Red Haired Mummies of Egypt
red haired mummies  red haired mummies  red haired mummies  red haired mummies   red haired mummies
A well preserved body from
the pre-dynastic period in
Egypt, circa 3,300 BC.
Buried in a sand grave, the
natural dryness of the
surroundings kept the body
preserved. His red hair  
have been so well
preserved that he has been
given the nickname
"Ginger" at the British
Museum where he is kept
on public display.
Right: "Ginger's" head.
Queen Hetop-Heres II, of the
Fourth Dynasty, the daughter of
, the builder of the great
pyramid, is shown in the colored
bas reliefs of her tomb to have
been a distinct blonde. Her hair
is painted a bright yellow
stippled with little red horizontal
lines, and her skin is white. T
Races of Europe
, Carleton
Stevens Coon, New York City,
Macmillan. 1939, p.98)
Syrian and Hittite Prisoners in the tomb, south wall of
the second court, circa 1325 BC. The Egyptians took
care to portray their enemies as accurately as they
could: On the left, a pair of Indo-European Hittites, and
on the right, Semitics from Syria.
Egypt's last display of national vigor came with the red haired Pharaoh Ramses II
Several dates have been given as to his reign. (1292 - 1225 BC). Ramses II managed to
re-establish the already decaying Egyptian Empire by recapturing much land in Nubia.

He also fought a series of battles against invading Indo-Europeans, the Hittites. This was
culminated with the battle of Kadesh in northern Syria. Ramses signed a treaty with the
Hittites in 1258 BC, which ended the war. In terms of the treaty, Ramses took as his wife an
Indo-European Hittite princess. His other achievements included the building of the
rock-hewn temple of Abu Simbel, the great hall in the Temple of Amon at Karnak, and the
mortuary temple at Thebes.

After this king, Egypt entered into a steady period of decay, caused directly by the elimination
of the original Egyptians, and their replacement with a mixed population made up of Black,
Semitic and the remnant White population. This racially divergent nation was never again to
reach the heights achieved by the First, Second or the first part of the Third Kingdoms. In
these later years there were competing claimants to the pharaohs throne, many of whom,
racially speaking, bore no resemblance to the original pharaohs at all.

Professor P. F. Ceccaldi, with a research team, studied some hairs from the mummy's scalp.
Ramesses II was thought to be 87 years-old when he died, and his hair had turned white.
Ceccaldi determined that the reddish-yellow color of the hair was due to a dye with a dilute
henna solution. Many Egyptians dyed their hair, and this personal habit was preserved by the
embalmers. However, traces of the hair's original color remained in the roots. Microscopic
examinations showed that the hair roots contained natural red pigments, and that therefore,
during his younger days, Ramesses II had been a red head. Analysis concluded that these
red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise being altered after
death, but did represent Ramesses' natural hair color. Ceccaldi also studied the
cross-section of the hairs, and determined from their oval shape, that Ramesses had been
"cymotrich" (wavy-haired). Finally, he stated that such a combination of features showed that
Ramesses had been a "leucoderm" (white-skinned person).
The mummy of the red haired Egyptian King, Ramses II, is on public display at the Egyptian
Museum, Cairo
Forensics tests were done on Ramses, proving that his red hair was 'natural'. Ref: Ramses
the Great by National Geographics.

Also during that time

1290 BC - Much evidence of mass destruction of cities  that would have occurred with the
Israelite invasion of Canaan.
1290 BC -  the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses, left Egypt for "the promised land" of
Canaan in the Exodus
"1290 BC" is significant since 1,290 is the number specifically mentioned in Dan.

Ramses II managed to re-establish the already decaying Egyptian Empire by recapturing
much land in Nubia.
Thutmosis III
As a youth, Thutmose III was given
the title of co-regent to Egypt, with
his step mother, Hatshepsut,  ruling
as  Pharoah.  

