From: Francis Ridge <slk@EVANSVILLE.NET>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 20:29:03 -0700
Fwd Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 21:38:07 -0400
Subject: NCP-09: Oak Ridge Native Speak - An Introduction

To: Current Encounters List

Greetings Lists,

Here is another in our series presented by one of our NCP Working Group members, Jerry Washington.

Francis Ridge Coordinator, Nuclear Connection Project

Regretfully, any contribution I make to the Nuclear Connection Project is going to be purely anecdotal. My only qualification is scarcely
more than an accident of birth -- having been hatched and reared in the original 'Atomic City': Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
A sleepy little burgh tucked discreetly away in the rolling hills between the Cumberland and Great

Smoky Mountain ranges, Oak Ridge has always appeared deceptively normal on the surface.

Only when you peeked behind the fa=E7ade of plutonium and privilege -- and you had to know where to look -- did you glimpse the
town's true nature.

Beyond the designer dachas of the nuclear bourgeoisie, out past the abandoned guard tower relics of an earlier era, lay the vast no-
man's land we called the "Restricted Zone" ("we" meaning the Mensa set's prodigal offspring).

The Oak Ridge 'Reservation' encompasses many hundreds of square miles. However, the town itself -- the residential area -- occupies
only a small percentage of that acreage. The rest has always been under the purview of the Federal Government; Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC); Union Carbide; Martin Marietta, or whoever holds the reigns of power these days.

The Oak Ridge City cops lacked the authority to cross over into 'the zone', a fact taken full advantage of by me and my fellow
delinquents. With too much time and money on our hands, we sought to relieve our boredom through frequent incursions into 'the zone',
where we'd party hearty in the shadow of K-25, Y-12, or X-10, the three resident nuke facilities.

We sure-as-hell weren't worried about AEC Security showing up. Those guys were an absolute joke! Even at the height of the Cold War,
we were able to carouse in 'the zone' with impunity. We could've been Russian spies or worse, and nobody would've known.

Ringed with "DANGER: RADIOACTIVE" signs, we went about our business with the fatalism borne by Oak Ridgers, and nurtured
throughout our formative years. Field trips to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) only served to reinforce that posture, as we
gazed down into the luminous depths of the Heavy Water tank used to cool spent reactor rods. Years later I would learn that that
otherworldly glow had a name: Cerenkov Radiation. As with the radioactive dimes that we took home as souvenirs and promptly liberated
from their plastic casings, it was probably best that we didn't know too much back then. What you don't know can't hurt you, or so the
theory goes...

That was certainly the disposition with which I approached any mention of UFOs at the time, whether in a periodical, TV show, or even
Baby Huey cartoons! The subject made me extremely uncomfortable. When Time or Life Magazine (I don't remember which) came out
with a special UFO issue featuring a full-color glossy of an alleged UFO on the front cover, my adolescent self went utterly apoplectic. I
repeatedly flipped over the issue
displayed on our coffee table, so as not to have to look at the thing.

Of course, I was weaned -- like most of my generation -- on a steady diet of B-Movies bearing titles like 'It Came From Outer Space' and
'Invaders from Mars'. And while they also made me uncomfortable, it was the notion of TV's 'The Invaders', that really made me squirm;
those glowing hands... the dissonant music... the opening sequence with the saucer landing. The notion of something so totally outside of
my 'zone' of reference
ran contrary to the ideals that I held dear: My yearning for a reasonable life, where cause begets effect, and stuff makes sense.

I have set the stage for the following account. It is through the contextual prism of life in the Atomic City, as I've
described it, that these 'anecdotes' should be viewed... too- close encounter

When I invited my buddy, Robert, over to cruise for chicks and beer on his first weekend home from college, UFOs were the very last
thing on my mind -- they weren't even on the radar screen. Bob was a fellow hedonist, and, while I was still adrift in a sea of uncertainty
about my future after high school, he had seized the bull by the horns and enrolled in the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

He picked me up in the beat up, old Corvair that he'd inherited from his older brother. I was a little heftier than Bob and, although it took
some doing, I squeezed my bulk into the passenger seat. Off we went -- Laurel and Hardy -- into the balmy, autumn evening, headed due
west towards the Restricted Zone.

Truthfully, Bob and I weren't all that close. We'd never really hung out together, however, rumor had it that he had spent his entire first
semester at UT racking up one sexual conquest after another, and I was anxious to hear him dish the dirt. My ears were purt near burnin'
as he regaled me with a play-by-play account of his sexploits, a goodly percentage of which could have been hyperbole; Bob wouldn't be
the first young man who's
inflated his statistics.

Still, Bob was a pretty rational guy, not given to too many flights of fancy. An honor student at Oak Ridge High, a school that churned out
National Merit Finalists like Y-12 turned out nuclear triggers, he'd had the prettiest girlfriend in school. In other words, he really didn't
need to exaggerate very much.

"Let's cruise the plants," I suggested, and Bob agreed. "I haven't had my fix of radiation in a while," he quipped, only half in jest. "We'll
take the grand tour, then come back by the liquor store and buy some beer."

Onward, toward K-25 we trekked, penetrating deep into the Restricted Zone, Bob, all the while, keeping a running
commentary going about his collegiate conquests. Basically, it was just your typical dude's night out -- two local boys cruisin' the nuke
plants, hoping to stumble upon some action.

Eventually, we found ourselves on Bearcreek Road, the curvy, two-lane road that leads to Y-12. A shift change was due at the facility in
half an hour, but for the time being, we had the thoroughfare to ourselves. It was a moonless night, so Robert had to drive with extra care.
Although quite familiar with the route, the lack of streetlights or other vehicles only added to the challenges of negotiating its numerous
twists and turns on
such a caliginous night.

And then it happened. We were driving along, shootin' the breeze, listening to the A.M. radio, when off to our right, a bright, fully
illuminated object appeared out of nowhere. It was descending at a 30-degree angle, following the topography of the hillside next to the
road, when it abruptly leveled out, stopped, and hovered no more than twenty feet above the road. Exhibiting every sign of being
intelligently controlled, simply by the ultra-precise manner in which it maneuvered, the UFO seemed to be daring us to approach it and
drive underneath it.

