Exploring the Unknown
with Brad and Mary Sutherland
Alternate Universes, Parallel Universes, Portals and More
Brad and Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089
815 367 1006

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Article is based off documents found at Top Secret Publishing

Electromagnetic Technology  
Is our Reality being Tampered With?
Mary Sutherland 2004

When the project's first phase was complete, a report was submitted to the Congressional committee from which funds
had been appropriated. Congressional members were told that the consciousness of man could definitely be affected
by electromagnetism and, additionally, that it would be possible to develop electronic hardware and software that could
literally change the way a person thinks about anything and everything.

The Philadelphia experiment had disassembled the physical and biological structure of human beings. Crew
members had melded with bulkheads and changed beyond recognition. Those who had survived were quite mad or
died later from madness and some strange internal burning. For some the results of the experiments aboard the USS
Eldridge was a complete disaster, but for others, it was just the beginning  - or an open door - to  "Electromagnet
Technology".  Scientists and engineers learned how to alter and direct weather, how to create storms or to vanquish
natural storms by tapping into the planet's orgone energy  - turning it on or off at will

The Philadelphia Project resurfaced in 1947 or 1948 under the guise of Project Rainbow. German mathematician and
theoretical physicist Dr. John von Neumann and his research team, were put in charge of the project. There goal was
to  find out how to protect humans within an electromagnetic field so vessels and crews could be transported through
space and time without harm.

Project engineers and scientists spent nearly ten years working out why human beings had troubles with
electromagnetic fields that lofted them through different times and spaces. They concluded that  humans are born with
what is known as a "time reference" point. At conception, an energy being (human) is attached to a time line and must
begin the manifestation of life as flesh and blood from that point. To understand this, Von Neumann realized that it
would be necessary to view the Energy Being as completely different from the physical body.

Our references as both a physical and metaphysical being appears to have origin in the time reference residing within
the electromagnetic background of Earth. This time reference is the basic orientation point to the way the universe
operates. Time, in the normal context, appears always to flow in  forward ...or at least to our limited senses it does.

But the Rainbow technology apparently creates an alternate reality having its existence entirely within the quantum
field, literally transferring material objects out of our "normal" time and space. This accounts for the light-invisibility of
the USS Eldridge and her crew.

The alternate reality created by the shift has no time references because it is not part of the normal forward flow of
time. For the person who was experiencing the phenomenon uninstructed, it would be like having an intense and
enduring nightmare wherein nothing makes any sense.

So Phoenix engineers were faced with solving the problem of letting human test subjects get into and out of the
quantum field without harm somehow. Although they would be in an Alternate Reality, the test subjects would have to  
believe they were still in the Earth's Real Time . To avoid trans-dimensional disorders, the scientists would have to
connect the subject to a 'time reference' that they could recognize as the planet Earth. Dr. von Neumann knew
computers would have to be used if they were going to calculate the time references of specific people and replicate
those references while they were in the quantum field, otherwise the test subjects would be experiencing essentially
'no reality' or a 'continuous nightmare reality' at best.

The computer had to be programmed to generate an electromagnetic background with which the test subjects could
synchronize. If not done, the soul and the physical body time and space reference points would be out of sync,
resulting in dissolution and insanity or inability to return to Earth's real time. Because they were dealing with two
separate and distinct entities (the spiritual human and the physical human) the time reference would be required to
lock in the spirit and the electromagnetic background would be required to lock in the body. The technology, begun in
1948, was apparently fully developed by 1967, during the height of the Vietnam conflict.

When the project's first phase was complete, a report was submitted to the Congressional committee from which
funds had been appropriated. Congressional members were told that the consciousness of man could definitely be
affected by electromagnetism and, additionally, that it would be possible to develop electronic hardware and software
that could literally change the way a person thinks about anything and everything. Appropriations by congress were

But, by 1969, the scientists and engineers at Brookhaven had their empire in place, the technology was secure, and
the engineers were looking for a mission. What they needed was funding from a secret agency to continue with the
mind control experiments. The military seemed the most logical source. When told a device had been developed that
would alter the way people -and particularly soldiers - would think and act, military pundits were beside themselves
with the possibilities. Such a device could not only change the outcome of a battle already begun, it might be used to
convince entire populations that war is not only unnecessary, but completely impossible. Or that total war was the only
solution to a political crisis.

