For more information on the Manitou Stones please Click Here.
We encourage you to sit on the Manitou stone and meditate.
Your vibration and awareness activates the portal causing
your astral self to step out of your 3d self and travel to the other
dimensions. This is what the Native Americans call Spirit
Click here to learn more about the multi-verses that
are experienced on this tour.  * Note - Double exposures are
created on 'film'. It is IMPOSSIBLE to double expose using
digital photography.
Seeing the Unseen  -
It's a Matter of Perspective
by Mary Sutherland  @2006


The Spectrum of Reality
encompasses both that which we can see and measure, as well as that which we can neither see nor measure.  Our human senses detect only about 5% of this spectrum of  reality. The other
95% , although very real, is invisible to us.  Our universe is operating on a certain wavelength. A phased shift  operating  on a slightly different wavelength, may reveal whole new worlds that are
beyond our sensory constructs.  Interference between these  wavelengths has been postulated as one  answer for ghosts and other paranormal activity

Since the middle of the last century a great deal of research has been carried out in paranormal and spiritualistic phenomena. A whole new branch of science -- parapsychology -- has sprung
up, giving us plenty of evidence that the astral realms and entities living in these realms do exist.

The Cultures of the  East and West are very different in their views concerning reality. Where the East believes that 'everything' we see  is an illusion,  the West firmly believes that is real can be
seen and that which cannot be see is an illusion or simply non-existent.

What I have come to realize is 'your' Reality is based on 'your'  belief system.  Whatever you believe in will manifest in your reality and whatever you 'don't believe in, will not.  And that  is the
primary reason why people who  do not believe in ufos never see a ufo.  With that in mind, know that if you plan on hunting for the paranormal , the mysteries or ufo's it is a MUST to  'keep an
open mind to all the possibilities'  . If  you can not do so, you are better off just staying at home, popping some popcorn and watching a good show.

Sometimes  in order to understand what is 'out there' you must first understand ' how' you 'see' your reality. Let me explain it to you... as I understand it.

1.)  It all starts with the brain and how it is ' programmed'  to create your reality . From birth, your brain is  programmed  as what to believe and how to respond to conditions based on those
beliefs.  The programming comes via many ways, parents, teachers, religion, peers, books, television, etc.
2.) Your senses sends information to your brain, which then 'filters' it, according to what it is programmed to believe is necessary for your survival. (much like spam mail filters). Material coming
in that is not part of your belief structure is booted out into the trash. After it has booted out what it thinks is trash, it then takes the remaining information and processes it into your reality.
3.) Your nervous system works like a two way highway - receiving and sending information. The nerve cells of the body (neurons) talk to each other - passing information from one sensory
neuron to another until it gets to the central nervous system. When the brain again  receives the signal it processes it and sends it back to the body telling it what action to take.

Just like a computer, the brain needs to be programmed in order to process data.  Although your  spouse may be a sight for sore eyes at the end of a long day ,  you wouldn't even recognize him
or her. Pepperoni pizza may be delicious -  without the brain, your taste buds wouldn't be able to tell if you were eating pizza or the box it came in. None of your senses would be useful without the
processing that occurs in the brain. - BUT  what a waste of a good brain if it is processing everything according to 'disinformation'  programmed into it since your childhood. And unfortunately, that
has happened to all of us.

For some of you, the information you have, that the brain uses for processing, is adequate. But for those of you that want more - that want the magic back in your life ,  you need to start
re-programming your brain to allow more information to filter in . How you go about doing this is quite simple. You simply  say to yourself  " I want  to belief in ......"
Like Christ said, "Ask and you shall receive" . Such a simply little phrase with oh so much power. ...
Sit down before facts like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing." T.H. Huxley
PHASE SHIFTING  ---Shifting into other realities.

The key element in this process is an increased application of energy caused from the activated vortex. Due to the conditions in the vortex, you, as a solid matter, absorb the additional energy. As
your body absorbs this energy, the molecules increase in speed and start to vibrate more rapidly, causing the molecules to move apart from one another or shift.  Being that your vaporous body
is no longer restrained to the 3D physical world it  moves through the veil into the higher dimensions, which we call 'phase shifting'.  