Sir Isaac Newton was the first to
claim that the Sesostris of
Herodotus, whose conquests were
the same as those of Tuthmoses III,
was the Biblical Shishak

It has been recorded that Queen
Hatshepsut of Egypt (Land of Punt
- S. Egypt -Africa) visited Solomon
and  " brought back the seed of
Solomon"  She gave birth to a child,
Menelik who later .was given the
position of  chief priest of the Aten
religion of Akhanaton.   It is my
belief that Menelik was Moses

This statue of Thutmosis III was
made of basalt and kept in the
Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Perhaps
it has the actual size, it is about five
feet tall - corresponding the ancient
Egyptian average. It has nicely
formed muscular structure,
counterpointed by a face which has
a hint of discord. It is not disturbing,
but proves that the statue is
strongly idealized. His benevolent
look and nice smile are overruled
by his strong nose, but his chin is
definitely small. Since the statue
had to resemble, these characters
could not be changed.
Egyptian papyrus -- part of the
annals of Thutmose III

Annuals of Life Reported by
Thutmosis III

"In the year 22 of the 3rd month of
winter, sixth hour of the day... the
scribes of the House of Life found it
was a circle of fire that was coming
in the sky... It had no head, the
breath of its mouth had a foul odor.
Its body one rod long and one rod
wide. It had no voice. Their hearts
became confused through it; then
they laid themselves on their
bellies... they went to the
Pharaoh... to report it. His Majesty
[an examination of] all which is
written in the papyrus rolls of the
House of life. His majesty was
meditating upon what happened.
Now after some days had passed,
these things became more
numerous in the skies than ever.
They shone more in the sky than
the brightness of the sun, and
extended to the limits of four
supports of the heavens... Powerful
was the position of the fire circles.
The army of the Pharaoh looked on
with him in their midst. It was after
supper. Thereupon, these fire
circles ascended higher in the sky
towards the south... The Pharaoh
caused incense to be brought to
make peace on the hearth... and
what happened was ordered by the
Pharaoh to be written in the annals
of the House of life... so that it be
remembered for ever."
Depiction  of Tuthmosis I from his
daughter's Hatshepsut's temple
at Deir el-Bahri

Thutmose is a compound name  
made from Thoth, (the Egyptian
God of Wisdom) and Mose (an
Egyptian title or suffix indicating
son of  or rightful heir) .
(Tuthmosis II)   
The mummy of Tuthmosis II
was found at Deir el-Bahri in
a replacement coffin (the
original owner is unknown)
covered in the remains of his
original wrappings.
Tuthmosis II was a frail,
rather weak-looking
individual,.X-rays contend  
Tuthmosis II died when he
was around 30.
Were the patriarchs and the Egyptian Pharaohs the Same?
History describes them as a darker race, but in truth they were Caucasian .

In the study of Egyptian Kingdoms things can get quite confusing. For example the reigns of the early New Kingdom pharaohs  Tao II, Kamose, Ahmose, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I
and Thutmose II were not sequential, but overlapped substantially. many names were given to one individual and several nations could claim the pharaoh as their own under another
title, ie. King, Emperor, etc.

Abraham - In Genesis 14, Abraham is given the pseudonym of Shem-eber king of Zeboiim (Memphis). Shemeber is translated as "Illustrious." However, it is also a compound name
comprised of Shem (Sabium) and Eber (Hammurabi). These two ancestors were not only kings, but also masters of the sciences, law and philosophy . Abraham was placed in their
company, not only with respect to wisdom, but also in kingship. Zeboiim, that is Memphis, was the ancient seat of kingship and wisdom in Egypt. (Ref: Living in Truth: Archaeology
and the Patriarchs by Charles N. Pope)