The object was disk-shaped, radiant, metallic, the size of an eighteen-wheeler, and utterly silent. I know, because at the moment it first
appeared in my field of vision, I reached over to turn off the radio. I don't know why, exactly, but that enabled me to hear whatever
ambient noises were present, and other than the air passing by the open car window, there were none -- other than the pounding of our
hearts, of course.

"Oh, God," I cried, "what do we do?"

"I don't know," Robert replied meekly.

The fear, the greatest we had ever known, was robbing us of the ability to speak. Reacting on instinct, Bob put the pedal-to- the-metal,
but this was a Corsair remember, a rickety ol' relic that had long seen its day.

The object awaited us, only a hundred feet or so up ahead. Even at the modest speed we were travelling, there was no way we could
stop -- not in so short a distance. The laws of physics were indeed committing us to pass right underneath the intruder.

I glanced away, but its otherworldly luminescence still managed to burn its image into my psyche. Robert wasn't so lucky. He was forced
to keep his eyes trained on the road, and it was he who noticed the prismatic effect that the object exhibited. As though a rainbow were
contained within, the UFO pulsed with an unnatural light.

Passing beyond the 'contact point', all I could think of in my panicked state was the possibility that the UFO was toying with us, and I
suffered another panic attack. Suddenly, a diffuse light appeared on the distant horizon.

"Could that be?" I wondered.

"I hope so," Bob replied.

What we were seeing were the first familiar signs of humankind: the lights from the western boundary of the miles long Y-12 plant. It was
only a couple of kilometers away. For the next few minutes we hoped and prayed with every bit of fervor a couple of irreverent teens
could muster that we'd make it back to civilization without another run-in with the mystery craft.
"Just a little further... just a little further," I chanted -- a rather different mantra from my usual call-of-the-wild.

"Thank God...thank God," I intoned in unparalleled relief, once we reached the outer limits of the 'bomb factory'. It's ironic how something
so alien as Y-12, with its enormous electromagnets (largest on the planet) and cutting edge technologies, could produce such a warm-
fuzzy deep within me. A true baby boomer, I was home...


Oddly enough, Robert and I never discussed our encounter again. I tried to get him to talk about it once, several months after the fact
when I happened upon him in a pizza joint, but he refused. The very mention of it made the blood drain from his face and his knees go
wobbly. Quasi-hostile, he strong-armed me to the side and warned me to never bring the subject up again. And so it remained -- that
silence between us -- up until his death of AIDS complications in 1990. In a subsequent conversation with our mutual best friend, I learned
that Bob had
given him a detailed description of the events of that night, and that all of the pertinent details matched up with my
recollections. It was a relief to know that I wasn't just passing swamp gas...

I once queried Stanton Friedman and John Carpenter, two men who've made it their life's work to study the UFO phenomenon, what their
take on such a close encounter was, and both replied that it fit the alien abduction profile. "Any encounter that close, usually involves a
missing time and/or an abduction component," was their consensus. Both found Robert's apoplexy when cornered in the pizza joint a
particularly telling constituent. I was completely unaware of both phenomena -- alien abduction and missing time -- at the time the event
occurred. Not
until I assumed the State Directorship of both Kentucky/MUFON and Skywatch did I become aware of just how much Bob and I fit the
profile of likely abductees.

Growing up in the Atomic City you learn a lot about its history, about its birth during World War II, its top-secret mission, its chief export --
weapons grade uranium -- and about the role it played in bringing the war to a rapid conclusion. You never hear about its lengthy and
well-documented history of UFO surveillance or about the folks, like Bob and me, who put a human face on the startling statistics. That
discovery would also come later.

In October of 1973, a 'flap' occurred during which UFOs were seen all over the East Coast, from Louisiana in the south, to Michigan in the
north. Oak Ridge, too, had its share of sightings, as her skies were suddenly adorned with amber ovals, red BOLs (balls of light), and
multi-colored whatnots. (See 'Red Balls of... Light', and 'To Have or Have-Not', for a personal account.)

I feel I'm keeping lofty company to have my tales of the strange-but-true included among the likes of researchers of such impressive
caliber and credentials. Admittedly, my evidence for the status of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, as a UFO hotspot is anecdotal, but hey -- in the
beginning was the word.....


More Information:
Note HIV and AIDES
DOE's Fluoride Health Cover-up:
Oak Ridge covers up discoveries in health, religion, and environment. In Biblical terms this is the turning to stone linked illness process.
Click here for an in depth technical explantion for the health effects that Oak Ridge managers covered up and refuse to recognize, so as
not to reveil a huge health problem. Oak Ridge managers claim all is well and there are no problems in Oak Ridge, when there are
massive problems with worker health and community health. The cover up links to the mechanisms for CFS, MCS, and even HIV. Oak
Ridge covers up these health effects due to the massive liabilities their managers have caused. Problems that are so severe that they
can be termed crimes against humanity for those that have intentionally acted to cover up and conceil this mechanism.