One facet of the Phoenix Project was intense research into various areas of paranormal activity, particularly telepathy.
The military was well aware that the Soviets were involved in paranormal research, and they knew that if 'sensitives'
could be found who possessed skills or powers strong enough to nullify Soviet sensitives or even overpower them,
America might have an incredible super-weapon with whom they could defeat any foe, military or civilian.

When Congress refused to refinance Phoenix and disbanded the group, they had no idea some zealous scientists
would seek support elsewhere. When scientists approached the military and told them what they had accomplished
and what could be developed from the research, facilities were eagerly prepared, equipment purchased and millions
of dollars began to appear from more than one unknown source. By 1970 the Brookhaven group as well as several
elite universities worldwide were deeply involved in paranormal research. Some of these splinter projects involved use
of drugs and hallucinogens; others not. Some experiments were conducted using electromagnetic fields. A few purists
tapped only the mind-power of their test subjects who they considered expendable.

Investigation quickly revealed that telepathic waves, while not radio waves, behaved similar to radio waves and could,
therefore, be controlled, modulated and directed with the use of proper equipment. Scientists were elated. They had
discovered (or rediscovered) electromagnetic functions unlike anything ever reported in scientific journals and
textbooks. They were on the verge of wholly new discoveries in human mind power.

Because the projects were funded by and controlled by the military and federal intelligence agencies, the data
gathered was delivered to them and filed away in war rooms and at secret military bases. The general public was left
totally unaware.

Out of early research came the revelation that certain radio frequencies in the 410-420 MHz range could effectively
block human thought patterns, leaving test subjects unable to perform their tasks. Unknown to the researchers and
test subjects at the time, the military had established a secret base on the east coast and was using a jamming
device in the form of a modified radar antenna that, for 14 years, from 1970 until about 1984, beamed thought altering
electromagnetic frequencies toward thousands of Americans in dozens of New England communities.

These thought altering waves would cause crowds to gather and then suddenly disperse in bewilderment; cause an
increase in crime, including murder, in areas receiving the frequencies, and stimulated increased delinquency and
rebellion among teenagers. When the signals were turned off, these communities would return to normal.

When the base was suddenly abandoned in 1983 or 1984, the former residents left behind nearly all their equipment,
papers and military orders. Military transfer orders discovered by other researchers were complete and accurate in
every detail, except that some had large words scrawled across them: GONE!

This odd defacing of official government orders could not be explained until further investigation revealed what
intelligence agencies had paid for at the secret base. They had been sending their test subjects, all males, some
military, some civilians, back and forth through time!

Sensitives  found the base surrounded with unusual vibrations and images; remnants of unusual weather patterns,
mind control and tulpoid beings that had been created from the ether out of the thoughts of test subjects. The
investigators were certain something remarkable had happened at the facility and set out to discovered what it was.
Their focal starting point was the premise that everyone on the base had vanished at nearly the same time, perhaps
the same day, and that they had no time to actually shut down the base or decommission it officially. In fact, the base
did not officially exist.

Except that it was in a state of general disarray when they arrived, investigators found materials, machines, supplies,
reports, buildings and support gear in place as if the base might still be operational. But all the people were gone.
Without a trace.

Citizens in nearby cities revealed that while the base was operating strange things, other than increase in crime and
delinquency, had happened. Large groups of animals would suddenly charge into town and crash through windows. It
snowed in August. Hurricane force winds suddenly came from nowhere and as quickly subsided. Thunderstorms,
lightning and hail would appear and vanish when no meteorological indications of such violent storms were present.

In 1947, federal agencies in America began an extensive research project into the specific control of weather. This was
the original Phoenix project and was developed from data provided earlier by Austrian scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
Most of his research data was burned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is no longer available for general

Dr. Reich was best known for his discovery of a force he called "orgone" energy, orgasmic or life energy, the existence
of which he proved in his lab. While this discovery in itself, associated with the Newtonian concept of "the ether," was
not earth- shaking, he soon ran afoul of the medical authorities when he claimed his control of the life energy, the
wave-form nature of the cosmic ether, cured cancer. In 1940s America, such a proclamation was certain to be a
decree of professional suicide.

