seen outside the top secret facilities of the KGB. SCI-FI showed it
one time on television and as it stands today, no evidence of this film or the project is available. ..except what we have copies of here given to us by a client that had taped
the original show.

This video is a  a powerful documentary with actual footage filmed by the KGB and verified by specialists in the fields for SCI-FI  to be authentic film footage. If we can
somehow bring attention back on Project Isis and prove it out, it will change the history of the beginning of the civilization of man.

During the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev was determined to show the world that communism was superior over the democracy. As he realized that it would be too costly to
compete with the U.S.  in the space race, Kruschev chose to go the other route. The KGB was ordered to investigate less costly means for technical advancement and
superiority. Having over 300,000 agents in his secret police and espionage organizations he focused most of this resource on alternative science, such as paranormal
phenomenon, pschotrometic weapons, biogenerators and mind altering machines.

In the 1920's, during the Stalanist Regime, a 'dark room' was created where the KGB conducted pschotronic weapons research on prisoners sentenced to die and
political desidents. After 1936 these files were transferred to the secret archives of the KGB, continuing on with their paranormal research. Khrushchev achieved great
success with his biogenerators and machines to alter human minds, which worried, naturally, the United States, knowing that the Soviet Union was there to conquer and
over throw.

Russia, being that is borders surrounded the largest land mass of the world,  had the largest amount of ufo sightings. If they could capture one of these flying objects and
reverse engineer it they could have the greatest advance aeronautical designs.
They got lucky in January 1986 when a space craft crashed in Dalnegorsk but remained intact. The craft was back engineered and the process was quite successful!
But to achieve the most superior advancement and global domination, they went in search for something that was only a rumor or legend...The Chamber of Knowledge in
Egypt.  If the legends were true, storehouse of knowledge left behind by ancient visitors from outerspace was concealed in the Great Pyramid.

A team of archeologist were composed of Egyptologists from the Russian Soviet Academy of Science, was sent to Egypt. The Fearing that the CIA would learn of this
expedition, the Kremlin operated with complete secrecy. By the late 1950's Egypt accounted for 43 per cent of all the Soviet Aide for Third World Nations.  When they started
the Isis project the Soviet Military Personal in Egypt was estimated over 20,000. The heavy military presense was used to disguise the efforts of the Mission Scientiest
headquarted in Cairo. They would operate under the guise of Arab peasants or Russian Officers. To speed things up, in 1959 the KGB recruited professional
informationalists to wire tap Egyptian officials. This paid of in July 24, 1960 when a conversation was recorded that would then change myth into reality. The official had
been given a call that 'two bedouins had stumbled upon the "Tomb of the Visitor". The bedouins were in the hospital and kept repeating ,'The Visitor God'.

At this moment in time, Project Isis became Top Priority and all efforts were made to immediately follow up by having the bedouins show them where they had found this

SCI FI was able to purchase several documents and film footage as to the KGB documentations of their findings.
Listed are the following:
Taken out of Egypt and brought to the secret facility of the KGB was this:

Memo to high ranking KGB official :
"My agents have secured the notes of one of the scientists working on the tomb of the visitor findings."

Another was the Inventory of Contents taken from the follows:
Location of finding...undisclosed
15 crates of relics
1 partially mummified body.
1 stone sarcophogas
8 hieroglypic samples

Filed report from a project scientist that was one of the first to enter the tomb:
"During the inspection of the wall segment we noted that a strange
magnet repulsive force seemed to be eminating from the rock.
We were unable to find any scientific explanation"

Kryptologist report:
Partial decoded message on tomb wall indicating a prophecy of the 'Return of the Winged Gods'

The Kremlin took the krptologist report very seriously. KGB was ordered to determine target locations ie. planets ,stars, galaxies.They had to duplicate the stars as they
would have been over Giza thousands of years ago.
They finally found it, in the stars and constellation of Orion during the year  10,500 BC
Although it was possible that the builders could have been working off plans of a time before the pyramids was constructed this was proven not to be the case. Metal and
synthetic materials of tomb were determined to be of unknown origin and the tomb was carbondated it a dating of 10,500 BC..meaning the pyramid had to have
been made at 10,500 BC.

Cans of Film were purchased by SCI FI through the Russian Mafia Agent which originally came from the Maximum Security Archives of the KGB.
These cans contained film of KGB filming the process of the Tomb and Sarcophagus being opened.
SCI-FI had this film analyzed before purchasing by experts in this field. Finding no evidence of fraud, SCI FI purchased cans of film.
The documentary is in black and white showing soldiers entering the tomb without gas masks.
As they opened the sarcophagus, you can see toxic fumes escaping and the reaction of the soldiers as they were being affected.
It also shows the mummy contained inside.
The film shows the soldiers leaving the tomb fast and then a chemical warfare specialist team comes in with protective clothing.
There is talk from one that was there in the tomb, that the energy inside , during the first days of exploration was very very high.
They also had a team of psychics go in and do some special readings of the tomb.
It later goes on to show the KGB and bedouins loading trucks with crates to be shipped back to Russia.

According to KGB documents , researchers began to wonder if the pyramid was designed for one particular purpose. They thought it was possibly a machine, being that it
was designed like a 3 dimensional triangular  depliction of a hemisphere. There thoughts were 'There must have been a reason why it was designed for reasonating with
the planet."
Their thoughts went to a 'prism' and that the pyramids have powers to alter the cosmic rays..
That the pyramids are huge prisms capable of concentrating energy, capturing light from the stars  which would initiate
a process which would turn the pyramid into a interstellar transmitter. The three pyramids and sphnix could be intergral parts of an immense machine design by alien
engineers..linked by a master control mechnanism inside the great pyramids.
They noted that the passageway goes to main chamber...and above the sarcophagus was a tunnel..a star shaft.
They reasoned that when a specific star alignment occurs a streak of energy goes down the shaft. Scientists speculated that the
radiant energy hitting the sarcophagus could initiate something similar to a cold fusion reaction. The prism structure of the pyramid would then magnify and transfer to  the
corresponding pyramids. A unifed beam of energy could erupt creating a cosmic beacon used by alien starship for future navigaton.

