Did you know that Burlington Wisconsin has been having incredible ufo sightings since July of 2004. Yes...and where are we taking these photos??  Right over the
Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center.  Following are only a 'few' of the wisconsin ufo photos taken over Burlington. All photos copyrighted by Mary Sutherland @2005
Could the photo that Corral Gayle have taken in the sky over Burlington be a space gate. Let's  analyze the possibility of this using the theory of Space Time Warp Tubes.  
First I will put up a few photos below so that you can follow this line of thought with what we were able to capture on digital camera.  

This Photo shows the space time warp tubes.
and ufos coming out. The ufos are only small specks giving
you an idea just how big this gate really is.
One of the small specks coming out of the
tube to the right is shown below. Florescent
green shows us that this ship is in a plasma
state. It has not solidified or formed into solid
matter yet.
Larry Dickens, executive producer of the Jerry Pippin
Show worked on the photos above and by cutting and
enlarging was able to get a better definition of what this
tube looks like.  Notice the small speck to the top left of
the photo. That is a ufo!
Now for the Fun Part !

S. V. Krasnikov is a theoretical Physicist at the Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo in St. Petersburg, Russia. He  proposes a creation of  a space warp behind
the space ship as it travels at near lightspeed to some distant star system, and then use the "tube" thus created for the return trip.  He suggests a particular "metric", a
distortion of space that has an interesting property for the return trip:
it gets you back home shortly after you left, no matter how far you go.

In effect the Krasnikov Tube is a tunnel through time, connecting the departure time of the ship with the time of its arrival at destination point. Inside the tube space-time
is "flat", i.e., unwarped, but the path limits of light through space-time has been opened out so that it permits superluminal travel in one direction only, e.g., back to the
starting point on Earth.
In its impact on interstellar travel, the 'Krasnikov' Tube is similar to that of a hypothetical wormhole mouth launched with an near-lightspeed velocity.  The distortion of
space-time provides a shortcut that subverts the relativistic rules of interstellar travel. However, there is an important difference: the traveling wormhole provides a
shortcut through time and space, so that once the wormhole path was established one could literally walk from one star system to another. On the other hand, the
Krasnikov Tube is only a shortcut through time. The distance to  the destination point must still be traversed by a fast starship with enormous relativistic time dilation.

Krasnikov argues that despite the time-machine-like aspects of his metric, it cannot violate the Law of Causality (that a cause must always precede its effects in all
coordinate systems and along all space-time paths) because all points along the round-trip path of the spaceship always have an ordered timelike separation interval
[in algebraic terms, c2(t1-t2)2 is always larger than (x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2 + (z1-z2)2]. This means, for example, that a light-beam message sent along a Krasnikov Tube
cannot be used for back-in time signaling.  In the terminology of the ufologist, this would mean 'Non-Interference' of events.

Mary Sutherland  @2005
Dirk Laureyssens

In our Big Tube concept the impact force is an unbreakable membrane tube. This tube pelastrates another tube or
another part in three possible ways; (1) the impact tube goes only through the top layer(s) of the impact zone (the top of
the tube that is hit) and the impact tube will follow a trajectory inside that tube, (embedded tube)(2) the impact tube goes
completely through the other tube, and carries then two layers as a new skin (Top and Bottom layer) or several skins
from the previous (historical) layering, (3) the impacting tube splits in two or more sub-tubes.

The multi-dimensional Universe consists primary of a giant basic tube made from a tensegritic membrane. The
membrane is unbreakable. The membrane is almost infinite stretchable. The existence such a membrane is the only
axioma of this theory. [One can question of course what made this membrane and then there are several speculations
such as a type of tricoted single or double filament that is stored behind the membrane. Our goal is limited - for the
moment - to show an engineering system that is simple and doesn't need a lot of postulates like QM and hundreds of

This membrane is so flexible and elastic that it can infold by a pelastration loop or other types of pelastrations (see
image below). This can happen on macro cosmos level as on micro cosmos level. A pelastration will influence locally
the tension on the membrane.

The giant tube - which is in essence the membrane itself - will restructure itself in many divisions and sub-divisions. We
call these divisions: Islands or pellons (pelastrated holons). You can see them also as macro cosmic cigars and micro
cosmic cigarillo's. ;-)

Each island contains the complete historical layering from the previous hyperspaces from which is founded. This way
we can say that the system always keeps it's INTEGRITY. Since the internal and external 'skins' move as two or more
couples oscillating systems they create between them FRICTION. That friction creates an overhaul oscillation which
amplitude will depend from the internal (topological) structuring of the layers depending from their degree of membrane
stress. This explains RESONANCE.

Next to that the membrane can create 'locally' also new tiny tubes which will act as membrane tentacles vibrating after
the overhaul frequency of that specific island. We can call these outer-island tubes: Field tubes (because they represent
the electro-magnetic and radiation fields).

Because the layers press upon each other they create 'tension', thus DENSITY. This way the various combinations
between energy and matter are explained. The shift between energy and matter happens thus as follows: couple (white
hole/pellon of A+B)-> de-couple (Black hole separation A and B) -> re-couple (New white hole/pellon A+X) and/or (new
white hole/pellon B+Y).

