Wisconsin Haunts Menasha During the 1920s, a young boy ventured up the attic of this house to retrieve his missing pet. While there, he became tangled in a rope and was strangled to death. Legend has it that his spirit returns to the attic ever year on the date of his death, September 18th. ------------------- Perry Township At the Haugey Lage Church, lightening has struck twice, once killing a woman. She now is claimed to haunt the church and grounds. There have been reports of distant screaming and many other strange noises. Others say that a swing located on a tree bearing the woman's name swings when the wind is calm. Plover At a restaurant located on the corner of Hwy 54 and Post River Road, a haunting exists. When it was just a home, a child was killed there. Now when no one is in the building , lights come on in the room that the child died in. . Glasses are also said to move around on their own on the bar and sometimes shatter. Sounds like some poltegeist activities --------- Wisconsin Rapids One day, a young mother lost her two sons near the railroad tracks off 72nd St. After desperately attempting to locate them, she became so saddened that she laid her body on the railroad tracks and waited to be killed. A moment before the train came, the boys jumped out the bushes where they were hiding just in time to witness their mother being killed. The boys were later admitted to a mental institution and can be now, after their deaths, be seen walking along the tracks every July . -------------------- FINDING A VORTEX Go to a place that has always brought you meaning, or one to which you respond emotionally, perferably when not many people are around to distract your awareness. The best time to experience a vortex is at dusk or dawn. The seperation between worlds is blurred at these transition times, or when it's foggy (when the waters meets the land)...or on solstices and equinoxes (when the seasons meet). This is a time of great powre. After you have found a likely spot, allow your mind to become quiet in order to absorb the surrounding energy. Quiet your mind by listening to the wind or the wild life around you ..or watch the tree branches touch the sky. Empty your mind by putting aside your thoughts of work and problems in life. By clearing your mind answers will come to you on things that may have troubled you. Imagine that you extend into the ground and beyond your head, that you blend into the Universe. Now Feel. If there is a vortex there, you will feel the earth energy rise into your from below opening your mind. You will experience sensations ie. sadness, peace , wonderment, etc. The awareness of your surrounding will heighten . Colors will become more vibrant, objects more detailed. ie the sky more blue or you will notice the delicateness of the flower or its beauty. You will feel the earth energy rise into you from below opening your mind If you find a masculine vortex, words, sentences, thoughts and ideas might rise in you. If the essence of the vortex is feminine, you may experience a feeling of being open, yielding and connected. And if both male and female energies surround you you might become infused with a sense of wholeness. Vortexs can be found anywhere ..even in your own backyard or home. Sometimes you don't even need to go out looking for your vortex, it will jump out at you without any preconceptions on your part. You will be minding your business, with vortexs the fartherest thing from your mind, when suddenly you will be infused with emotions or thoughts that are coming at you from everywhere. Trees are very high energy. The Ancients believed that forests of oak held great power and magic. They can even influence the people that live around them. If you have questions go to an oak tree. Site with your back to it and your eyes closed. Trees are wise and have much to tell. Their tops reach to the sky and their roots ground them to mother earth. A beautiful flow of energy comes from these magestic spirits. At the foci of energy Earth, as it forms 'in explicate reality (our world as we sense it), reveals the presence of these foci, or vortices, by -nations of geologic significance: These formations are volcanoes, high mountains, hot springs, mineral deposits, ends of sand spits near the ocean, sea mounts, forks of rivers, river mouths, large falls, deep gorges, rock outcroppings, and possibly others. Some dams are located on vortices, and often mineral deposits, especially gold, denote a vortex. Many ley lines follow the great faults and waterways on the surface of our earth. CREATING YOUR OWN VORTEX Once you have cleansed and area for your vortex, declare out loud your intent to open a vortex in that location. State what the vortex will be used for and how it will be maintained. You may call upon guides, masters, angels, and teachers to help you, and then you start to work with your imaginative abilities. Imagine that you and those you have called to help you are standing in a circle around a swirling pool. The pool is made of light and is pouring in from above. Imagine that the pool swirls faster and expands to a larger size. Fill it with color and sound and see it grow even larger and more beautiful. Next see an opening appear in the earth. It is a connection to the planetary light grids. Imagine the smallest or lowest point of the vortex energy moving into the opening and connecting with the light grid. Once connected allow the vortex to feed light into the grids. Again state your intent for this vortex, "We create this vortex for/to - " Now imagine that the vortex is sinking into the earth leaving part below and part above, and then imagine that you are adjusting the width of the vortex to fit into the space you are planning for it to occupy. Once you feel satisfied that the vortex is in place and is set the way you desire for it to be, state that this vortex be used only for the highest good of all and that its energy bring harm to no one. At this time your work is complete. You may thank those you called in to help and dismiss them. Maintain your vortex by swirling the energy, expanding it, feeding it light, color and sound on a regular basis. Activate and call in the energy of your vortex crystals when you do this work. If you move to another location, it is important to do something with this vortex that you have created. You can use the same process you used to open the vortex to close it. By reversing the whole thing you can withdraw the vortex from the planetary light grids and close the opening you once created. Then you can recreate the vortex in a new location. If, for some reason, you choose to leave or must leave a vortex in place you should create a ceremony to set it as a self-maintained and non-invasive energy point for feeding light into the grids. Always keep in mind, when you are working with any energy, that your actions have consequences. Make highest good your constant intent in everything you do with your vortex and you will find it a very useful tool in healing, manifesting and for honoring our beautiful planet. Electromagnetic Field Study A Precession Proton Magnetometer is suggested to measure natural magnetic fields and induced artificial magnetic fields. Normal background magnetism is usually between 54,800 gammas and 55,000 gammas. NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS OF WISCONSIN 1600s - Tribal warfare in the East leads to the migration of many Native American groups to Wisconsin. Among these are the Sac, or Sauk, the Fox, and the Potawatomi. The Menominee and Winnebago were already established here at that time. |
HAUNTED WISCONSIN Vortices, Paranormal Hotspots, Ghosts and UFOs of Wisconsin Brought to you by Burlington UFO and Parnormal Research Center 532 N. PINE STREET BURLINGTON, WI 53015 262-767-1116 bsutherland@wi.rr.com BURLINGTONNEWS.NET |
Ufos over Wisconsin Haunted Places in Wisconsin Paranormal of Wisconsin, Vortices in Wisconsin Haunted Tours in Wisconsin UFO and Paranormal Centers of Wisconsin Burlington, Wisconsi Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center |
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Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work on consciousness studies, ancient history and unusual phenomena. She is a "hands on" researcher and the creator of one of the largest website on the internet with hundreds of pages providing information on the paranormal, UFOs, ancient races and their cultures, sacred sites and power points of the world, underground tunnels and cave systems, dimensional worlds , metaphysics, etc. The governor of Kentucky commissioned her as a ‘Kentucky Colonel” for her work on the ancient sites of Kentucky. For the last 5 years, she has been exploring, mapping and documenting the ancient underwater structures of Rock Lake – near Aztalan. For the last fourteen years she has been documenting the ancient sites around Burlington, WI. Truth is her passion. She believes it is through truth that we will break ourselves free of our present entanglements in life. When we become free, we will create our own ‘personal story’ of the ‘hero’s journey’ suggested by Joseph Campbell. |
CONTACT US TODAY Brad and Mary Sutherland 248 Carver Street Winslow, Illinois 61089 815 367 1006 |