I like to use the three states of water to demonstate what happens during a phase shift.
Ice represents the solid or crystalline state .
Put ice in a pan and apply heat (energy) to the ice . As the ice absorbs the heat (energy) the bonds that hold the molecules together start moving faster, allowing them to break free of their  
crystalline state and turn in to water or 'plasma'.
Turn the heat up even more on the pan of water, the molecules start moving even  faster . You will now  see steam moving up from the water and disappearing into the air.
Although you can no longer see the 'original' components of water they still exist , just  as they did prior to the increase of energy.
Simply slow the molecules down and the reverse happens... the  gaseous matter  will turn back into water and by putting the water back into the freezer (slowing down the molecules even more)  
it will form ice.

The Vortex mirrors what is already happening to you and the world we live in right now.  During this Age of Ascention, we are entering a time  in which increasing energy is being absorbed by the
molecules that make up our physical reality. They are moving faster and faster, which means that their rate of vibration (frequency) is also increasing. The basic vibratory rate of the planet is
increasing. Meaning -  All of the forms that we are familiar with are undergoing a phase shift!

At the present, we are moving from the 3D solid state to a more fluid 4D reality. By 2012,  this reality will be more like the 5th and 6th dimensional reality.  A tip off to this 4D reality and the  upward
shifting is in your awareness that things 'seem' to feel like they are moving faster - including time.   The reason you may be sensing this is because - they really are!  We are going through a
profound phase shift that will take us to the next level in the reality spectrum.

To help you understand this concept a little better, let's review what light is and how it affects our reality.
'Visible' light is energy vibrating within the frequency range that can be detected by the receptor cells in the retina of our eyes. The frequency of vibration of a form of energy is in an inverse
relationship to its wavelength. In other words, the  shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Very long waves have a very low (or "slow") frequency.

Our physical eyes can "see" or detect energy in a frequency range that corresponds to a wavelength of 4000 to 7500 angstroms. (An angstrom is a very small unit (1 hundred-millionth of a
centimeter) used to measure the extremely short wavelengths found in various forms of radiant energy.)

Visible light (light we can see)  ranges from the color red to the color violet.
Invisible light is Infrared ("below" red) and ultraviolet ("beyond" violet) light . This we can not normally see without the use of  special equipment that extends the range of our vision.  There are
entities and even worlds that exist in this invisible spectrum, very real but vibrating beyond the  range of light that our physical eyes can see. Inhabiting these etheric worlds  are interdimensional
entities, elemental beings , souls and astral shells of the dead.

Objects , including ourselves, will become invisible to others - after we have increased the speed of vibration past their spectrum of vision.  To them we have disappeared or  simply are not there,
but   while we are in this increased vibrational state, not only do we see ourselves and physical experience , but we also see them. After we have slowed down our frequency we once again
become visible to those operating in a lower frequency band.
Following is an example of the increased vibration , change in frequency and a phase shift.

