Walking or Bus Day Tours of Historical Burlington
Tours usually run approximately 3 hours.
Burlington Wisconsin is a Ghost Hunter, Orb Photographer , Ley Hunter, Historian and Ancient Mysteries
Researcher's Dream . It lies on a 'Rainbow Vortex' and Home of the Ancient Mound Builders.
Just like in the movie 'Poltegeist', they built the town and never moved the bodies. As far as we can determinine
the downtown area of Burlington Wisconsin was built over twenty seven ancient burial mounds. Local
newspapers have reported unearthing the remains of human bones while digging foundations for several
buildings in the historical downtown area...including the Burlington Research Center here at 549 N. Pine Street.
Human bones were also found on the old fair grounds where the Burlington Blanket Co originated and is located
near Tower Hill on Storle Ave, the northeast side of the Fox River. (now the old Burlington Mill)
Outside of town, is Voree. The congregations of the Morman Church speak of Voree
as 'The Ppromised Land' or 'The New Jerusalem'. It was in Voree that the Prophet
James Strang discovered the famous Mormon Brass Plates in a hillshide
beneath the roots of a giant oak tree.
While Burlington promotes itself as Chocolate City, USA,
people 'in the know' are allured to the town because of its occult and ancient mysteries
Have you noticed that when you are in the historical district of Burlington, the roads
don't run in a grid pattern but are angled?
The historical district was designed in the form of a pentagram, similar to Washington D.C.
See Burlington Wisconsin Mysteries 2
While taking the walking tour of Burlington, Mary Sutherland points out the occult
symbols displayed in the architecture of it's buildings and explains the history and meanings
behind them. . The founding fathers were quite aware of the meanings behind these symbols and the magic they
hold over the land and its residents.
Burlington's White River is once known as 'The River of the Dead'. Its name was coined
due the Mormon practice of baptism through proxy at this river. The Mormons favored
this river above all rivers, being that the river runs 'North'. (all rivers run south except those
that are controlled by the gravitation pull of a large vortex). In the area where the baptisms
took place lies a hidden 'serpent mound' . Its location was only known to a small handful of
residents in Burlington , one of which is Burlington Research Center.
Not only are there ongoing reports of ghostly phenomenon and opening of portals or gateways to dimensional
worlds being reported by residents of Burlington, but an ancient tunnel system runs under the town. Most of the
entrances to these tunnels have been sealed off but we are hoping someday to find other entrances open for us
to explore and document.
The tunnels are easy to trace if you consider that the older citizens of the community (1800's) knew about the
tunnels and utilized them. The more prosperous families built their homes and business over the tunnels. They
have been used for purposes such as: the purpose of hiding runaway slaves, distributing bootlegged liquor,
hiding valuables, storage, traveling during the winter months when the weather was cold and the snow was deep,
etc. During the Prohibition Days the 'speak easies' operated in buildings built over the tunnels, giving their
business easy accessibility for the delivery of contraband . These tunnel speak easies were ideal for Capone and
his men to use if the need arose for a quick and successful escape.
"Even though a vortex is considered by science as a geophysical anomaly,
indigenous peoples from all areas of the world, knew of vortex energy and
revered these locations as sacred sites. The ancients knew how to work with a
vortex to achieve a better understanding of self and of spirit. They also knew
that vortex energy held the potential to help heal mind, body and spirit.
Somewhere in our history we have set these old traditions aside, feeling that
we no longer needed them. We were wrong. Now, many of us are trying to find
and reawaken the communicative harmony that naturally exists between
human, Earth energy and Creation. Vortex energy is only one of many Earth
energy sources that may complete this trine." Shirley MacLaine
Sacred Sites stimulate our consciousness and enable perception of realms
normally not visible to humans. Electromagnetic waves of earth energy occur at
frequencies just below the range of human hearing. These waves are called
the Shuman resonance factor. They occur between 3 and 6 hertz, which
happens to be in the range of the delta waves of the human brain. Biofeedback
instruments and medical EEG tests demonstrate this frequency. This is
amplified along Ley lines, stimulating modifications of consciousness,
enabling perception of realms usually invisible to humans, but altogether real.
Many people go to the Earths Sacred Sites hoping that the energy will trigger a
paranormal experience. These experiences include interdimensional
communication with spirits, and contact with 'Star Visitors'.
The vortex experience itself is a learning process, from which we can learn new
ways of perceiving reality. According to the Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos
Castenada, Don Juan believed the world to be an illusion that forms itself to fit
the belief and expectations of the observer. Master ufologist Jacques Vallee, in
Messengers of Deception posits similar belief, that ETs come to our reality
through portals and assume the shape that best suits the beliefs of the
Alfred Watkins coined the term Ley lines, in an attempt to define a complex
network of straight lines connecting ancient sacred sites and mountains.
These lines can be found at the Mounds built by the Ancient Mound Builders . .
