Portal Research with Brad and Mary Sutherland

Following are the comments of Peaceful Sage on several Topics.
(Note: Peaceful Sage is sending me email on which we then post in our ancient mysteries ms yahoo group for study - Mary Sutherland)
I encourage you all to take the time to read this. Thank you  Mary Sutherland


One evening, while speaking with ‘Red Elk’ on my BUFO Radio Show, we got into an interesting conversation about ‘time and our perception of time’. In the show Red Elk told a story
about a man renovating the basement of a pub in London. He was quietly working alone in the basement when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The footsteps grew louder
and louder until he could quite clearly hear the sound of marching feet coming towards him. Frightened and confused, he crouched down near the wall and watched as a column of Roman
soldiers came out of the wall and marched right across the room. He described seeing them so clearly, he could see the bristle on the unshaven face of a centurion. He also noted that he
could only see the figures from the calves upward and although the soldiers feet and sandals were not visible to him, he could clearly hear them marching in sandals on a cobbled or
paved surface.  Intrigued as to what he saw, he pondered on it for a while and then went upstairs to talk to his wife about what had happened. Even though they had talked about the event
half the night, he just couldn’t come up with a logical explanation. Intrigued, the man set about asking questions about the pub. To his surprise, he realized that his pub sat over an old
Roman Road that ran through the old part of London. Learning of this, he went down into his basement and began digging. Sure enough, about 18 inches below the floor of the basement
he came across the paving stones of the Roman Road. Stunned, he realized that these soldiers had just marched by him as clearly as they had marched that road several hundred years
earlier.  Both events sharing the same time and space, only separated by our ‘perception’.

Such as the story above is experienced every day by people. My daughter saw me once - not as I am now, but as an old man...but she knew it was me. it was  in Lusaka, where my
daughter and I lived for two years. She  was walking from her bedroom and saw me in the hallway....but as an old man.  I said to her, "yes...that was me, just not now...but here"


After listening to our show, a police officer emailed me;

“Listening to Red Elk speak reminds me of an incident that took place not far from my farm in Lusaka.”
“My wife, children and I used to regularly see a pair of headlights coming towards us on this one dirt road.  About 300 or 400 yards, or just before reaching us, the car lights would
“The first time I saw these lights, on the same road, was when I was on patrol. The other officer and I saw lights approach our vehicle and then suddenly disappear. We stopped our patrol
car, got out and investigated the area on foot with flashlights.....nothing! The road had no turns off of it, and it was lined on both sides with thick bushes...nowhere on earth for a car to have
disappeared to. We scratched our heads and left it at that...wondering what this might be.”
“My wife, children and I have seen this ‘ghost car’ several times; always at a certain time of the evening, around seven p.m. and the head lights always disappeared at roughly the same
“I spoke to our neighbors about it once and they thought we were joking till their sons were on the way back from a party one evening and saw the same thing.”
“Our other neighbor and her husband saw the ‘ghost car’ too one night on their way home to the farm and again the lights come towards you and then disappear before reaching you.”
“Before my mother passed away, I asked her if she knew anything about that road and the area; she had grown up on a farm near there.”
“In answer to my question, she told me of Charlie Carbett who was an old man who lived in that area with his daughter. Charlie's daughter was a nurse on night shift at the local hospital,
who allegedly had the habit of drinking surgical spirits or medical alcohol late at night in the nurse’s station. One winter night, while on duty, Charlie's daughter was sitting with some
‘spirits’, warming herself near an electric heater.  She heard one of the other nurses coming and became startled, spilling the alcohol on her uniform; the fumes of course ignited in the
confined space, setting her uniform ablaze and burning her so badly they rushed her down to the emergency ward. The hospital called old Charlie about the accident. He jumped into his
old pickup and rushed towards town to the hospital. On his way to the hospital, on that same dirt road, Charlie flipped his truck and died in the accident.  His daughter died from serious
third degree burns and the farm fell into disrepair. The house eventually crumbled and the only thing that remains of it today is the foundation and chimney stack. At seven p.m. on certain
evenings, people have claimed they can still see old Charlie rushing to hospital to see his daughter.



Considering your research on Portals, time dimensions, properties of motion and of space .