Plain Talk: Whats the big deal? Oak Ridge is a government facility that poisoned its communities and workers with fluorides. Specifically,
huge amounts of extremely toxic hydrogen fluoride and calcium-fluoride, which cause immune cell damage, higher retention of toxic
metals, thyroid damage, and cancer. A very similar process involving fluorides from nerve gas decomposition and heavy metals is the
prime toxic driver in the Gulf War illnesses. The fluorides and toxic metals damage the mitochondria DNA of immune cells as they
biocentrate into the lymph system and the nervous system. The "mysterious diseases" linked to fluoride/metal toxic effects are part of the
military / industrial network cover up of the toxic problems. Severe synergisms exist for fluorides and metals that affect the G-proteins in
cells and the Gq/11 binding sites. This process sets off cell damage, macrophage and immune activity, thyroid damage, thyroid hormone
damage, etc. Fluorides produce an insoluble precipitate of calcium fluoride in the stationary macrophages of the lymph nodes that
accumulate because fluorine's electronegativity exceeds oxygen and fluoride calcium seeks. Toxic metals produce insoluble metal oxides
in the lymph nodes. This also sets off local Th1 / TNFa cytokine response from the secretory macrophage cells that cause apoptosis in
the lymph cells and cytokine signaling confusion in lymph channels. The Th1 in the lymph system is offset by a general Th2 cytokine
response for the total body, which enables cancers and virals. The general effect is seen with CFS, MCS, HIV, and environmental
diseases of GWI and gas diffusion plant workers. These effects are aggrivated by poor American diets, fluoride in water, pesticides,
preservatives, and etc. This effect was discovered by ORNL Sr. Staff person J. E. Phelps in 1986-87 as it applied to gas diffusion HF
loses. The high levels of lymph node toxic stress (fluorides, isotopes, metals) cause superoxides, NO, etc. that damage the stationary and
mobile macrophage mitochondria that impair the biological DNA digestion leading to immune related disease and cancer. The lymph node
cells are the most highly toxically exposed cells in the body and the first to malfunction. The effect is the root cause of CFS, MCS, and the
mystery ills, all mechanisms well known in the 1980's and suppressed by Oak Ridge National Lab. Today, the ORNL suppression of this
information and mechanism amounts to a crime against humanity.

From: (Jan Aldrich)
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 11:02:39 -0800
Here is an incident report from Barry Greenwood's Oak Ridge file.  I suspect it came from the FBI.  Please note the radiation detection.

10 November 1950
On 10 November 1950,-------------, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, employee at-------------, Oak Ridge, Tennessee was interviewed and he stated
subtantially as follows:  At approximately 1630 hours on 23 October 1950, while driving on the Benton Valley Road, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, he observed an object over the Scarboro School (which is in the control area of Oak Ridge) at a distance of one-quarter to
three-eighth of a  mile from his position of observations.  The object appeared to be between 1000 and 2000 feet in altitude and was
described as an "aluminum flash".

It was traveling in a South Southeast direction.  The object was dropping fast as it crossed the road and disappeared over a ridge--------
heard no noise in connection with this object.
At approximately the time of this observation, a background (Geiger) counter located in the vicinity of this observation registered a
reading for Alpha and Beta particles.  -----------
with the Health and Research Division of Oak Ridge Naitonal Laboratories, has stated that a reading received on this background
counter is unexplained.

NPTES:  No intentional or accidental releases which would give such a reading were made during month October.
The Radar Station, Knoxville, Tennessee, has not reported a radar sighting on the date and time of this observation.

Oak Ridge sighting by security patrol, 10/13/50
From: (Jan Aldrich)
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 19:59:15 -0800

Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997
From: Jerry Washington <>

It's been awhile, but I'm back with another casefile from Oak Ridge, Tennessee: my hometown. The "Atomic City" has a long and storied
history where the UFO phenomenon is concerned, and this is just one account among many that are available for public consumption,
thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, and books by guys such as J. Allen Hynek (CUFOS), and Edward J.Ruppelt (Project Blue Book).
Jerry Washington SD KY/MUFON

The following account is taken from an FBI document (circa 1950) sent by J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Francis R. Hammock, Acting Director of
the Division of Security of the Atomic Energy Commission in Washington, D.C.:

"On 13 October, 1950, Atomic Energy Security Patrol Trooper, Edward D.Rymer, and a caretaker, John Moneymaker, from the University
of Tennessee Research Farm, at Oak Ridge, saw an object at about 12,000 to 15,000 feet above Solway Gate of the "Control Zone."
This object appeared to be an aircraft which was starting to make an outside loop, trailing smoke behind. Soon these two men realized
that the formerly described smoke behind the aircraft was a tail. This object continued to descend in a controlled dive, and when it
approached the ground it leveled off and flew slowly, parallel to the ground. This object came within two hundred and ten (210)
feet of the two observers and was paralleling the ground at approximately six (6) feet. Trooper Rymer attempted to approach the object
but as he approached the object became smaller and started moving in a southeasterly direction. This object is said to have approached
a nine (9) foot cyclone chain link fence and made a controlled movement to clear the fence, then a Willow tree, then a telephone post
and wire, after which the object
gained momentum and altitude and cleared a hill at approximately one (1) mile away. The object appeared to be pear shaped. When this
object was over the hill it was still visible as the same object that was observed when only fifty (50) feet away. (The explanation given was
that this object grew larger as it gained altitude and speed.)
Approximately five minutes later the object appeared again having reappeared from approximately the same location from which it had
disappeared. The object was seen again five minutes later for approximately ten seconds.
During the above happenings, Mr. John Moneymaker had visual reference of this object during its first [appearance] for approximately
seven minutes. Trooper Rymer was interrupted twice during which times he called his headquarters in an attempt to get other observers.
Also, during the fantastic flight of this object, Trooper Rymer stopped Mr. E.W. Hightower, who was on the highway in his vehicle, to verify
what was being seen. Mr.
Hightower's statement substantiates the description as before.
By the time the object appeared the second time, Joe Zarzecki, Captain of the Atomic Energy Commission Security Patrol, was present
and also witnessed this phenomenon. Each of the observers describes the object substantially as follows:
a. When the object was first sighted it appeared to be an aircraft trailing smoke, or better described as
"smoke writing."
b. When the object was approaching the ground in its descent, it took on the shape of a bullet with a
large tail.
c. When the object was sighted on the ground (from app. 210 ft.)  It appeared to be approximately the size
of a 2x5 card {from a distance], with a twenty (20) foot ribbon tail. The object and the tail were alternately moving up and down, and the
ribbon appeared to be waving in the breeze. The color was a metallic gray.
d. When Trooper Rymer came within fifty (50) feet of the object he described it similar to the above except that the first two and one-half
(2 ½) feet of the tail appeared more solid, but the last seventeen and one-half (17 ½) feet of the tail appeared almost transparent and
was glowing, intermittently, in sections. The tail appeared to have four or five sections which would glow intermittently.