Bruce Cathie has even measured the strength of these coincidental lines, and
created a world chart of them. Sites such as Stonehenge, Easter Island, the
Ancient Mounds and the Eqyptian pyramids are all linked in a master
convergence of a grand coincidence. Such places as mentioned collect and
emit energy that can be used as an interdimensional portal by beings from
either side.
In Celtic mythology, the ancient mounds or sidhe were portals to an otherworld,
accessed by astral flight or perhaps through actual travel (in UFOs) within an
electromagnetic field where the leys converge (inter-dimensional vortex.) This
is an organized grid, in the shape of tumuli and stone circes, interconnected by
ley-lines or dragon lines (meridians) which channel the fluctuating etheric flow.
The mound builders placed monoliths, dolmens and henges (gateways) at
locations that form interlocking grids. By connecting these sites, the map
begins to reveal that the earthworks produce geometric patterns in the shape of
five pointed stars and some seem to map out constellations, upon the surface
of Earth. Chambered mounds, comprised of alternating rock (inorganic) and
soil, (organic) are orgone accumulators and concentrate energy, some emit
sound waves, while others blank them out. These frequencies may have a
positive effect on the bio-rhythms of someone within the chamber or enhance
altered states of consciousness.
A VISIT TO THE CHOCOLATE MUSEUM For Presentation on the History of Chocolate in Burlington and their Chocolate Displays
Mormon Plates and Town of Voree
Mormon River of the Dead Runs through Voree
Mormon Prophet Strang Home in Voree WI
Voree Brass Plates Found by Prophet Strang with Brass Plaque commemorating the event
Old Speak Easy with Sealed Door Opening to the Underground Tunnels of Burlington WI
Underground Tunnel Found in basement of 532 N. Pine Street, Burlington
BURLINGTON VORTEX HISTORICAL TOURS Including Underground Railroad Home of the Ancient Mound Builders Located in Burlington, Wisconsin
Enjoying a meal before continuing with the tour. Mary sitting with group behind her.
A trip to the old community of Voree where they discovered the Brass Plates of Voree
The Week - Walworth County Read what Reporter Donna Lenz Wright and Photographer Terry Mayer had to say about our Haunted Tours and Vortices
The Journal Times Read what Reporter Janine Anderson has to say about Burlington Tours
Wisconsin Paranormal Watch this Film Documentary on Haunted Burlington and Wisconsin Paranormal
Cemetery Tours Paranormal Tours Underground Tunnels Ancient MoundsTour Historical Tours Enchanted Forest Tours "Experience the Burlington Vortex!" SCHEDULE Your Tour 815 367 1006
New York TImes Article on Earthen Mounds Finds around Burlington Wisconsin Click Here for PDF
"Experience the Burlington Vortex!"
Haunted and Enchanted Tours
Brad and Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089
815 367 1006
Haunted Burlington Wisconsin Price: 19.99
Burlington's historical district rests uneasily on top of twenty-seven ancient burial mounds. No wonder everyone in the seemingly sleepy Wisconsin town owns a ghost story or two. Residents have spotted the White Beast of Burlington near the old fish hatchery, bumped into a Confederate apparition on Academy Road and caught a glimpse of the Lady in Blue at the Malt House Theater. Mary Sutherland spent fourteen years chasing local lore through the underground tunnels and eerie skies of this hotbed of supernatural activity. Now she stands as a ready guide to the mysteries of the Burlington Vortex.
Get Your Book Autographed by Mary Sutherland by ordering directly off my website ! CLICK HERE
Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds
120 pages 19.99 Full Colored Paper Back 9.99 Kindle Amazon.com Autographed Copies at burlingtonnews.net/books
Books by Mary Sutherland
CONTACT US TODAY BURLINGTON TOURS Brad and Mary Sutherland 248 Carver Street Winslow, Illinois 61089 815 367 1006
Historical Tours by Brad and Mary Sutherland
Burlington historical section is designed as The Star of David...replicating the one in Washington D.C.
Historical Tour On this tour, Mary Sutherland takes you to see Mormon ,Historical Homes and Landmarks of Burlington and Voree. She will show you the old underground railroad and entrances to the ancient tunnel systems of Burlington. Click Photo for More Information
Ancient Burial Mounds Tour The mounds were built by an ancient race that pre-existed the Native American People. They understood the energies of earth and knew where the doorways were that opened into the other dimensions or worlds. Mounds were built on these doorways. Later the Native Americans built their burial sites around these locations. Click Photo for More Information
Haunted Cemeteries Tour Burlington has some very 'unusual' cemeteries. Many of them were built on portals or gateways into the other worlds. These spirits use these doorways freely to cross over from one world into another.
Click Photo for More Information
Enchanted Forest Tour 4 Hours of Dimensional Shifting, Surfing the Vortices, Experiencing the Enchantment of the Fairies and Little People. Visiting Rock Mounds, Earthen Mounds, Sacred Circles, Burial Grounds, The Goddess Realm, Places of the Guardian Spirits and Portals (doorways into the other worlds) Click Photo for More Information
Haunted Woods Tour
Book a private Tour any day Click Photo for More Information