Still, Reich found practical uses for his wave-form energy to control and modify weather by modulating the amount of
"orgone" within a storm. Varying amounts of orgone were found to reside in biological organisms as well as in every
square inch of cosmic space. By using electromagnetic force fields, Reich was ultimately able to reduce the violence
of natural storms, a feat he promptly and foolishly reported to the government.

But the government had been closely following Dr. Reich's experiments and already knew what he could do. They
asked for, and received, all his prototype equipment and research papers and quickly used the information to advance
their own weather research.

This research combined the radio meteorograph, a balloon lofted weather monitor, with Reich's "orgone buster" and
produced the devices now known as radiosondes. In the 1950s, radiosondes were lofted by balloon into the
atmosphere at the rates of about 200 per day. Despite the government's cover story that the radiosondes were lofted to
gather weather data, no receivers for the transmitters aboard have ever been discovered and the government was
able, through a chain of disinformation, to preserve the secrecy of the weather altering devices for over forty years.

Even if radiosondes were used to nullify violent storms on the eastern seaboard, the potential exists to use them to
actually create violent storms and to direct them toward specific targets, communities and factories or military bases,
which research has been reported in the former Soviet Union for about thirty years.

According to investigators who have pursued weather control,the joint RAFB/USAFB Woodbridge-Bentwaters, just
north of London, England, was partially destroyed by a man-made storm. Huge tracts of lovely forest on and around the
base were literally pulled out by the roots during a sudden, violent, localized storm of great intensity, a disaster which
is lamented by citizens from nearby communities to this day.

Of all the mind-control experiments conducted in the 1970s and 1980s, those of the Phoenix Project produced some of
the most bizarre and unexpected results. While they were primarily interested in altering the moods and behavior of
test subjects, scientists at Phoenix quickly learned that they could beam specific controlled frequencies to produce
specific mood changes and thought patterns.

Once they had learned this, they beamed those frequencies all over the New England area to see how they could alter
the thoughts of local citizens. Those tests produced the results already discussed. Test subjects were bombarded
with many different pulse rates and widths as scientists tried to determine which pulses made the person cry, laugh,
sleep, violent, etc. They discovered that when the equipment was operating, the mood of everyone at the facility would

From this they concluded that the person did not have to be in the direct path of the beamed frequencies to be affected
by the mind control pulses. Their newly found weapon of RF power gave them a virtual doorway to the human mind!
Next on the agenda was to discover what was inside and how they could alter it permanently.

Unfortunately, several people died of massive brain damage during the early tests when exposed to long periods of
intense pulses of microwave energy. After this problem was solved, the scientists began compiling a data base of
pulses and frequencies that produced the results they were looking for and, by 1972, had developed a non-burning,
non-lethal technology and began using it almost continually on military personnel and nearby communities.

A natural outcome of these experiments was changing the frequencies to see which produced the best results. From
these rapid and random frequency change tests there emerged the first useful ideas and mechanics of time-tripping
which would be used later to purposefully send test subjects out of this time/space continuum.

By about 1975, shortly after cessation of hostilities in Vietnam, Phoenix Project II was in full swing with computers, a
comprehensive data base covering a broad range of cause and effect, and all the new, powerful transmitters they
required to begin beaming their subliminal transmissions over a large area of the American Northeast.

This pulse, when it can be heard above local noise, sounds like a diesel engine running at idle about a mile away and
is just at the low end of human hearing. In some areas, a pulse attributed to Soviet experiments is at a very low
frequency and sounds like a "woodpecker" at the 5Hz to 8Hz range on shortwave radios. This low pulse has been
detected from Taos, New Mexico to the Seattle, Washington area and, most recently, in the New England area.