According to ancient legends all around the world, they all have the same thing in common
The visitors were like men but more like gods.
They were giants
They traveled among the stars
They brought us the knowledge
Legends of the first emporers of China were called the 'Suns of Heaven' and made the first pyramids of China.
Mexico and yucatan have similar legends.
Starwalkers can be found throughout Egyptian texts and S. American Folklore
The visitors are described as the giants man/gods..giants or titans
And it seems...all cultures may be traced to a single parent civilization....Could it be ET?

Later on in the documentary, it shows them working on the mummy..attempting to give it a face and identity.
A computer  projection of the mummy was made as it laid in the sarcophagus.
Experts that were there to observe the florescenic reconstruction of the face described to SCI-FI that if they had not been there themselves, they would not have believed
what the face revealed after reconstruction.  When skull and face was completed , it showed a humanoid type .. large cranium..large eyes, small chin. small teeth..but not
earth humanoid but some being that had to have been extraterrestrial.

Later, using underground radar technology,  the KBG found a passage way under the tomb of the visitor..directly below was a large chamber. They believed they found the
Chamber of Knowledge, but was afraid to open the tomb, thinking it could be a Trojan Horse...capable of blowing up the entire planet. They decided to seal the tomb, wipe
away the location of the tomb and close the project.  It seemed however that all were affected by the discovery. Some had personality changes. Some disappeared
entirely. others committeed suicide and others no longer could support their old religious beliefs.

The Project Video goes on to add:
The first official report of sightings,  that we are aware of, was by  King TutkhamenIII  about 3400 years ago .
Sightings continued through the Ages.
Sightings seemed to pick up with man mastered the skies.
But when we conquered the inner workings of the atom, the aliens of Orion stepped up their observation with an explosion of ufo sightings that continue up to the Present.
UFO Abduction reports began to sweep around the world in the early 60's. A pattern was developing with nearly all abductees reporting physical examinations,insertion of
objects and artificial inseminations. Many women abductees believed they were being impregnated to give birth to alien hybrids. In the last decade reports such as these
have risen dramatically. It may be highly likely that the genetic colonization program that started back in the ancient times has resumed.  The question was asked
'Could they be cloning themselves by  implanting their alien genes into human dna?' 'Are humans being transformed into an alien species through genetic engineer?'
The ancient Egyptians have always said that our DNA came from the heavens and that someday they would return.'
did the kgb discover the truth in the chamber of knowledge about the true agenda of the et.
And..what was discovered on the Wall of the Tomb of the Visitor prophesized that They would Return...but When??


Secrets cannot be contained...not even KGB secrets.  A group of scientists, computer programs, doctors, etc. shortly after the discovery of the Tomb of the Visitor , came
together to discuss the possibilities of this discovery. They fully believed that the visitor was none other than Osiris, the Alien King.  Thus they gave themselves the name,
'The Followers', based off the Followers of Horus in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

According to Egyptian beliefs a Family of Gods came from the Stars to Egypt. They were the ones that gave the people of Egypt the knowledge and wisdom. Later they left
Earth back to their star homes, except for Osiris. He stayed and taught 'The Followers'. It ws their duty to protect and keep the ancient knowledge he gave them until his
The Egyptians were astronomers and fully understood that the stars were the map to the great god Osiris and the afterlife.

The modern Followers would secretly come together in their homes to discuss the possiblity of the return of Osiris. They believed that the Second Coming of Osiris would
herald a New Age for Mankind.
They believed that when the tomb was discovered and the seal was broken, a signal was transmitted to the visitors. They calculated  and estimated the time it would take
for the electromagnetic signal to reach the constellation of Orion. They figured that they could return no earlier than April 23, 1985.
with that time frame in mind, the group left Russia and took off to Egypt...never to return.
The only remains left behind of their meeting with the visitors was a newspaper clippage found in the KGB archives of a group of tourists disappearing in the middle of the
night  in Egypt, 1985...and one home movie project with film. This film showed the group in front of the pyramid at night. It shows a light appearing in the sky, the group
dropping to their knees in prayer..the light becoming brighter..and then 'nothingness'... A daughter of parents that were part of this group was shown the home video by the
SCI FI team, of which she recognized her parents and burst into tears.
Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds

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Books by Mary Sutherland
Project Isis - Tomb of the Visitor
Mary Sutherland
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Mary Sutherland
Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089  815 367 1006  
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Mary Sutherland
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One – How We See Our Reality
  • Chapter Two – Understanding and Communicating with the Quantum World
  • Chapter Three – Ley Lines and Portal Phenomena
  • Chapter Four – Healing and Cleansing in a Feminine Vortex  
  • Chapter Five – Stairway to Heaven  
  • Chapter Six – Time and our Perception of Time  
  • Chapter Seven- Time and Space Travel
  • Chapter Eight – Finding Vortices and Paranormal Hotspots
  • Chapter Nine – Phase Shifting and Creating Portals
  • Chapter Ten – Communication and Shared Information
  • Chapter Eleven – Photographing the Invisible World
  • Chapter Twelve -The Holographic Universe
  • Conclusion -  
  • About the Author – Mary Sutherland