Trooper Rymer's record is among the best of the troopers at the Atomic Energy Commission Securty Patrol. Mr. John Moneymaker holds
badge No.UT-1817, and is employed by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Research Farm as a caretaker for small animals. Mr. E.
W. Hightower holds badge No. 6633 and is an employee of the Maxon Construction Company.

The Controller, Capt. W. Akin, of Detachment No. 2…at the Knoxville Airport Radar Site, made a report that he had seen peculiar
readings on the radar scopes at approximately 1520 hours. Apparently the radar picture was indefinite, intermittent, and inaccurate,
because the objects sighted by radar would only make a short "painting" on the scope and would then disappear only to reappear at
another location."

Attached to this Summary are eleven (11) enclosures which tend to clarify information contained in the former two (2) Summaries of
Information on SUBJECT. These enclosures are composed of witness statements; background information concerning previous sightings
of peculiar objects over Oak Ridge; and radar
reports. The most reliable sources available were utilized in the compilation of this report. The employment records and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation reports concerning the witnesses were inspected to ascertain their reliability, integrity, and loyalty to the United
States Government.

The opinions of the officials of the Security Division, AEC, Oak Ridge; Security Branch, ??PA [partially unreadable] Division, Oak Ridge:  
AEC Security Patrol, Oak Ridge; FBI, Knoxville: Air Force Radar and Fighter squadrons, Knoxville; and the OSI, Knoxville, Tennessee,
EXPLANATION FOR SUBJECT [emphasis mine] however, the possibilities of practical jokers, mass hysteria, balloons of any description,
flights of birds (with or without cobwebs or other objects attached), falling leaves, insect swarms, peculiar weather conditions, reflections,
flying kites, objects thrown from the ground, windblown objects, insanity, and many other natural happenings HAVE BEEN REJECTED
because of the
simultaneous witnessing of the objects with the reported radar sightings; because of the reliability of the witnesses;
because of the detailed, similar description of the objects seen by different persons; and BECAUSE OF IMPOSSIBILITY…"
(The previous document was declassified in 1983.)

12 noon. Witness: M.N. Dawkins, using binoculars. One brown, almost square object flew with a circular motion for 10-15 minutes.

Two men stopped to watch an object hovering above a swamp and tried to follow it, but it flew away. They observed that animals (cows,
dogs, horses) were restless in all the areas that the object crossed. A photographic reconstitution by the U.S. Air Force showed an oval
object, 30 meters long, flying at 5 meters altitude, between a high-tension line and a row of trees. (Bluebook) 11:55 p.m. Witness: W.
Smith. One oval object with a dark top, appeared cone-shaped when moving. It made a high-frequency noise during the 2.5 hour sighting.

UFO Roundup vol 3 #24

November 11, 2002
See Filer's Files

UFO Roundup vol 3 #24

UFO Roundup vol 3 #24

A man driving at a speed of about 100 km/h suddenly encountered a large lighted object 1 meter above the road on a hilltop. It flew off,
as the car engine and headlights died. The bulbs had to be replaced in the lights. The object was oval, 7 meters long, dark gray, and
showed about 30 lights along it periphery.

UFO Roundup vol 3 #24

9:45 a.m. Witness: Dave Owenby. Two bright silver, wheel-shaped objects flew from north to south in trail for 2 minutes.

September 8, 2002
See Filer's Files

September 28, 2002
See Filer's Files

UFO Roundup vol 3 #24

No time given. Witnesses: persons at airport weather station. Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 minutes, and made a
shallow dive at a weather balloon.

5:20 p.m. Witnesses: Operations Officer Capt. B.G. Denkler and five men of the USAF 663rd AC&W Sqdn. Two oblong, bright orange,
semi-transparent objects flew at terrific speed and erratically, toward and away from each other. Observed by various persons form 4 to
15 minutes.

July 22, 2002
See Filer's Files

April 12, 2002
See Filer's Files

7 a.m. Witnesses: real estate salesmen Whiteside and Williams. Six-twelve dark objects shaped like 300-lb. bombs, estimated 5 feet long.
Flew 500 m.p.h. and descended, making a noise like wind blowing through the trees.

6:34 p.m. Witnesses: U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' long and 1' high, with vertical slots, flew fast,
straight and level, 100 yards from observers' aircraft for 45-60 seconds.

November 2, 2001
See Filer's Files
Back on the American homefront, on the banks of the Clinch River at Oak Ridge, TN, a huge, black, windowless building was being
constructed. In the middle of Sept 1944, this structure, a gaseous diffusion plant, began operation. This unusual factory was designed to
prepare quantities of fissionable material for the US' most important secret weapon, the A-bomb.

"Shortly after the plant began operations, the area had a vary odd visitor. A strange, metallic looking, tube-like object was spotted
hovering over the road near the Oak Ridge plant. The object moved away as a crowd started to gather. The sighting was reported to the
FBI (20)."

Original Source: Charles Fort. Reference (20) is from Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story.
NICAP  Larry Hatch
October 18, 1950

Director, FBI
SAC, Knoxville
Objects Over Oak Ridge, October 12, 15, 16, 1950

Ramytel October 13, 1950

There is being submitted herewith a copy of two reports made by District Representative of the OSI, 8th District, U.S. Air Force, with
regard to the detection of unidentified objects by the means of radar, as set forth in
referenced teletype. These reports continue to set forth additional reports concerning unidentified objects in the air space are over Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, which to date have not been explained.

No investigation is being conducted by the Knoxville Office in this matter, but any further information received from OSI or from CIC
representatives will be forwarded immediately.