The Big Tube sub-divides itself by pelastration in trillions of other tube-zones and inter- and intra-dimensional tubes.
This process of creation can happen simultaneous on the MACRO- and MICRO-cosmic LEVEL.

Pelastration is an essential dynamic process to explain the creation of dimensions, matter and energy, motion, etc. and
several joining activities, but is not the only process. Sub-tubes (such as the field-tubes) - resulting from the pelastration
of several types of tubes - can also coil, knot, etc. with other tubes and provoking changes of conditions. For example by
coiling they can create temporary conditions (joined resonance by joined connection) to attract (in fact capture) symbiotic
other tubes (compare it with human reproduction). Another type of resonance is however also created by internal friction
or over-heating of one or more layers in a tube-zone or the entry of new tubes (e.ge. adding new strings to the piano).
The embedding of another 'micro-island' will influence the overhaul frequency.
The approach of Pelastration and Tunity shows that the each island keeps it's original layers (basic components) and
historic design, which are although adapted during it's existence (island life-time frame) by internal changes (conform
intra conditions, thus in accordance with internal 'allowed' growth and decay condintions) and by exogenous factors:
which POSITION (i.e. transversing tubes may fix POSITION in a large network of islands) and CHANGE characteristics
(embedding values).

Every island act thus like an isolated unit (with an own state of the system) but is in fact still in each of it's layers
connected with it's founding states of structure. And the membrane is still the same.
Each island is thus a holon (Cfr. Arthur Koestler: A holon may be defined as 'one part within a larger whole that is itself
also a whole containing smaller parts' -- a self-organizing phenomenon observed in all areas of life.) or a BIBIB (a

Difference with the traditional String theory:
Uroboros, The Snake that bites in its own tail. More:
There are a number of interpretations about the logic
or values behind the Uroboros snake (also called
Ouroboros and Uroborus). The normal explanation: it
symbolizes the recycling or renewal of the Universe.
From the nothingness shows up a specific zone
with other properties than the nothingness itself.
This can be a pelastration of nothingness
through nothingness. For us this zone however
represents our physical and metaphysical

Mysterium Coniunctionis by C.G.Jung: "In the
image of the uroboros (the serpent swallowing
its own tail) lies the thought of devouring
oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory
process... The uroboros is a dramatic symbol
for the integration and assimilation of the
opposite, i.e., of the shadow...it is said of the
uroboros that he slays himself and brings
himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives
birth to himself."

.geocities.com/annafranklin1/snake.html :
Originally the snake was the symbol of the
virgin goddess, who gave birth to the cosmos
unaided by any male principle. The coiled
serpent represented her vagina. The connection
between copulation and conception was not
made for millennia. In early myths the Goddess
gave birth to the universe parthenogenically,
though after the connection had been made the
original Oneness of the Goddess split into god
and goddess forms and from their sexual union
creation was thought to arise.

Because of its obvious phallic shape and its
reputed fertility the snake is also a symbol of the
male principle. In the Pelasgian creation myth
the Goddess created the first living creature
from air, the giant serpent Ophion, and
becoming a female serpent mated with it and
then gave birth to the world egg. She became a
dove and floated on the primordial ocean while
Ophion coiled around the egg three times until it
hatched out and created
the heavens, the earth and the underworld.

The Uroborous dragon biting its own tail depicts
the original chaotic condition, which prevails
before the radical transmutation. But it contains
all the refined ingredients of the ultimate state in
their uncooked form—the heat has yet to be
applied to the unrefined material, raw uncooked

The symbolism of the starry heaven coincides
with the motif of polyopthalmia (many eyes). The
dragon or serpent represents the initial state of
unconsciousness, which is to be sacrificed. The
inner man, the homunculus passes through the
stages and undergoes transformation. In
Zosimos, the homunculus stands for the
uroborous and is synonymous with Ion, the self-
sacrificing priest of the mysteries. Uroboros is
also identified with the ego, and the division into
four. As an arcanum, the egg is a synonym for
water, the dragon, and World Egg.


The worm, snake, serpent or dragon biting or
swallowing its own tail is a powerful symbol of
infinity, and also of universal nature, of
completion, perfection and totality, the endless
round of embodied existence, the union of the
chthonic with the celestial. Parallels abound -
the figure-8 symbol of infinity (quite possibly
derived from the uroboros), the Chinese yin-
yang symbol, the Buddhist wheel of Life, etc.
Ouroboros The Serpent biting its own tail
appears in New Kingdom Egypt (1600 years b.c.
e.). It was taken up by the Phonecians and then
to the Greeks, who called it the Ouroboros (or
uroboros), which means tail-devouror. They
considered it the Great World Serpent encircling
the earth, associated with the world-ocean.
Ouroboros became an important Gnostic
symbol, later taken up by Western Alchemy.