New technology almost always produces unimagined side-effects and Phoenix was no exception. When directed at
automobiles, certain pulses could cause engines to stop running and electrical instruments to malfunction. Even
animals could be agitated to do strange things. So the scientists had not only a machine that could disable
automobiles and machines of war, they had, by the early 1980s, built and programmed a device that would allow them
access to the human mind and complete thought control over every citizen of the world. They could turn us on and off
like lights, but further research was required to determine which switches needed to be on and in what order to
produce the desired effect on a mass scale.

Help was already available and funds were pouring in from private and secret sources. Phoenix had a wealth of
supporters, all of whom expected to reap great financial rewards from the new mind-control technology. Some
contributors would gain from the manufacture and sale of the hardware and software; some would gain from sale of
machines to the military; others would gain by programming consumers to purchase their advertised products and
services. Apparently no one stopped to think of those who were going to lose: the people - those into whose minds the
programs would be fed.

But the most important discovery was just around the corner. While they were refining the mind-reading/thought control
research, the scientists would stumble onto time-tripping .

Facilities were expanded, equipment upgraded, new Cray computers fed with synthetic human blood were installed to
decode the messages returning from the brains of test subjects and translators were placed into the loop to convert
the electrical signals into actual pictures which could be displayed on television monitors. The engineers, funded by
some of the largest communications companies in the world, were able from that time to listen, read and watch the
thoughts of their test subjects! They could hear and see what was going on inside their minds. They could join in
conversations and record running dialogues. They could vary pulses to change the test subject's mood and actually
see what the effect produced.

After refinements, the translator was changed into a transmitter; that is, the thoughts of the subject, instead of being
merely recorded into a data base, were going to be transmitted to other test subjects who were conducting time-
tripping experiments to give them a "real time" reference to present time Earth. This reference was found to be
necessary so time-trippers would not become disoriented and lost in the quantum field which might produce images
vastly different from those the test subjects recently left.

But the  Dreamers or Scanners  could not always lock onto images and hold them for long periods of time and several
time- trippers were lost before the Real Time  images were converted to computer images that could be locked on for
indefinite periods.

It was at this point and with the aid of the Cray and IBM computers and the new  Virtual Reality Imaging Technology that
time-tripping became possible without the dangers inherent in the earlier systems which used human scanners who
were unable to generate continuous images to those travelling through the quantum field.

Theoretically, time moves in one direction only: forward, but there are, however, very subtle shifts in time that most
people cannot detect and of which only very astute and sensitive people are aware. One of these subtle shifts is the
phenomena of deja vu or "second view." Another is precognition or viewing events in another time before they happen
in this time.

Once the time shifts and scan lock problems had been solved with computers, the scientists could conjure up a
Pseudo Time , that would tie the time travellers to an Earth reality. This would keep them from getting lost and allow
them to find their way back through the quantum field vortex being generated at the facility.

But, because the computers could now generate images that appeared real and solid, the scientists realized they
could project or broadcast them and cause people outside the facility to believe they were actually seeing creatures
and machines interacting with them. These images were particularly apparent to people who had more than normal
sensory perception and, because many of those people report what they think they see, the scientists have been able
to compile a small list of potential receptors (sensitives ) who generally incorrectly translate the images and pass
them on to non-sensitive people.

This mind control through intermediaries (sensitives ) has been actively conducted since about 1975 or 1976 and
accounts for almost all reports of alien abduction other than those incidents attributed to actual abduction by military or
federal intelligence agencies for medical or psychological research.

The early tests, under the cover title of "The Seeing Eye" were conducted to determine how easily sensitives linked with
computer- generated virtual images could influence the general population. The scanner or Scannate projects were
born of this new technology and were employed by several different intelligence agencies during the cold war to find
submarines, troop staging areas and underground facilities of the enemy. Some of them continue even now at secret
bases in American western states.

The only purpose of the new technology being directed at American citizens is to load thoughts into their minds to
make them do things they would
not ordinarily do, including murder, suicide, madness, or purchasing items they do not want and cannot use.

By 1984 Big Brother was inside your head and you didn't even know it.

After the electromagnetic fields and computer-generated images were refined and perfected, the Phoenix Project
scientists began conducting a series of comprehensive tests to determine how effective their subliminal transmission
were on the general population.