Air Mail
(produced for the NICAP site by Francis Ridge)

#1667: 1950/10/20  16:50  10  84:17:0W  35:59:0N  3333  NAM USA TNS  7 8

Oak Ridge, Tennessee
October 20, 1950

FBI Report:

At 1655 hours, on 20 October 1950, Mr. Larry P. Riordan, AEC Badge No.522, Superintendent of Security at X-10 in the "Control Zone"
at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, while enroute from X-10 to the Oak Ridge residential area, on Benton Valley Road, saw an object in the sky
which appeared to be directly over the University of Tennessee Agricultural Research Farm. This object gave the general appearance of
an aerial balloon which had lost its "basket." In other words, the object was generally round; appeared to come together at the bottom in
wrinkles (rather indistinct), and something was hanging below. The balloon was described as being from eight to ten feet long; of a lead
pipe or gunmetal color; and seemed to be approximately one-fourth (¼) mile from the observer, at a thirty (30) degree elevation above
the horizon. The object was apparently stationary but since the observer was in a moving vehicle, he did not verify that it was stationary.
As the vehicle in which he was travelling changed position, and went around a curve, Mr. Riordan noticed that this object appeared to be
thinner. He concludes that by reason of his changing position, or the object changing its altitude, he observed another angle of the object
which appeared to be thinner than upon his first sighting.

At the time of the observation there was adequate light and the object was plainly visible. Mr.Riordan is a responsible person, as is
indicated by his position, and he has been aware of the many instances of reported objects flying in the sky. He is also very familiar with
the weather balloons which are sent up hourly each day over Oak Ridge between 6:00 AM of one day until 1:00 AM of the next day. The
size of these balloons vary, but generally they are similar to a circus balloon which is about twenty- four (24) inches in diameter. Mr.
Riordan is certain that the object was not a
weather balloon but his first impression was that this object was an experimental "gab" being utilized by the University of Tennessee
Agricultural Research Farm.

Mr. Riordan has been the Security Chief of X-10 since 14 July 1943. His vision is normal except that he has negligible impairment of the
right eye. Like many of the Atomic Energy Commission officials, Mr. Riordan has hoped for the opportunity to see one of these objects,
and under the circumstances, he visualized it as accurately as possible.

At 1845 hours, on 24 October 1950, Mr. William B. Fry, Assistant Chief of Security, NEPA Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, while
attending a Drive- in theater with his wife and child, at Oak Ridge, noticed an object in the sky North-Northwest of his position, at a thirty
(30) to forty (40) degree elevation. This object was moving gently in a horizontal plane, back and forth, within thirty (30) degrees of his
line of sight. This object emitted a glow, varying in color from red to green, to blue-green, to blue, and to orange. The variations were
checked on the vertical window post of Mr. Fry's vehicle and were witnessed by Mr. Fry's wife. The attention of another observer, the
Projectionist at the Drive-in theater, was also called to the object and verification of this sighting was made. The object disappeared from
his sight at 1920 hours.

At 1855 hours, on 24 October, 1950, an Air Force Major, Lawrence Ballweg, NEPA Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, also saw from his
residence an object which he described similarly. The object disappeared from the sight of Mr. Ballweg at 1920 hours, which coincides
with the time of disappearance of the object from Mr. Fry's sight.

On 20 October 1950, at 1527 hours, aircraft No. AF-409, Pilot Wolf, 5th AW-Fighter Sqd., took off from the Knoxville Airport for a "local
patrol." The Radar Unit at Knoxville Airport received readings on their Radar scope and sent the aircraft after these targets. The aircraft
pilot was unable to identify any flying object in the vicinity of the said targets. All targets were between eighteen (18) and twenty-five (25)
miles from the Airport at 320 degrees. The aircraft was landed at 1713 hours. (Attention is invited to the fact that these targets were
sighted at approximately the same time, and
locality, that was reported by Mr. Larry Riordan.)

On 24 October 1950, at 1823 hours, several small, slow targets were seen on the Radar screen at the Knoxville Airport Radar Site.
These targets appeared in the Southeast sector of the "Restricted Flying Zone" and over the city of Oak Ridge. These targets moved
from the city area to and along the East boundary of the area. At 1826 hours, the fighter aircraft was "scrambled" and proceeded to the
area where it was vectored among the targets but the pilot reported no visual contact with said targets. At 1920 hours the targets
disappeared from the Radar Screen and the fighter was vectored toward another target believed to be one of three (3) aircraft enroute
from Andrews Field to Steward Field. (Note: 1920 hours is also the time that the object sighted by Mr. Fry and Major Ballweg disappeared
from their view).

(Source: FBI, Clear Intent, 172)
(produced for the NICAP site by Francis Ridge)
[From Current Encounters Mailing List]

Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997
From: Jerry Washington <>

It's been awhile, but I'm back with another casefile from Oak Ridge, Tennessee: my hometown. The "Atomic City" has a long and storied
history where the UFO phenomenon is concerned, and this is just one account among many that are available for public consumption,
thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, and books by guys such as J. Allen Hynek (CUFOS), and Edward J.Ruppelt (Project Blue Book).

Jerry Washington

The following account is taken from an FBI document (circa 1950) sent by J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Francis R. Hammock, Acting Director of
the Division of Security of the Atomic Energy Commission in Washington, D.C.:

"On 13 October, 1950, Atomic Energy Security Patrol Trooper, Edward D.Rymer, and a caretaker, John Moneymaker, from the University
of Tennessee Research Farm, at Oak Ridge, saw an object at about 12,000 to 15,000 feet above Solway Gate of the "Control Zone."
This object appeared to be an aircraft which was starting to make an outside loop, trailing smoke behind. Soon these two men realized
that the formerly described smoke behind the aircraft was a tail. This object continued to descend in a controlled dive, and when it
approached the ground it leveled off and flew slowly, parallel to the ground. This object came within two hundred and ten (210)
feet of the two observers and was paralleling the ground at approximately six (6) feet. Trooper Rymer attempted to approach the object
but as he approached the object became smaller and started moving in a southeasterly direction. This object is said to have approached
a nine (9) foot cyclone chain link fence and made a controlled movement to clear the fence, then a Willow tree, then a telephone post
and wire, after which the object
gained momentum and altitude and cleared a hill at approximately one (1) mile away. The object appeared to be pear shaped. When this
object was over the hill it was still visible as the same object that was observed when only fifty (50) feet away. (The explanation given was
that this object grew larger as it gained altitude and speed.)