Mary, Multiverses and metageometrical views are covered in the section 148 to about 156 of the philosophy index....don't want to jump the gun and send that material too soon, before we
have led up to it otherwise it may seem out of context. Its about 100 emails from where we are presently...lol, so beg to impose upon your patience and good will.

The short answer can be drawn from Russian dolls - one within the other. What separates us is resonance or vibration, speed if you like or pitch, gearing and velocities.

Resonance is an important word for me...it is often helpful to break things down and simmer them till you come to a single word. That word conveys many things and can open several
Important thing here is there are many, many ways.....80,000 dharma paths (or as many ways as there are souls and beings to travel upon them).
Each must seek his own resonance (pathway) and travel upon that path until it helps him to evolve beyond what he is today...the spiral leading out of the eternal circle. The path that works
for me and find resonance within me may not work for someone standing next to me and therein lies the problem....

We cannot borrow, or abdicate, seek representation or try to delegate anything in our lives.

Each soul must have its own work and each soul its own resonance...all religions, all paths, all journeys are merely records left by those that have travelled their own path, and each must
seek his own...that is the first test. Without it, we are stuck in the circle of eternal recurrence, going around and around until we run out of energy and lack the will to continue any further.

One path is neither right or wrong just as  one system is neither right and another wrong -  all systems and all religions, all paths are right...for those that walk upon them and take
the time to explore them, to make them their own and to experience each moment along that path to the fullest extent, maximizing their experience of it and trying to be as much as
they can be on that journey.

Taking ownership, accepting responsibility, making the resolution our own...that is our purpose and should be our aim. But is does not detract from the fact that the work still needs to be
done....We are the worlds greatest experts on being ourselves, at being simply who and what we are....and each cycle  provides the opportunity and choices to fulfill just that potential...to
grow to another level of being. Failure to do this results in our true death, the death of our soul....and that is a tragedy that the entire universe mourns.

We share this space and time with many, many beings, some of whom we perceive and many that we do not. This does not make them or us any more or less real....each has his or her
work to do and each has his or her path upon which they travel. Each being is trying to evolve and fulfill its potential to do so and most important of all none can do the work for the other.
Just like in school no one can sit your examinations for you, and even if you do succeed for a time to ride along on someone else's coattails....the day and time will come when someone
calls your bluff.

To sense that ONENESS or to  sense that ALL  is to be aware of the eternal, to listen to that song, is to hear the sound of silence. To reach out and grasp that is to touch the untouchable....
that is the purpose of our being and that is what each of us strives for in our own way, and in our own time....at our own pitch and resonance. That is the Buddha nature in us all....and
whom we greet with Namaste, the source to which we must one day return as do all beings.

Do you enjoy Vedic poetry? I see you've mentioned it tonight on one of the pages I was reading. There are 108 verses of the Rig Veda that I am busy re-writing. I t may be considered as
sacrilegious in some circles however the translation I read from Venerable Sri Aurubindo whilst being wonderful and illuminating lacked resonance with me. So I sat down and decided to
take 108 verses and attempt to rewrite them until I felt something stir within me from each line. Each verse should awaken my spirit and create for me that sense of the real and touchable
that was created for the authors of the Upanishad. If you'd like to read some of these verses you are most welcome....it is a work in progress

When I have completed the work on reviewing the philosophy index entitled "A word in my ear" then it is my intention to complete the work in these verses, as well as a collection on Hindu
Mythology. The Hindu Mythology section, much like the Jatakamala is aimed primarily at children and is shared with many of my nieces and nephews or children of colleagues with whom
I work. It is not aimed at the same audience as the Vedas, but serves as a great foundation to works of that nature. The aim with all of this writing has been resonance, to hear the word
wherever it is spoken and to have that word resonate within my soul, to reach that pitch whereupon my soul begins to stir and is awakened from its slumber within.

WAR  - What is war?