The Mystery School in the Andes, near Lake Titicaca, Peru,  confirms that King David and his son Solomon lived between five and six hundred years earlier than commonly
accept..The Hebrew sovereigns  were inaccurately placed in 1000 B.C. The correct date is starts during the time of Ahmoses I at 1580 B.C.   Dr.  Immanuel  Velikovsky proved
beyond a shadow of a doubt that the time of King David and the time of Solomon and Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt and the time of Thutmosis III was that of Rehoboam, who was a son
of Solomon, and Jeroboam, his rival. Velikovsky creates a precise timeline by using physical catastrophes, described in the Book of Exodus, and in the Egyptian Papyrus Ipuwer.  
You can follow through on this timeline and the catastrophes of that time in my book  

A people called the Amu (Anu) or Hykos invaded Egypt after a great natural catastrophe, when the river was described as 'turning into blood' and the earth shook. They overran
Egypt, enslaved the Egyptians, destroyed valuable records and works of art - murdered, burned and ruled as Pharoahs.  The Amu or the Hykos of Egypt and the Amalekites of the
Hebrews and Arabs were all of the one and same nation!

On the ruins of the Amalekite-Hyksos empire rose two kingdoms: Judah and Egypt. The inheritance from the destruction of the Hyksos power was divided between them.  David was
made king over all Israel. And in Egypt and in Egypt , Ahmose I ascended the throne ,
founding the 18th Dynasty in what Velikovsky dates as 1589 BC
Queen Tiy (Taia,Tyre)
Father was Yuya
Mother Thuya

Priestess of the God Amun
AmenhotepIII who was the
father of Aye whom replaced
Tutankhamun after his death)
The most brilliant and famous
of Egypt's queens in 18th
Dynasty Egypt.
Yuya-(Joseph)  Father of Tiry
Biblical Joseph  Egyptian Prime
Minister during 1400 BC.

Working backwards from the time of
Yuya in the Egyptian 18th Dynasty,
the identity of the first Joseph can be
found among the great princes of
the 12th Dynasty. Revealing his  
identity to his kinsmen who had sold
him into slavery, Joseph claimed
that "God had made him 'A father to
Pharaoh'. Throughout the long
history of ancient Egypt, only one
man is known to have been given
the title 'A father to Pharoah' - Yuya, a
vizier of the eighteenth dynasty King
Tuthmosis IV.
Yuya has long intrigued
Egyptologists because he was
buried in the Valley of Kings even
though he was not a member of the
Royal House.

Yuya's blonde hair and Caucasian
facial struture have been well
preserved by the embalming
Thuya, Wife of Yuya.
Equally blonde and caucasian.
She was the great grandmother
of Tutankhamen.
Mother of Tiy
Hatshepsut  (Sheba) and Akhenaten (Solomon -Senemut)

Hatshepsut - Her long blonde hair and  facial structure has been well preserved by
the embalming process of the time

Hatshepsut, was the daughter of Thutmose's I  and  Half Sister/wife of the
Pharaoh Thutmosis II . She was the step-mother to Thutmose's II son Thutmoses III
born from one of his minor wives.
Sheba means daughter of seven ; measure of fullness. It also is the ancient form
of a Hebrew oath, "swear by the seven," whereby one declared that the thing
promised would be fulfilled.

It has been recorded that Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt (Land of Punt - S. Egypt -
Africa) visited Solomon and  " brought back the seed of Solomon"   She gave birth
to a child, Menelik who later .was given the position of  chief priest of the Aten
religion of Akhanaton.

After Thutmosis II's death Hatshepsut calls upon Solomon for protection.  He  joins
her and becomes her protector under the name Amenhotep IV which later becomes
Akhenaten AKA Soloman, Amenophis IV,  He was the  son of  Amenhotep III  (King
David)- Mother: Bathsheba

Akhenaten  or Solomon - Son of King David and Bathsheba

He was reported to have been approximately 5'5 with feminine features. He was
described as having a swollen belly with an elongated skull poised on an unusually
long neck.