By 1980 they were transmitting mental images of hairy anthropoid creatures, flying saucers and grey aliens across a
large area of North America.
All the while they compiled vast data bases and continuously altered frequencies and programs. Other departments
were creating storms and hurricanes and causing floods and blizzards as they perfected their weather machines to be
used (they claimed) as weapons of war. We wonder, since Americans became the test subjects, against whom they
intended to wage this unholy war? Most certainly from 1980 until the present time, this war has been waged against

The first hint of something new and exciting came early in 1980 when someone observed that an artificial event
occurred before it was transmitted, and others were observed hours or days after they were broadcast. These
astounding observations led the scientists and engineers to conclude that the broadcasts were getting lost in time
and were being shifted or re-broadcast sooner or later than they should have been.

Further investigation revealed that time shifting was, indeed, occurring. By reconstructing the events and tracing the
cause of the shift,
they were ultimately able to isolate and control the moment and duration of the shift. They had, by accident, discovered
how to manipulate or "bend" time.

Because their present equipment was barely adequate to fulfill the requirements of the time shifting, they requested
and obtained new and more powerful electronic devices, most of which were installed and operational by 1981. By
surrounding their test subjects with powerful electromagnetic fields, they were able to create the effect produced
aboard the USS Eldridge but with a great deal more control.

They had found the portal into the quantum field and began tentatively to explore it, discovering in rapid succession,
null time in which all things material and ethereal
exists at one and the same moment in all planes as "being" before the creation of the manifest cosmos; negative time
(past); present time; positive time (future) and proof of parallel universes also having their own past, present and future
times! It was into this vast unknown quantum field the scientists intended to project their test subjects.Immediately
there were problems. People vanished and were never retrieved from the vortex. They appeared to have fallen into the
rabbit hole and not found their way out again. It was from these calamities that the computer-generated links were
devised. These Real Time links would serve as a lifeline for the time trippers, allowing them to find the portals so they
could return to present Earth Time and Space. It established a Zero Time or beginning and ending reference for the

During the early phase of this refinement, and because they worried about losing their trained psychics, it became
routine to take homeless people from the alleys and
project them into the vortex. They rationalized that if they were lost no one would even miss them. If they returned, they
were forced to relate their adventures and then they were projected into the vortex again for additional tests. When they
outlived their usefulness or if the scientists feared they might remember what happened and tell someone else, they
were projected in and the computer links were shut down. Hundreds of people may have been lost in this manner.

Once the zero time and the image links were perfected and programmed into the computers, the human psychics in
the loop were deemed unnecessary and they were taken out, primarily because they were unable to consistently lock
in the real time images required to maintain the link between this time and Other Time. The project was now totally
controlled by vast electromagnetic generators and computers.

Most of the base personnel(those who had not succumbed to the project) had been transferred to other assignments.
New crews arrived to guard and maintain the base. Civilian cadres were down-sized and many of the psychics were
cut loose. Many of them simply disappeared.

Between 1981 and 1983 a large number of successful, if mostly tentative, excursions had been made forward and
backward through time in parallel and alternate universes as well as projections back and forth in earth time. During
the trips back into earth time, a number of significant historic political events were altered. They explored the vortex in
Earth's past and future, sampling air and water and observing the evolution of society and the loss of natural
resources, altering those events that would have caused natural or man-made disasters in the future. These
alterations have bent the earth's time line and forced it out of its original direction and chronology. Those of us living
since 1983 are not the people we would have become had not the time-trippers altered our time/space.

Because the transmitter could be tuned to any point or time, travellers were often projected into parallel universes and
into past, present and future time. The vortex was described by test subjects as being a twisted tunnel, brightly lit and
having branches and side tunnels. They described their trips, their missions and their return trips. It is interesting to
note that, while hours or even months might pass while they were performing tasks in the alternate or parallel time, the
trippers almost always returned to the exact moment they left Earth's real time. To the casual observer, they would
have appeared not to have gone anywhere at all!  "
There was not," claimed one scientist, "more than a slight bending of
light rays to indicate the test jumpers had gone into the vortex. They reappeared, after having performed tasks for
weeks, in the next second."

