Orbs - UFOs -Plasma-Orgone - Interdimensional doorways -Ether
Mary Sutherland @ 2004 copyright
As the Orb moves in three dimensional space, it creates an electromagnetic wake. In this
there are four  levels of electromagnetic fields involved.  The follow two photos of our orb is the
original and a negative of the orginal


1st Layer:   Ionic Displacement
2nd Layer:  Outer Magnetosphere
3rd Layer:   Ionic Plasma
Center:        Central Matrix

The Outer Magnetosphere surrounds the 'conscious energy'

The Central Matrix Plasma is an energy of consciousness that exists , while in three
dimensional space, within a 'bubble'. . Within the substructure of the Matrix of energy lies
everything needed  for  seeing, hearing, speech, memory, etc.

The output of electrical energy of this 'consciousness' is found in 'millivolts' which is difficult for
Tri-Field Meters to detect.  The sub-sections of the energy are very thin, but can be detected
and recorded by the  recording techniques available today.

The Energy in the Central Matrix is in it's natural state -  'Zero Point '  where time does not exist
and can travel in and out of our third dimension.

The magnetosphere is multi-purpose and is also used as a sensor for navigation
,communication and a means of protection for the Central Matrix or Consciousness.

Near the  perimeter of the orb there is a 'rim of sorts'. This is  'Electromagnetic Field
The  Electromagnetic Field Displacement or "Event Horzion" is a null gap area that creates a
void caused by the energy of the "Orb". This 'gap' area 'pushes' or 'displaces' the three
dimensional reality, therefore creating a 'noted wake' as it moves through space. This wake is
the 'Outer Field Effect'.

The Outer Field Effect is positioned on the 'outside' of the
"Displacement Void".
There is no direct 'physical' contact from the 'orb entity'  through the Electromagnetic Field
Displacement - but the entity can and does make 'indirect' contact (and communication)  
through a form of 'kinetic energy'.

While in motion, the orb creates a
'Wake in the Ether'  and can also change it shape via the
direction of its path.  it will travel from object to object via '
Electromagnetism' .

High  Electromagnetic distortions create 'Temporal Event Horizon
s'  (ie. black holes,
vortexes) which allows the orb to pass through with no difficulty. The Temporal Event Horizon
acts as a buffer helping to keep the orb in a state of constant energy and stability while slipping
just outside of time and space

High  Electromagnetic distortions create 'Temporal Event Horizons'  (ie. black holes,
vortexes) which allows the orb to pass through with no difficulty.
The Temporal Event
Horizon acts as a buffer helping to keep the orb in a state of constant energy and stability while
slipping just outside of time and space."

Depending on the size of what is coming through from the higher dimension into our third
dimension will be the size  of distortion in the  plasma (ether) field. I will try to describe to you
as I see this  plasma field (space)  and matter within:

Space is a fluid ..Hence a field of plasma..Hence a 'plasma field'. . Its motion  or state of being  
is 'Guided by Matter'  . Thus an orb or space craft or other type of matter going through it would
affect its field. Think of a boat propelling itself through water - the faster and larger the boat -
the more distortion of the water it is going through .

According to Charles Vind , "A  particle  (matter) with positive gravity would have a spin rotating
inward pulling in fluid and an a particle with negative gravity would have a spin pushing out
fluid or an outward spin.  The faster the rate of motion or rotation (frequency) would thus
determine the gravity and therefore the mass of the particle. So all elementary particles of  
matter would essentially be FLUID in MOTION around a CLOSED  CIRCULAR PATH. All forms
of matter could also be seen essentially
as specific PATTERNS of MOTION in the great SEA of FLUID that  constitutes the PHYSICAL

This fluid is a life force to matter. It feeds matter with energy and this energy is
'electromagnetic' ..thus it falls under 'electromagnetism'
Here is an excellent example of an
orb in motion. Photo taken outside
our Research Center. Notice the
electromagnetic  distortion -Outer
Field Effect. In this case it shows
on the photo as blurr.  This
distortion will show up as blurs,
trails of light, light flares, etc. on our
Paranormal Phenomena seems to
be able to bend light beams, thus
creating distortions.   
2005 Mary Sutherland
Now - these orbs (technically ) are in motion - but they
used another form of travel...hitching a ride off this one
lady walking down Pine Street in front of our Research
Photo copyright 2005 Mary Sutherland
Here is a photo of the Dover Cemetery taken by one of our
researchers with a digital camera.
Again, as in the above photo, you can see the trails that the orbs leave
behind as they move from one grave stone to another.
Mary Sutherland @2005
Here is a good example of a "saturated"
sphere. When energy vacancies have
been filled, a "shift" seems to occur,
creating a distinct outer sphere or
containing mantle, which appears like a
ring around the sphere. We've also
determined that this can evolve into two
outer rings, and possibly more. The orbs
also lose their individual colors, as the
free electrons being attracted build up in
greater density. Highly charged orbs will
appear bright white in night time photos,
both still and in motion.
Photo of Classic Shaped ORB

The rim of the Magnetosphere, shows
something of a void or Displacement.