-A monotheist, militant devotee to the worship of Re-Herakhty, the sun-god whom
he believed manifested  in the form of Aten, the solar disc. His revolutionary
religious doctrine allowed for no competition. Especially offensive to him was the
worship of Amen, chief deity of Thebes and widely celebrated as the king of the
gods. So strong was his animosity that in an act of theological intolerance never
before experienced in that nation's millennia-long history, he dispatched agents
throughout the land to shut down the god's temples and excise the offensive name
from walls, tombs, statues, and inscriptions.

It was said that one day Akhenaten had a vision wherein he saw a sun disc
between two mountains. He believed he was shown the God Aten, as the Sun Disk
- the Light. He felt guided by Aten to make a change and  build a city between the
two mountains.Akhenaten then created a temple (Soloman's Temple) that came to
such a great cost to the kingdom that he sold off entire cities to pay its costs. The
population  was forced to labor in Lebanon to work for Hiram, King of Tyre,  with
groups of ten thousand people being sent for monthly spells. It is from Tyre and
this event the word Tyranny was born. King Hiram was a personal friend of King
David and worked with Solomon of the building of the temple. References  ( -
Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and
the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus)

* Pharaoh Akhenaten's Hymn to Aten is  the same as Psalm 104 of the Bible.

After the death of Akhenaten, Thutmose III led a revolt against Hatshepsut and
claimed his right to the throne, becoming Pharoah.   Hatshepsut disappears from
history at this time and Moses flees from Egypt. (It is believed by some that
Hatshepsut joined Moses)

Akhenaten and Moses Tie to Scotland

The Story of St. Patrick running the snakes out of Ireland is based off an
earlier version of history which dates back to the grandson of the
Egyptian, Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Princess Scota was the daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten named Meritaten. The
name scota was original written as "Sceadu" which has a lot in common with the
Egyptian word shut, the Shadow. Scota is not the name of the Princess but the
name of the attribute, the “stone of "Destiny” or the “Portal”.

Scota gave birth to a boy named Gaedhael or Gadheal Glas. One day Gaedhael
was bitten by a snake and he went to Moses for relief. Moses prayed to God and
touched the bite with his staff. Miraculously the bite healed and Moses gave
Gaedhael his staff stating God commands and I command that this boy’s
descendants will live in a land FREE FROM SERPENTS.  

Of course we know that St. Patrick did not run the 'snakes' out of Ireland,but the
'Serpents' who
were the 'worshippers of the Feathered Serpent'  or the Gods of Wisdom.

At that time Moses was the principal advisor of Pharaoh Akhenaten
Yuya (Joseph) Title: A Father to the
Pharoah - Under Thutmosis IV
Menkheperure - (Tuthmosis IV)
one of the sons of the Egyptian
Pharaoh Amenophis II -

Famed for his discovery and
digging out of the sands, the
Sphinx revealing the God in its
true magnificence

The biblical Old Testament also
describes Thuthmosis IV battle
with King David in the Valley of

"Soon Thutmose IV sent out a
large force to fight against
king David in the valley of the
This was made up from
the armies of the alliance and
troops from Egypt as well.
However, David's army caught
them by surprise and defeated
Thutmose IV's force and drove
them all the way back to Egypt's
boundary south of Gaza.

According to legend,  Thutmose
IV  was  hunting near a plateau
some ten miles from Cairo. Tired
from his endeavours, the Prince  
rested in the shadow of a
mysterious head protruding from
the desert sands.  He fell asleep
and, in a dream, heard the carved
stone head whispering to him that
one day he would become ruler of
all Egypt ahead of his older
The prince was also told that he
would then free the body of the
forgotten god from the desert
sands where it had lain buried for
centuries. Awoke refreshed and,
recalling the dream, he  silently
committed himself to clearing
away the sands, intrigued that as
a younger son, he could possibly
become Pharaoh. He then left to
continue his hunting.
On the death of his father the
prophecy came true, with the
former hunter ascending the
throne as Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV.
Shortly afterwards the Pharaoh,
who was only to reign for eight
years (1413-1405 BCE),
honoured the pledge made as a
younger man and cleared the
area around the Sphinx revealing
the God in its true magnificence.
Nineteenth Dynasty

Tuthmosis IV was x-rayed  in the
1970s, evaluating his age at
around 35 years old. This
accords well with the historical
record, indicating that Tuthmosis
IV must have been around 40-46
when he died
Ramesses I was the founder of the 19th Dynasty
A vizier under the last king of the 18th Dynasty, Horemheb, Ramesses I appears to
have come to the throne as an appointment of his predecessor, who seems to have
produced no heir.