Approximately five minutes later the object appeared again having reappeared from approximately the same location from which it had
disappeared. The object was seen again five minutes later for approximately ten seconds.

During the above happenings, Mr. John Moneymaker had visual reference of this object during its first [appearance] for approximately
seven minutes. Trooper Rymer was interrupted twice during which tim es he called his headquarters in an attempt to get other observers.
Also, during the fantastic flight of this object, Trooper Rymer stopped Mr. E.W. Hightower, who was on the highway in his vehicle, to verify
what was being seen. Mr.
Hightower's statement substantiates the description as before.

By the time the object appeared the second time, Joe Zarzecki, Captain of the Atomic Energy Commission Security Patrol, was present
and also witnessed this phenomenon. Each of the observers describes the object substantially as follows:

a. When the object was first sighted it appeared to be an aircraft trailing smoke, or better described as
"smoke writing."

b. When the object was approaching the ground in its descent, it took on the shape of a bullet with a
large tail.

c. When the object was sighted on the ground (from app. 210 ft.)  It appeared to be approximately the size
of a 2x5 card {from a distance], with a twenty (20) foot ribbon tail. The object and the tail were alternately moving up and
down, and the ribbon appeared to be waving in the breeze. The color was a metallic gray.

d. When Trooper Rymer came within fifty (50) feet of the object he described it similar to the above except that the first two and one-half
(2 ½) feet of the tail appeared more solid, but the last seventeen and one-half (17 ½) feet of the tail appeared almost transparent and
was glowing, intermittently, in sections. The tail appeared to have four or five sections which would glow intermittently.

Trooper Rymer's record is among the best of the troopers at the Atomic Energy Commission Securty Patrol. Mr. John Moneymaker holds
badge No.UT-1817, and is employed by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Research Farm as a caretaker for small animals. Mr. E.
W. Hightower holds badge No. 6633 and is an employee of the Maxon Construction Company.

The Controller, Capt. W. Akin, of Detachment No. 2…at the Knoxville Airport Radar Site, made a report that he had seen peculiar
readings on the radar scopes at approximately 1520 hours. Apparently the radar picture was indefinite, intermittent, and inaccurate,
because the objects sighted by radar would only make a short "painting" on the scope and would then disappear only to reappear at
another location."

Attached to this Summary are eleven (11) enclosures which tend to clarify information contained in the former two (2) Summaries of
Information on SUBJECT. These enclosures are composed of witness statements; background information concerning previous sightings
of peculiar objects over Oak Ridge; and radar
reports. The most reliable sources available were utilized in the compilation of this report. The employment records and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation reports concerning the witnesses were inspected to ascertain their reliability, integrity, and loyalty to the United
States Government.

The opinions of the officials of the Security Division, AEC, Oak Ridge; Security Branch, ??PA [partially unreadable] Division, Oak Ridge:  
AEC Security Patrol, Oak Ridge; FBI, Knoxville: Air Force Radar and Fighter squadrons, Knoxville; and the OSI, Knoxville, Tennessee,
FAIL TO EVOLVE AN ADEQUATE EXPLANATION FOR SUBJECT [emphasis mine] however, the possibilities of practical jokers, mass
hysteria, balloons of
any description, flights of birds (with or without cobwebs or other objects attached), falling leaves, insect swarms, peculiar weather
conditions, reflections, flying kites, objects thrown from the ground, windblown objects, insanity, and many other natural happenings
HAVE BEEN REJECTED because of the simultaneous witnessing of the objects with the reported radar sightings; because of the reliability
of the witnesses; because of the detailed, similar description of the objects seen by different persons; and BECAUSE OF IMPOSSIBILITYâ

(The previous document was declassified in 1983.)Created: Oct 5, 1997
(produced for the NICAP site by Francis Ridge)
Jan Aldrich: Here is an incident report from Barry Greenwood's Oak Ridge file.  I suspect it came from the FBI.  Please note the radiation

10 November 1950

On 10 November 1950,-------------, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, employee at-------------, Oak Ridge, Tennessee was interviewed and he stated
subtantially as follows:  At approximately 1630 hours on 23 October 1950, while driving on the Benton Valley Road, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, he observed an object over the Scarboro School (which is in the control area of Oak Ridge) at a distance of one-quarter to
three-eighth of a  mile from his position of observations.  The object appeared to be between 1000 and 2000 feet in altitude and was
described as an "aluminum flash".

It was traveling in a South Southeast direction.  The object was dropping fast as it crossed the road and disappeared over a ridge--------
heard no noise in connection with this object.

At approximately the time of this observation, a background (Geiger) counter located in the vicinity of this observation registered a
reading for Alpha and Beta particles.  -----------
with the Health and Research Division of Oak Ridge Naitonal Laboratories, has stated that a reading received on this background
counter is unexplained.

NPTES:  No intentional or accidental releases which would give such a reading were made during month October.

The Radar Station, Knoxville, Tennessee, has not reported a radar sighting on the date and time of this observation. Created: Sep 23,
1997 (produced for the NICAP site by Francis Ridge)

Tennesse Abductions and UFO Sightings
BUFO Paranormal and UFO Research
Y12 at Oak Ridge Tennessee Facility   Aeriel Picture
Some of this Information was obtained through the Krill

The Mystery Choppers

Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to be a
little more insidious. A good example is an event which
occurred in Madison County, Montana, between June and
October of 1976. Twenty-two confirmed cattle mutilations
had occurred during that period, and they were
accompanied by reports throughout the county of silent,
unmarked, jet-black helicopters, flashing or steady
anomalous lights in the air and near the ground, unmarked
fixed- wing aircraft and white vans in remote and previously
inaccessible areas.