The result of planetary influences, somewhere in the cosmos two or three planets approach too near to one other and tension results. Have you ever noticed how if a man passes quite
close to you on a narrow pavement you become tense? The same tension takes place between planetary bodies. Only for them it lasts perhaps a second or two, but here on earth, people
begin to slaughter one another, and they go on slaughtering one another, perhaps for several years whenever it happens

It seems to them at the time that they hate each other. Perhaps they have to slaughter one another for some exalted purpose, or they need to defend something or somebody in a very
noble cause. They fail to realize however to what extent they are pawns in a grander game. They think they signify something, they think they can move about as they like, they think they
can decide to do this or to do that. But in reality, all their movements and all their actions are the result of planetary influences and they themselves signify literally nothing other than only

The moon plays its part in all of this as well. Everything that happens on a big scale is governed from outside and governed either by an accidental combination of influences or by general
cosmic laws. Cosmic laws we are all bound by, accidental influences however can, with skill, be diverted or transformed into something relatively harmless.

Humanity, or more correctly, organic life on earth is acted upon simultaneously by influences proceeding from various sources and various worlds; influences from the moon, influences
from the sun, influences from the stars and influences from other planets. All of these influences act simultaneously. One influence predominates at one moment and another influence at
another moment. For man then, there exists the possibility of making a choice of influences -  in other words, of passing from one influence to another.

To explain how this can be done requires some depth, however at this stage it is necessary only to understand one rule. That it is impossible to free oneself from one influence without
becoming subject to another. The whole thing, all work on self consists of choosing the influence to which you wish to subject yourself and then actually falling under this influence.
For that to happen however, it is necessary to know beforehand which influence is the more profitable.

Gurdjieff spoke of the planets and the moon as living beings, having different ages and different time scales, a definite period of life and possibilities of development and transition to
other planes of being.

From what he believed, it appeared that the moon was not a dead planet as is usually accepted by modern scientific thought, but on the contrary, a planet in birth - a planet at the very
initial stages of its development that has not yet reached - the degree of intelligence possessed by the earth.

The moon is growing and developing and at some time it is possible for it to attain the same level as the earth. If this happens, then, near to it a new moon will appear and the earth will
become their sun. At one time our sun was like the earth, and the earth was like the moon. Earlier still, the sun was like the moon.

This theory put forward is an organic theory of cosmology, as opposed to the artificial and dogmatic theories on the origin of planets and the solar system put forth by Kant-Laplace and
others. The theory has its origin in new principles and shows an entirely different universal order.

The intelligence of the sun according to the system is divine, however the earth can become the same only of course this is not guaranteed and the earth may equally perish attaining
nothing. There is a definite period for all this transformation to take place, for a certain thing to be done and if, by a certain time what ought to be done has not been done then the earth
may perish without having attained anything -  without fulfilling its inherent potential.

The period is known, however it would be of no advantage for people to know it as this would make things even worse. Some would believe it, others would not believe it and yet others
would demand proofs. Afterwards they would begin to break one anothers heads and dispute as everything ends this way with people.


At present, it may not be clear to us that people living upon the earth can belong to very different levels, although in appearance they might look exactly the same. Much alike their planetary
counterparts however, each inherits the potential to develop to another plane of being. Then just as there are different levels of men, so there are different levels of art. We simply do not
realize that the difference is greater than we might at first suspect. We take things on different levels as being far too close to one another and think that these different levels are
accessible to all.

What some would call art is not the art of others. It is mechanical, reproduction, the imitation of nature and of other people or simply fantasy, perhaps an attempt to be original.   Real art is
something quite different.

Among the works of art, particularly works of ancient art, you meet with many things that can not be explained and that contain something we do not feel in modern works of art.

However as we fail to realize what this difference is, we soon forget it and continue to take everything as one kind of art. Yet there is an enormous difference between the art we produce
today and the art of the ancients.

In our art, everything is subjective – the artist’s perception of this or that sensation, the forms in which he tries to express these sensations and then the perception of these forms
by other people. In one and the same phenomenon one artist may feel one thing and another artist quite a different thing. The same sunset may evoke a feeling of joy in one artist and
sadness in another.

Two artists might strive to express exactly the same perceptions by entirely different methods, in different forms; or entirely different perceptions in the same forms – according to how
they were taught, or contrary to it.

The spectators, listeners or readers of this art will then perceive, not what the artist wished to convey or what he felt, but what the forms in which he expresses his sensations will make
them feel, by association. Everything is subjective and everything is accidental, that is to say, based upon accidental associations – the impression of the artist and his ‘creation’
and the consequent perceptions of his spectators, listeners or readers.