The time of departure of the Hebrews from Egypt would have been during the  reign of
Ramses I, the first king .
Pharoah THUTMOSE III.. Egyptian ancient writings show: "One
winter morning around the year 1,482 B.C. Thutmose III first saw
a 'UFO'.... Described as; " a CIRCLE of FIRE", emitted no sound,
it had no voice', according to inscriptions. After some days had
passed, these things became more numerous in the skies than
ever. "Were extremely bright or more...than the brightness of the
sun, and were relatively small about 16' in diamater. Thutmose III
was taken aboard and flew up to the sky and learned the secrets
of Heaven

".....among the papers of the late Professor Alberto Tulli, former
Director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum. It is a
fragment from the Royal Annals of Thuthmosis III (circa
1504-1450 B.C.) and when translated reads as follows:

" 'In the year 22 third month of winter, sixth hour of the day...the
scribes of the House of Life found it was a circle of fire that was
coming in the sky (Though) it had no head, the breadth of its
mouth (had) a foul odour. It's body one rod long (about 150 feet)
and one rod large, It had no voice...Now, after some days had
passed over these things, Lo! they were more numerous than
anything. They were shining in the sky more than the sun to the
limits of...heaven...Powerful was the position of the fire circles.
The army of the king looked on and His Majesty was in the midst
of it. It was after supper. Thereupon, they (the fire circles) went
up higher directed towards the South.'
Egypt, The Palace of Pharaoh Thutmosis III.  Circles of fire are
said to have hovered over the palace while fishes, winged
creatures, and other objects rained down from the sky.

Click the Here to read more on the Pharaohs and UFOs
4000 BC  - According to the
Sumerian Texts, from today's Iraq,  
The extraterrestrials also interbred
with humans and traveled with them
to the stars. The kings were taken
to the stars by the extraterrestrials.
Sumerian text coincides with "the
book of Genesis". Their astronomy
was highly developed. They had
numbers with 15 digits! The
Sumerians say extraterrestrials are
from Mars, the star system
Pleiades, and the star Sirius.
Sumerian text shows drawings of
solar system
Horemheb's - Last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty
parentage is unknown, but has been of non-royal blood and the son of a cheesemaker.
 General Horemheb was head of
the Egyptian armies, but there was no love lost between him and Akhenaten. As a matter of fact, he hated the Pharoah and it
was he that restored the the old worship of Amun,  branded Akhenaten a heretic and all names were changed from 'aten'
back  to 'amun' . attempted to destroy all  trace of him.  As last king of the 18th Dynasty, attemped to write the entire Amarna
Period out of Egyptian History.  Horemheb systematically destroyed all public evidence of the heretic's existence. Workers
chiseled out Akhenaten' s  identifying hieroglyphs wherever they were found. They demolished his newly built capital city and
quarried the stones for new building projects in other parts of the country. They even omitted his name from the king-lists.
Akhenaten become a nonperson, with the nation doing all it could to forget he ever  lived.

After the death of Horemheb,  Moses  returned to Egypt and attempted a military coup, the purpose of which was to restore
the Aten cult to the throne. His allies included the persecuted remnant of Akhenaten's following, large numbers of badly
treated sick and diseased Egyptians, assorted opponents of Ramesses I, and an army belonging to the Canaanite
kingdom of Shechem, whose rulers were openly hostile to Egypt's demands for submission.