From the Planck scale to the cosmic horizon,
the visible universe encompasses about 60
orders of magnitude. The size scales of the
universe can thus be arrayed around the
serpent like minutes around the face of a clock.
Sheldon Glashow originally suggested this
symbol, with the swallowing of the tail
expressing his hope for a unification of the
theories governing the largest and smallest
scales [8]. I noticed [9] that there are many
connections across the diagram:
electromagnetism dominates the bottom; the
strong and weak interactions not only dominate
on nuclear scales but also describe energy
generation in stars and determine the
composition of planetary systems; and dark
matter, which is gravitationally dominant on
galactic and larger scales, may be associated
with the physics of still smaller scales.
Following are several photos we took at Eagle Lake 1-31-05 with possible explanation following:
Our world(s) show a complex of interconnectedness on the macro and micro levels which provoke a diversity
of living and non-living forms. The pelastration manifold explains the basic paradox, but also the answers to
similar paradoxes about life and religion. Till today these paradoxes were given by revelations and philosophy,
now we can "see" how it works. The basic paradox of how matter and spirit (energy) is created from
"emptiness" is answered by proving that at the second level of manifolding a duality in possibilities of
impact-combinations starts. It becomes clear that which of the tubes becomes the active impact tube
determinates the outcome. Although started with identical forces the layer-characteristics will differ. 2+1=3 is
not the same as 1+2=3.
                                 Three is not Three ! ... and that means a lot.

Of course combinations of one, two, three + and three - give a lot of combinations of next levels, since 4 will not
be the same as 4, 5 will be not the same as 5, etc.
This apparent contradiction is solved by looking for a higher level. The observer standing on level 1 (where
duality is created in 2) has the OVERVIEW. But the observer standing in 3(-) or 3(+) sees only two different
events, from which one is "un-real".

But even the lower observer will be confronted with more of these anomalies. He will not understand what is
the origine/cause of certain of his observations, and will introduce an "uncertainty principle" (Heisenberg) and
systems like Quantum Mechanics.

For example: on the forth level a 5 composed by [(3+)+2] and [(4+1)+1] are layered identically (but might have
other density characteristics), but is also layered identical as [1+(3+)]= 4. When observer's evaluation system
is based on the scientific approach of "counting layers" these three will be judged as IDENTICAL. We know
however that their combinations of matter and energy is NOT IDENTICAL.

The result of these pelastrations is a number of local "closed" zones which seem to be independent to the
observer but still are connected in a double way, first by the "JOINT", secondly by the "LAYERING". Interaction
between them is thus still possible.

The Paradox of Creation.
Einstein looked 30 years for the Gravitational Ether which would be the "primair" kinetic source in the
conception of the Universe. Movements of the ether or movements in the ether could give a mechanical
approach of the universe.
Below analysis shows how pelastration gives the key to the creation of new (embedding previous
dimensions) dimensions by restructering of the Gravitational Ether.
The Paradox of Creation
The Paradox of the Quantum Leap can also be explained.

Michio Kaku: "The original 10 dimensional space-time finally "cracked" into two pieces, a four and a six dimensional
universe. The universe made the "quantum leap" to another universe in which six of the 10 dimensions collapsed
and curled up into a tiny ball, allowing the remaining four dimensional universe to explode outward at an enormous
rate. The four dimensional universe (our world) expanded rapidly, creating the Big Bang, while the six dimensional
universe wrapped itself into a tiny ball and shrunk down to infinitesimal size."

In the pelastration concept the original structure splits in a basic passive part (receptive tube) and the pelastrating
second part (impact tube) that becomes double layered. cfr. Kaku's 10 = 6 + 4 dimensions

De-pelastration= when the impact redraws this acts like a block-hole (shrinking and increasing density) till it
disappears in a funnel (Kaku: "One puzzle, however, is that, according to Einstein's equations, the funnel of a black
hole necessarily connects our universe with a parallel universe.
Furthermore, if the funnel connects our universe with
itself, then we have a "worm hole"

Look now to the design of the pelastration: a white hole, that during the de-pelastration (decay) becomes a black hole.
Corral's Car..
Infinite Dimensions!
Jolene in multi-dimension..
One dimension of present (arns up) and the other
dimension of future..moments before next photo was
taken with her arms down.
Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center - Focusing on  Earth Mysteries
UFOs, Paranormal, Ancient Mysteries, Mysticism , Prophecies......
BUFO UFO and Paranormal Radio with Mary Sutherland

Multi-Dimensional Universe and Tube Travel
by Mary Sutherland
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Mary Sutherland
Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089  815 367 1006  
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Mary Sutherland
After you have read
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Mary Sutherland
Haunted Burlington Wisconsin
Price: 19.99  128 Pages

Haunted Burlington Wisconsin

Burlington's historical district rests uneasily on top of twenty-seven ancient burial mounds. No
wonder everyone in the seemingly sleepy Wisconsin town owns a ghost story or two. Residents
have spotted the White Beast of Burlington near the old fish hatchery, bumped into a Confederate
apparition on Academy Road and caught a glimpse of the Lady in Blue at the Malt House Theater.
Mary Sutherland spent fourteen years chasing local lore through the underground tunnels and
eerie skies of this hotbed of supernatural activity. Now she stands as a ready guide to the
mysteries of the Burlington Vortex.