Showing no major direct contact with the
three dimensional medium that it
appears in.

This photo belongs to ParaVision.com
A Diagram of the Earths Magnetosphere is
a pure example of the Outer
electromagnetic Displacement field of the
Earth seen by the Solar Winds.
This example is the same and the Outer
Field Effect of and Orb Enity while in flight in
an electron field.

In the Atmosphere of  the Earth there are
free electrtons which are everywhere. The
Magnetosphere Displacment is seen as the
Orb moves through the rich electron based
This can be seen in a visual Nano Meter
Range of 720 n, which is in the Infra red
bandwidth. Also seen in the UV bandwidth
with a black light.
Orbs Basic Truths:
1) They are real, interdimensional vehicles. Known to the
Egyptians as 'sun boats' and referred to in the Bible as 'merkabah'.
This is not an exaggerated claim. Many people believe that this is
part of what God made when he created us. It is where we go and
how we get around after this life. The phenomenon known as an
out-of-body experience involves this aspect of our spiritual
makeup. Another little-known aspect of our own existence.

2) Orbs, real ones, can be sensed or heard. The 'sound' they make
is a super-high tone, chiefly heard inside of the head. Inside or past
the ear, beyond normal hearing. A good time to look for one is
when you sense this phenomena near you. Looks like a
barely-visible ball of energy floating near you. Among those who
are familiar with real orb contact are accounts of the orb speaking
telepathically to them.

3) True orbs have different appearances, and more than one type
exists. The first type, the human spirit or ghost type are usually
seen at about eye-level to about ceiling height, and are often
filmed in graveyards and "haunted" locations. The human spirit
type may appear larger than some of the other types of orbs.

4) Another type of orb is used in conjunction with electromagnetic
vehicles (formerly known as UFOs). They serve to assist and shield
the beings inside the craft, as well as being used as a means of
propulsion. They primarily are seen high up in the sky, higher than
the human spirit orbs, although they are, on occaision also seen at
eye-level. This is believed to be due to their higher dimensional
level of existence. These are the fully visible orbs seen in photos
and video we will share, which are capable of invisibility, and
extremely high speed flight.

5) Yet another type of orb is known. It is considered to be a spiritual
aspect of the ET visitors, much like the human spirit orbs are an
aspect of us. They often have a more detailed and complex
appearance which can at times contain figures and or faces. To the
eye, it resembles a face or figure, sometimes inside an orb,
sometimes not. This is a type of orb that is rarely photographed,
but photos of them do exist.
Brought to you by http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com
I found your website extremely informative, and validating, as I have several theories that to my surprise
I found illustrated and described almost exactly as I had thought, almost always with additional info I
either hadn't considered, or which is, unfortunately, over my head physics-wise. I have been looking for
someone who would perhaps benefit from the attached photos in more than a simple aesthetic way,
and also not just use them as more "proof" that orbs exist to the unobservant and complacent masses,
as these really are not effective as I had originally thought. The structural detail and variable wavelength
biases and EM fields was able to capture by pushing the capabilities of a modern dSLR canon camera
to its limits, strike most people as too good to be true, therefore a forgery or hoax. They are anything but.
The orb photos I hope help illustrate the different layers. Your comments on the "wake" are especially
insightful, especially without the benefit of photos such as this. Which revealed that to me clearly. The
event horizon is clearly de-marked on another. Orbs are commonplace sights, I live the two on a ladies
back. Thats compelling photography excellent work. What is not so common place is the green walking
man. Im trying to remember where I stored the original file. I will send the original jpeg file when j find
it...tjis has been resized. Zooming in and playing with the contrast, lighting, and such, I saw some
startling things that im afraid I do not understand. Cannot understand. The man/alien I can understand.
When contrast and shift toward UV light revealed an orb "cage" and long, multi colored tether, I could
even understand that. Im an experienced orb photographer  its not unusual to observe that either. But
when four distorted, cartoonish faces, some with small bodies attached became extremely clear, I
knew I was in over my head. I also knew I couldn't discuss it with ...well...anyone. I dont remember how I
brought the faces out of this image and i didn't save it.  I'm assuming that you believe me, i'm not
mistaken I assure you. When I read your page, I knew I could finally tell someone. ...and share the
walking man photo. Enjoy, you have my permission to use any and all attached photos in any way,
public or private, please include artist/ photo credit is all I ask. Thank you and good luck
Adam Gross Port Angeles Following photos are some of the orbs and green man that Adam

Known to the Egyptians as 'sun boats' and referred to in the Bible as
'merkabah'. This is not an exaggerated claim. Many people believe
that this is part of what God made when he created us. It is where we
go and how we get around after this life. The phenomenon known as
an out-of-body experience involves this aspect of our spiritual
makeup. ( Another little-known aspect of our own existence.)
These orbs were coming right out of my wall  
at the Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center.
Located at 549 N. Pine St - Burlington WI
Photo Copyright 2005 -Mary Sutherland
Magazine - In Search of Legend and Lore
Another Sutherland Production
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