Moses' actions brought the nation to the brink of civil war. The confrontation ended with a negotiated truce that guaranteed
the insurgent army safe passage out of the country. This negotiated truce and safe passage out of Egypt was biblically
referred to as the Exodus.
Seti was the son of the great Ramses I,-
Seti I  reoccupied lands in Syria lost to earlier Syrian
invasions, conquered Palestine and conducted
campaigns against the Semitic Libyans and the
Indo-European Hittites
Seti , the son of   Ramses I  became Pharoah
re-occuping the lands in  Syria lost to earlier Syrian
invasions, conquered Palestine and conducted
campaigns against the Semitic Libyans and the
Indo-European Hittites.
The mummy of Pharaoh Seti I  (Sethos I) is the most
lifelike of the great pharaohs of Egypt, and a tribute to the
embalmer's art. His caucasian features remain crystal
clear and because of the excellent preservation process,
Seti's mummy can easily be compared with a relief of his
face made in his lifetime at the Temple at Abydos. Seti
was the son of  Ramses I.
Ancient Egyptians used helicopters and airplanes for
In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in
Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten
meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos.
The walls were  covered with the strange signs that greatly
puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at
once was that they had discovered some images of strange
mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.
The  Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several
sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. The
photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of
an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago;
and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle
helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist
depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling
contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!
Two almost identical sets of drawings were found at Karnak and
Abydos. In Abydos, a submarine was engraved on the walls of the
temple, along with a battle helicopter.
The ancient Egyptians had a tradition of repeating
the same name of their Pharoahs in different
dynasties. Thus a father, son and grandson would
have the same name but with first , second or third
after it.
The name TUTHMOSIS was given to four
pharaohs in the 18th dynasty. This dynasty was a
strong one, a dynasty which also included Queen
Hatshepsut, one of the most powerful queens on
Ahmose I -The first king of
the 18th Dynasty, Ah-mose
Had Not Been Circumcised
Different process of
IOriginally buried near the
burials of his 17'th Dynasty
Married full sister
was the daughter of
Ahottpe I and
Seqnenre-Taa II. Her title
was "God's Wife of Amun"
Along with her
Amenhotep I
, she was
worshiped as a patron of
the tomb-builders at Deir
el-Medina many years after
her death.
Married full brother
Succeeded Ahmose I  as the 2nd Pharaoh in 18th Dynasty
Father -Ahmose -Mother- Queen Ahmose Nefertari-  His
mother  played an important part in his reign, acting as
God's Wife of Amun..

Amenhotep I may have been married to his sister,
(Ahmose-) Merytamun, who was a God's Wife of Amun.
Rising Star -Sirius
A heliacal rising of Sirius was seen during his reign, as
recorded by the Papyrus Ebers1, which states:

Ninth year of the reign of his majesty the king of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Djeserkare - may he live forever! Festival of the
New Year: third month of summer, ninth day - rising of Sirius"
giving the date of 1517 BC for the astronomical event and
1526 BC for the coronation of Amenophis I"
Amenhotep was this kings birth name, which means "Amun
is Pleased". He is also known as Amenhotpe I, and
Amenophis I by the early Greeks. His throne name was
Djeser-ka-re, or "Holy is the Soul of Re". His Horus name
was Ka-Waf-Taw (Bull who conquers the land) and his "Two
Ladies" name was Aa-nerw (He who inspires great terror).
Best known for his building of the Temple of Karnak in
He also  restored the mines at Serabit el-Khadim in the
Sinai where he also expanded the Middle Kingdom temple
of Hathor.
Established cult of Amun at Karnak
Title : God's Wife of Amun
Then the majesty of this god said: "I am her protector. A challenge to her
shall not occur forever by any king who shall arise in the following of
future generations. But only the god's wife Nefertari.
It belongs to her from son to son forever and ever in accordance with her
office of god's wife. There is not one who shall say, 'Except for me.
Amun - Amen
A primordial Egyptian god, whose name means "the hidden one". As
the driving force of the invisible breeze he was originally a god of wind
and ruler of the air. During the 11th dynasty (2133 - 2000 BCE) he
became the powerful sun-god of Thebes, where he was worshipped as
Amun-Re. Later he was made the supreme god of the entire realm and
king of the gods.
Amenhotep III Luxor Museum (Egypt)
Sargon II and dignitary on a low-relief from
the left wall of the palace of Sargon II at Dur
Sharrukin in Assyria
(now Khorsabad in
Iraq), c. 716–713 BCE. Sargon II reigned 722-
705 BCE and was one of the most important
kings of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and
founder of the Sargonid Dynasty.
Reliefs of Ramses II, Ptah and
,,,:Egyptian Museum..
known before the fifth year
of his reign as Amenhotep
IV, was a Pharaoh of the
Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt
Feet of Pharaoh Ramses I. He resided unrecognized for many years in a museum in
Niagara Falls, Canada. (It is possible that Rameses I is the great-grandfather of the
biblical Moses)
Nerfertiti. Ancient Egyptian
Queen . About Year 14 of
Akhenaten's reign, Nefertiti
vanishes from the historical
Akhenaton - meaning "living spirit
of Aten"
Bust of one of Akhenaton's six Daughters