Toward the latter part of this period, in early autumn of 1976,
a hunter from Bozeman, Montana, was out alone around
3:00pm one day in the Red Mountain area near Norris. He
watched as a black helicopter without markings flew
overhead and disappeared below a small hill. The curious
hunter climbed to the top of the hill. There was the black
chopper (a Bell Jet Ranger, he thought) on the ground, the
engine still running. Seven men had apparently exited from
the craft and were walking up the hill toward the observer. As
the hunter advanced toward the seven, he waved and
shouted congenial greetings. It was then that he realized
there was something about the men -- they were all Oriental.
They had slanted eyes and olive skin and were jabbering
among themselves in some indecipherable language. They
wore "everyday" clothes, not uniforms. Suddenly they began
to return to the helicopter. The hunter, still waving and
shouting friendly greetings, started after them. The Orientals
quickened their pace. When the hunter approached within
five or six feet, they broke into a dead run, crowded into the
chopper and took off.

In a documented "mystery helicopter" wave in England,
accounts place Oriental-appearing occupants in an
unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive skinned,
Oriental-seeming occupants have been a staple at the heart
and at the periphery of UFO accounts for years. Significant
numbers of the infamous "men-in- black" (MIB) have a
similar appearance, but very often they are seen as very pale
and gaunt men who are sensitive to light.

In STIGMATA No. 5 (Fall-Winter 1978) Tom Adams outlined
the most prominent speculative explanations accounting for
the mutilation/helicopter link, including the following:
The helicopters are themselves UFOs, disguised to appear
as terrestrial craft.
The choppers originate from within the U.S.
government/military and are directly involved in conducting
the actual mutilations.
The helicopters are government/military and are not involved
in the mutilations but are investigating them.
The helicopters are government/military, and they know
about the identity and motives of the mutilators and by their
presence, they are trying to divert attention to the possibility
of involvement by the military.
The answer, as far as Tom Adams is concerned, could be a
combination of the above explanations. There also has been
speculation that they are involved in biological experiments
with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical
pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. On one
occasion, an army standard-type scalpel was found at a
mutilation site. Since the disks have been mostly involved
with the mutilations, it is thought that this was a diversionary
These events, or the discussion of them, is just the
precursor to the actual revelations of what is behind the
mutilations: alien acquisition of biological materials for their
own use. To discuss this in a logical and sequential
manner, we must review what has been really happening
right under our noses: direct interaction with extraterrestrial
biological entities (EBE's). To discuss that, however, we
must attempt to start at the beginning with what we now
know to be true.

It seemingly all began thousands of years ago, but for the
purposes of this discussion, let's start with some events that
we all are familiar with. In 1947, two years after we set off the
first nuclear explosion that our current civilization detonated,
came the Mantell episode, where we had the first recorded
incident of a military confrontation with extraterrestrials that
resulted in the death of a military pilot. It is quite evident now
that our government did not known quite how to handle the
In 1952, the nation's capital was overflown by a
series of disks. During this period, the government
established a working group, known as Majestic Twelve
(MJ-12). The original members were: Admiral Roscoe H.
Hillenkoetter, Dr. Vannevar Bush, Secretary James Forrestal,
General Nathan P. Twining, General Hoyt S. Vandenburg, Dr.
Detlev Bronk, Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, Mr. Sidney W. Souers,
Mr. Gordon Gray, Dr. Donald Menzel, General Robert M.
Montague, and Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner.

The MJ-12 group has been a continuously existing group
since it was created, with new members replacing others
that die. For example, when Secretary Forrestal was upset at
seeing the United States sold out in World War II, he wound
up being sent to a Naval hospital for emotional strain. Before
relatives could get to him, he "jumped out a 16th story
window." Most persons close to him consider his suicide
contrived. When Forrestal died, he was replaced by General
Walter B. Smith.
In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial plan of contingency called
MJ-1949-04P/78 that was to make allowance for public
disclosure of some data should the necessity present itself.

Majestic Twelve was originally organized by General George
C. Marshall in July, 1947, to study the Roswell-Magdalena
UFO crash recovery and debris. Admiral Hillenkoetter,
director of the CIA from May 1, 1947, until September, 1950,
decided to activate the "Robertson Panel," which was
designed to monitor civilian UFO study groups that were
appearing all over the country.
He also joined NICAP in 1956
and was chosen as a member of its board of directors. It
was from this position that he was able to act as the MJ-12
"mole," along with his team of other covert experts. They
were able to steer NICAP in any direction they wanted to go.

With the "Flying Saucer Program" under complete control of
MJ-12 and with the physical evidence hidden away, General
Marshall felt more at ease with this very bizarre situation.
These men and their successors have most successfully
kept most of the public fooled for years, including much of
the western world, by setting up false experts and throwing
their influence behind them to make their plan work, with
considerable success.
Black helicopters do exist, they have no identification marks,
and they are not that secret. A source who wished to remain
anonymous sent  these pictures. The craft shown here is
the successor of the Argus, the Northrop Grumman Ryan
model 379 VTUAV, a small size helicopter ... without a pilot!

The craft is in use by the US Navy for example, they do
publish the same photographs on their web site,
accompanied with all the tehcnical data.

This kind of unmanned crafts are intensively developped
and tested by the US military in the recent years, and will
probably be deployed for operational use between 2000 and
2025, depending on budget considerations.

As these crafts generally have no identification marks, they
might -or might not- be the famous "black helicopters".

Due to their small size, they might appear to the naive
observer as "UFO manoeuvering at high speed in the
distance". But on the other end, they are not at all silent, and
you can be confident that tests of such crafts are not
conducted over populated areas but rather over desertic
dedicated test ranges.

These crafts are also quite recent: there was no informatics
capacities in the last decades to get an aircaft of any kind to
fly in a stable manner under no human control.