The project, sophisticated as it was by 1983, was not without danger. More than one tripper was abandoned in the
vortex when power fluctuated or was lost. Still, both volunteers and conscripts, all males between the ages of 16 and
24 years, and in the total number of perhaps ten thousand, were being lofted into the vortex on a daily basis, many of
them equipped with transmitting devises that could send messages and images back to the test facility, and many
others with mining and survival equipment. A large number of these trippers did not return to present day earth and it is
to be assumed that theirs was a one- way mission through time. They were not expected to return and, indeed, must
have agreed not to.

From this revelation, many are led to conclude that the trippers were sent through the vortex to terraform a distant
planet or, perhaps,
to colonize a near celestial body such as the moon or Mars.

Several sources have indicated that manned landings were made on Mars as early as 1962 and there is some
evidence to suggest that the first large group of colonists were lofted to the Martian and lunar surfaces by the
Brookhaven group using their time/space bending technology.

To understand time, one must remember that Time -as a thing - does not actually exist. Time is the orderly
progression of events occurring only in the mind of the observer and only within the limits of the particular universe in
which they are manifest. These same (or similar) events may also occur at the same moment in a parallel universe. If
the observer was projected suddenly into the parallel universe, he might not even be aware that a shift had occurred,
except that he might experience some vertigo or an episode of deja vu. Generally these episodes are nullified with a
shake of the head or a shrug of the shoulders. The observer appears to be in his own real time and continues with his
life as if he were. He is totally unaware that a time shift occurred or that he was momentarily in the vortex. These
sudden and unexplained shifts may have no direct impact on one's future. On the other hand, they may have profound
effects on all of humankind, for the act of changing the time line of a single person is tantamount to changing
everyone's time line. The alternate future, once established, becomes fixed until or unless someone goes into the
vortex to tamper with it again.

Because the time line has already been altered, first accidentally with the Philadelphia Experiment and then
purposefully during the Phoenix Project, we find ourselves in a time lock in which everything appears to be progressing
normally but is, in fact, progressing through altered time. Events are getting away from us. Our control over normal
chores diminishes. Events occur for which there are no logical answers. The weather has gone haywire. People have
gone mad and the prisons are full to overflowing. We've jumped sideways and are having trouble finding our way back.
Haunted Burlington Wisconsin
Price: 19.99

Burlington's historical district
rests uneasily on top of
twenty-seven ancient burial
mounds. No wonder everyone in
the seemingly sleepy Wisconsin
town owns a ghost story or two.
Residents have spotted the
White Beast of Burlington near
the old fish hatchery, bumped
into a Confederate apparition on
Academy Road and caught a
glimpse of the Lady in Blue at
the Malt House Theater. Mary
Sutherland spent fourteen years
chasing local lore through the
underground tunnels and eerie
skies of this hotbed of
supernatural activity. Now she
stands as a ready guide to the
mysteries of the Burlington
Exploring the Unknown with Legends Magazine
Get Your Book Autographed by Mary Sutherland by ordering directly off my website !   CLICK HERE
In this book, Mary Sutherland cogently bridges cutting edge concepts,
ideas, and theories of quantum physics, and beyond with concise
descriptions, drawings and personal photographs from field
investigations. Mary does this in an organized way so that a person just
beginning to look into the phenomena can easily comprehend.

Keep this book as a field guide to compare your photographs with Mary's.

For investigators who have been studying this area of science, there is
much to be learned and gleaned from this book, as well.

This is a wonderful read and well worth your time!

Thank you Doug and Stacy Clack May 2019

Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds is now available for
sale on Amazon at https://

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Photographing and
Investigating the Invisible

Brad and Mary Sutherland
248 Carver Street
Winslow, Illinois 61089
815 367 1006

Phase-shifting & Portals
Phase shifting Photos
Portals 2
Portals 3
Altered Realities
Altered Realities 2
Vortices 2
Vortices 3
Our Realities are based off Energy ... Everything is Energy
Our thoughts not only manifest the energy we live in but can manifest in other
If you can think it, you can create it.