Identity:      Djoser, King
Material:    Painted Limestone
Period:       Old Kingdom, 3rd Dynasty
Reign:         Djoser

Height:       142 cm
Width:         45.3 cm
Length:       95.5 cm

This statue is thought to be the oldest, life size,
sculpture known from Egyptian antiquity. It was
placed inside a small closed room (so-called
"serdab") at the north eastern corner of the Step
Pyramid of king Djoser in Sakkara, the earliest
monumental construction made of stone. Here
the statue became the dwelling of the "ka" or
guardian spirit of the king who is represented
seated on an elevated throne with a high back.
He could thus hear the prayers, smell the scent
of incense and enjoy the offerings. The king is
shown wearing the "nemes" headdress, a false
beard, and carries a scepter in his right hand. His
eyes which were once inlaid with semi-precious
stones retain a straight look giving it a lifelike
effect. The inscription on the base of the throne
gives the royal Horus name "Netjery-khet".
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Identity:        Khufu, King
Material:      Ivory
Period:         Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty
Reign:          Khufu

Height:       7.5 cm
Width:        2.5 cm
Profile:       2.9 cm

This small statuette is important because
it is the only surviving complete
representation of the great king Khufu,
builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The
king sits on the throne wearing the red
crown of Lower Egypt and holds the
"nekhekh" scepter of dignity in his right
hand. The face shows features of an old
man with strong personality

The Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Queen Hatshepsut
Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Red Haired Mummies of Egypt
Biblical Patriarchs as Pharaohs

Exploring the Unknown   with
Brad and Mary Sutherland
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A scene carved into the limestone block walls of
the mastaba o
f 5th Dynasty official Ty, in
Saqqara, dating back to circa 2400 BCE (Photo:
kairoinfo4u). Ty had numerous titles including
"sole companion", possibly due to his position
as "director of the hairdressers of the Great
House", which conferred on him the right to
approach and to touch the king. Another one of
his titles was "overseer of marshlands".

We see him here standing serenely on a small
boat made of bound papyrus stems in a swampy
area typical of the Nile Delta marshlands. He
holds his great staff of office in front of him. In
the background are the stems of a papyrus
thicket several meters in height. Ty is shown
larger-than-life in comparison to his boatmen
who are fending off (or perhaps hunting) a
group of hippopotamuses and crocodiles to
allow safe passage of the official. On the left of
the scene, we see a comfortably seated
fisherman, who has just captured a splendid fish

Tutankhamun's father

he was known as Amenhotep IV (or
Amenophis IV).

Son  of Amenhotep III (1386-1353 BCE)
and his wife Tiye

Husband of Queen Nefertiti,

Father  of both Tutankhamun (by  wife  
Kiya) and Tutankhamun’s wife
Ankhsenamun (by Nefertiti)