In few word, when a flying device is observed near a military
test range these days, it is more and more difficult to
discriminate between human or possibly non-human crafts.
But such craft cannot be used to dismiss cases of the past
decades, particularly if the UFO case is reported as
"unexplained" by the military themselves.

Photos and Information by:



Editors Note: IF anyone has any information on this contact
BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio IMMEDIATELY!
Click here to read the diary of an alien abductee
from Tennessee.
The Abduction of Eddie Moore
Another Report from Tennessee

I was reading the postings on you website at http:
html and wanted to share my own story which also
seems to have a connection to Oak Ridge area

One Summer evening in 1978 (exact date lost to
memory), when I was 9 years old, my father, mother
and sister and I were driving home from a trip to the
store via Middlebrook Pike. It was twilight as we
headed west toward the intersection of Weisgarber
Road and Middlebrook Pike.

As we approached the intersection, a large,
brilliantly lit craft caught our eyes. It was a slow
moving oval shaped craft which appears to be
about four to five stories in high and was only a
couple of hundred feet in altitude. As it approached
from the Northwestern sky, we could see that is had
an incredibly bright light shinning upward from the
top of the craft like a spot light. There also seemed
to be steam coming from the top. The light was so
bright in fact that it left a bright spot on the ceiling of
clouds above.

As it came closer, we could also see that the craft
was covered with literally thousands of small lights
of every color which seemed to cycle through the
color spectrum. It had many long rods protruding
from its side which were also covered in these
multicolored, dynamic lights. Some of the rods
seemed to be moving while others seemed

I asked my father to stop the car so we could get
out and watch the craft, but he said no in a nervous
voice I was not used to hearing from him. We kept
driving. Traffic was heavy, and even slowed a bit
because so many commuters were distracted by the
object. As we continued our drive home, I did see a
few cars pull off the road and into the grass. I even
saw one man trying to take a picture of the craft with
a camera as he leaned on the roof of his car.

When we arrived home, my friends ran into my yard
and said, “you’ll never guess what we saw.â
€� I told them we had seen it too and they describe
the craft exactly. They said it came very low over
the neighborhood (Canby Hills Road) crossing
Mountain Creek Lane (a Cul-De-Sac) and headed
slowly Southeeast. They said it made absolutely no
sound as it drifted across the night sky.  

For days, my friends and I watched the news hoping
to see a report about the incident. However, no
report even came.

Recently, it occurred to me that I could use the two
known points of sighting (1- Middlebrook
Pike/Weisgarber Rd and 2- Montain Creek Lane
Cul-De-Sac) to plot the possible flight path of the
object. After doing this I discovered an interesting
possibility. If the object flew in a straight line from
the Northwest as it appear to be doing, then it would
have passed directly over the restricted airspace of
Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Surely, such a
sighting would not have gone unnoticed over such a

I know many people who still remember the event
and can describe it in equal detail. I would be
interested in hearing from others, via this site, who
may have witnessed what we saw that evening. I
find it very strange that an event witnessed by so
many people never made it to the news in any form.
Greg Allen
Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books
  • Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic
  • Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern Wisconsin
  • Revelations: Truths Revealed
  • In Search of Ancient Man: Lost in Time
  • The Red Haired Giants
  • Haunted Burlington Wisconsin

Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland  She is also the creator of
BURLINGTON NEWS one of the largest and most popular websites on the world
wide web.
Exploring the Unknown   
Mary Sutherland
Member Shite Archived Shows
Listen to all our Shows by Mary Sutherland
Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work
on consciousness studies, ancient history and unusual
phenomena. She is a "hands on" researcher and the creator of
one of the largest website on the internet with hundreds of
pages providing information on the paranormal, UFOs, ancient
races and their cultures, sacred sites and power points of the
world, underground tunnels and cave systems, dimensional
worlds , metaphysics, etc. The governor of Kentucky
commissioned her as a ‘Kentucky Colonel” for her work on the
ancient sites of Kentucky. For the last 5 years, she has been
exploring, mapping and documenting the ancient underwater
structures of Rock Lake – near Aztalan. For the last fourteen
years she has been documenting the ancient sites around
Burlington, WI. Truth is her passion. She believes it is through
truth that we will break ourselves free of our present
entanglements in life. When we become free, we will create our
own ‘personal story’ of the ‘hero’s journey’ suggested by Joseph

Brad and Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089
815 367 1006
“There are rare persons in this world who see things others
don’t; persons who connect the dots of existence and
possess an instinctive talent for linking with kindred souls to
reveal otherwise invisible patterns and excavate hidden
truths. Such a person is Mary Sutherland. She is a natural-
born networker in all she does --- from her Burlington
Vortex Conferences and Sci’Fi Café to her public talks and
published books. Nowhere, however, is her gift for
perception more developed than in her latest title.“  Frank
Joseph .
Joseph was nominated by Japan's Savant Society as
Professor of World Archaeology. He was editor-in-chief of
Ancient American Magazine from 1993 to 2007 and has
traveled the world collecting research materials for his
twenty-seven published books.
"Mary Sutherland is not simply a reporter of all these phenomena;
she lives them! As readers expect, her studies extend beyond her
own experiences. The author and investigator often takes visitors
on tours containing an inter-dimensional vortex and hosts yearly
conferences and meet ups with many well known speakers on
anomalous phenomena."
What differentiates her book. Haunted Burlington Wisconsin , is that
Sutherland includes her explanations of the unknown realms and
phenomena with tips for heightening the reader's own psychic
awareness. Readers who complete this dizzying journey may find
they can no longer look at Burlington in exactly the same way.
Perhaps, then, this book itself may be considered a vortex. and
whether or not it actually transports you to another place, it will
certainly draw you in."
Linda Godfrey , award winning author on strange creatures, people
and places. She has been featured guest on dozens of nation TV
and radio shows, including Monsterquest, Sean Hannity's America,
Lost Tapes, Inside Edition, Sy-fy's Haunted Highway, Monsters and
Mysteries, Coast to Coast...and the list goes on!