In real art there is nothing accidental, nothing is left to chance, it is all mathematics. Everything in it can be calculated, everything can be known beforehand. The artist knows and
understands what he wants to convey and his work cannot produce one impression on one man and another impression on another, (presuming of course, people on the same level). It
will always and with mathematical certainty produce one and the same impression.

At the same time, the same work of art will produce different impressions upon different people of different levels. People of lower levels will never get from it what people of higher levels

This is real, objective art.

Imagine some scientific work - a book on astronomy or chemistry. It is impossible that one person could understand it in one way and another in another way. Everyone who is sufficiently
prepared and who is able to read this book will understand what the author means and precisely as the author means it. An objective work of art is just such a book, except that it affects
the emotional and not only the intellectual side of man.

Such works of art continue to exist in the present day. The Great Sphinx in Egypt for example, some historically known works of architecture, certain statues of gods and many other
symbols are examples of it. There are figures of gods and of various mythological beings that can be read like books  -  only not with the mind but with the emotions. Provided of course
that the mind observing them is sufficiently developed.

In Central Asia, in the desert at the foot of the Hindu Kush, a strange figure can be seen that might appear as some ancient god or devil. At first it produces upon one the impression of
being simply a curiosity - out of place.

After a while however, you begin to feel that this figure contains many things, a big, complete and complex system of cosmology. Then slowly, step by step, you are able to decipher the
system that lies in the body of the figure, in its legs, in its arms, in its head, in its eyes, in its ears; everywhere. In the whole statue there is nothing accidental, nothing without meaning

For one who is able to understand, he can perceive the aim of the people who built this statue. To begin to feel their thoughts, their feelings, some may even be able to see their faces,
hear their voices. In any event, to grasp the meaning of what they wanted to convey to the observer across thousands of years and not only the meaning, but all the feelings and emotions
connected with it as well.


Science no longer identifies reality with the physical universe,
for mind and consciousness belong to the unseen world.
Sir Arthur Eddington
Understanding the Paranormal  and Mysteries
Phase Shifting - Dimensional Travel Photos
Brad and Mary Sutherland
Haunted Burlington Wisconsin
Price: 19.99

Burlington's historical district rests uneasily
on top of twenty-seven ancient burial
mounds. No wonder everyone in the
seemingly sleepy Wisconsin town owns a
ghost story or two. Residents have spotted
the White Beast of Burlington near the old
fish hatchery, bumped into a Confederate
apparition on Academy Road and caught a
glimpse of the Lady in Blue at the Malt
House Theater. Mary Sutherland spent
fourteen years chasing local lore through
the underground tunnels and eerie skies of
this hotbed of supernatural activity. Now she
stands as a ready guide to the mysteries of
the Burlington Vortex.
Get Your Book Autographed by Mary Sutherland by ordering
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Photographing and
Investigating the Invisible

Brad and Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089
815 367 1006

Phase-shifting & Portals
Phase shifting Photos
Portals 2
Portals 3
Altered Realities
Altered Realities 2
Vortices 2
Vortices 3
Portals...Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds
19.99  120 pages
Full Color

Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds
Believe in the Magic Series

In reading my book, ‘Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds’ and my series ‘Believe in the Magic’, I assure you, that you will not be
disappointed. Quite the opposite; this book and upcoming series offer to the reader a unique understanding of ‘All that Is!’

Spread throughout its pages, are photos my husband Brad and I have taken through the years of the invisible worlds, filled with multiple selves,
faeries, trolls, UFOs, angels and more.

This book promises you not only ‘understanding’ but ‘photographic proof’ that Multi-dimensional realities do exist! When you understand the
workings of these multi-dimensional levels, you will then appreciate not only the wonders of the multi-universe, but the ‘magic that lie within’…

‘Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds’ will teach you to not only communicate with the multi-dimensional worlds, but to
photograph these worlds, the entities that live within and the strange phenomena interacting with us.

In this book and throughout the ‘Believe in the Magic series’, I will teach you how the mind interprets your reality and how you can use this
information to create the reality or realties you desire. I will continue to inform you about vortices, portals, time slips, the Oz Factor or Dead
Zones, alternative realities, frequencies and vibrations.

It is my purpose to help you, once again, believe in your own multi-dimensional capabilities and the magic that lies within!