A red-haired mummy
recovered from the Nevado
Ampato, Peru, in the mountains
near the famous Machu Picchu
mountaintop fortress. Dated at
circa 1400 AD, this may even
have been one of the
red-haired Incas that the
Spaniards reported seeing

The original people of Lemuria are a previous hybridization from 7 genetic code structures from within Orion Union, designed to best fit the earth climate and
cosmic ray environment which  then existed on earth. Orientals originated from the ancient races of Lemuria.
The oriental race is claimed to be reserved for the oldest souls reincarnating back to earth.
Each time a new flock was "planted," it was engineered to be best suited to that environment.
Aryans are the only exception, as they had to be moved to earth in an emergency because their planet was being destroyed.
The MidEast was actually 'seeded' with pre-existing Aryans.  *Note RH negative factor in bloodlines  of Aryans.

In Central America, the legendary Quetzalcoatl appeared among the Toltecs. As legend goes, he was a white man dressed in a long white robe covered with red
crosses. He wored a great beard and according to tradition introduced science and learning to Natives.

Pyramids on the north coast of Peru

The pyramids are closely connected with both the constellation and the great priests, of the Lemurians and Atlanteans, who held the records of universal history.
H.P. Blavatsky’s " Secret Doctrine" tells us that there was a time when the four parts of the world were covered in pyramids and temples sacred to the Sun
and the Dragon but the cult is now preserved mainly on India and China and Buddhist countries
Peru’s coast is the world’s driest desert with the richest soil, where rivers from the Andes irrigated gigantic valleys in the past. The north coast is an
exact copy of Egypt’s environment. The Lambayeque Valley has 260 pyramids and was ruled by kings like Pharaohs.

Below: A red-haired mummy recovered from the Nevado Ampato, Peru, in the mountains near the famous Machu Picchu mountaintop fortress. Dated at circa
1400 AD, this may even have been one of the red-haired Incas that the Spaniards reported seeing
Some of the mummies were found to have the stiff black hair of the Indians, while others, which have been kept in the same conditions, have red, often chestnut-
colored hair, "silky and wavy, as found amongst Europeans, they have long skulls and remarkably tall bodies. Hair experts have shown by microscopic analysis,
that the red hair has all the characteristics that ordinarily distinguish a Nordic hair type from that of Mongols or American Indians." (Heyerdahl, ibid., pages 351,
Pizarro asked who the white skinned redheads were. The Inca Indians replied that they were the last descendants of the Viracochas. The Viracochas, they said,
were a divine race of White men with beards. They were so like the Spanish that the Europeans were called Viracochas the moment they came to the Inca
Empire. The Incas thought they were the Viracochas who had come sailing back across the Pacific. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).
According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the sun-god, Con-Ticci Viracocha, had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru
and sailed off into the Pacific with all his subjects.
When the Spaniards came to Lake Titicaca, up in the Andes, they found the mightiest ruins in all South America - Tiahuanaco. They saw a hill reshaped by man
into a stepped pyramid, classical masonry of enormous blocks, beautifully dressed and fitted together, and numerous large statues in human form. They asked
the Indians to tell them who had left these enormous ruins.
The well known chronicler, Cieza de Leon, was told in reply that these things had been made long before the Incas came to power. They were made by White
and bearded men like the Spaniards themselves. (Heyerdahl, ibid., page 253).
The White men had finally abandoned their statues and gone with the leader, Con-Ticci Viracocha, first up to Cuzco, and then down to the Pacific. They were
given the Inca name of Viracocha, or "sea foam', because they were white skinned and vanished like foam over the sea.
Paracas mummy, in its
sand grave, with hair
well preserved and
doliocranicial skull
clearly visible. (Photo:
JD, 2002)
Doliocranicial skull with
its preserved hair,
Paracas, Peru. (Photo:
JD, 2002
Chaucilla, Peru. (Photo: JD,
A Paracas mummy, disinterred
from its sand tomb after 2,000
years. The feathered hat and
fine cotton cloak embroidered
in multi-colored wools have
been preserved by the natural
dryness of the sand grave - as
has the long straight red hair,
The doliocranicial or
'long' form of skull found
here is characteristic of
Tribe of Dann or what
we believe to be 'The
Lost Tribe of Israel'.
Cranial deformation to
form the elongated head
was a practice reserved
for noble children .
The sadly desecrated
cemetery of Chaucilla,
near Nazca, has dozens
of ancient red-haired
corpses jutting out of
their open graves, mute
testimony to Peru's
ancient White past
The small figures in this scene
have been restored to the
original positions they had
been found in at La Venta,
Tabasco.  One of the
noteworthy aspects of this
concession is that all of the
men have elongated skulls.
Red Haired Mummies of Peru

Exploring the Unknown   with
Brad and Mary Sutherland
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