Everything is made up of vibrating light which  carries its own vibration and frequency. Colors, emotions, substances, sound, thoughtforms all have an energetic "signature."
Emotions of  fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, and greed  are the 'lower' emotions and carry a lower vibrational frequency. The 'higher' emotions carry a higher frequency and are emotions of  peace,
love, happiness and compassion.
There are  creatures that  appear to
inhabit the etheric borderland between
the physical and astral realms. The
astral realms are said to be inhabited by
further varieties of elemental beings and
also by the souls and astral shells of the
dead. The Qur'an describes the   Jinns
as having  'bodies of essential flame' or
'smokeless flame' or 'smokeless fire', such
as what you see in the two photos to left.
These apparitions were standing to the side
and above us as we went through on the
trail of the haunted woods.
You can actually see the figures of the two
to the left.Getting into the specifics of such
research, Swanson said that he had
investigated the "orb" phenomena seen in
photographs, and mentioned that it is
sometimes possible to see the floating
globes with the naked eye with the use of
flash or strobes. He postulated that they may
be related to what the Hindus referred to as
an "astral form."
"Thousands, if not millions, of people alive
today have had the experience of existing
outside the space of their physical bodies
for a brief period and experiencing this
separated state as real, not as a dream or
imaginary experience. A typical
consequence of such an out-of-body
experience is on the order of 'I no longer
believe that I have a soul, or that some part
of me will survive death, I know it!" (Rogo,
Mary Sutherland projecting current of energy out of her finger to the group.  (photo on left)
The Light entity behind Mary Sutherland (photo to right) is her merkabah
Film Presentation of our Tours
Day Time Tours Now Available
4 Hours of Dimensional Shifting, Surfing the Vortices, Experiencing the
Enchantment of the Fairies and Little People. Visiting Rock Mounds, Earthen
Mounds,  Sacred Circles, Burial Grounds, The Goddess Realm, Places of the
Guardian Spirits and Portals (doorways into the other worlds)
Why is this site so strong?

The earth grid, energy points, paranormal, tunnels, inner cities,  mounds, the mound builders and Burlington Wisconsin are all inter-connected to a universal force, The earth is powered by a
life force that  emits electro-magnetic energies.  She is a live breathing entity of which we are part of. Her blood is her energy . Her veins carry the energy which are the ley lines, mentioned
earlier. Her heart is the center of the earth . And her chakras are  energy points found where her veins cross over in the form of a cross (+). These energy points are the gateways or doorways to
the inter-dimensional worlds. Burlington lies on one of these points. It not only affects the area but its people.

Paranormal spots are caused by rifts.  As a rule, major ley lines don't  cross each other. When they do , the cross section is called a nexus point. At this intersection, rifts are formed, which is a
tear in reality. The size of the rift would be in accordance to the stress of the reality of the environment around the nexus point proportional to the ley lines that cross. To simplify this statement,
let me explain it this way. If two small ley lines crossed in a remote locations, a small rift, if any, would appear. However, an area such as Stonehenge that has a number of very strong major
lines crossing it and numerous minor ones tend to create larger and even multiple rifts.

Frequency of rift openings  is determined by the relative strength of the nexus point. If a strong magical nexus exists, the chance to split reality occurs more frequently. We have found several
very strong rift openings in the Burlington area. One is near Browns Lake, another off Mormon Road, another near Honey Creek, Rochester, Bong Recreational Area and Eagle Lake.

In Celtic mythology, the ancient mounds or sidhe were portals to the other world, accessed by astral flight or perhaps in the case of UFOs ..actual travel within an electromagnetic field with the
ley lines converging, making an inter-dimensional vortex . Chambered mounds, comprised of alternating rock (inorganic) and soil, (organic) are orgone accumulators and concentrate energy,
some emit sound waves, while others blank them out. These frequencies may have a positive effect on the bio-rhythms of someone within the chamber or enhance altered states of

The key energy meridians, were employed by ancient priest-scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet...From the mother earth "the way of the Word" or "the
power of the Word", the ancient priests used the language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell.
Mary Sutherland teaches the
Shamanic Connection. The
Blue Shaman of the Woods is
lighting up the darkness by
bringing down the light of
heaven to this experiencer.
Click Photos for Larger
Mary Sutherland teaches the visitor
how to connect to the guardian trees
which opens the door to the
multi-dimensions. When the door
opens the experiencer will lift out of
their body and travel to the other
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
In this guardian tree connection, not
only did the people shift to the
higher dimensions, but so did the
trees. Note the angelic light coming
in from right.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
We call this phenomenon
'Angel Hair''. Note how angel
hair bends around hand and
camera of experiencer one
(front) and how experiencers
one,two and three have picked
up on the angel hairs energies.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
These experiencers are
disappearing into another
world superimposed over
the first world. Note how
transparent they become.
.Click Photo for Larger
If you give the right offering to the
fairies at the hidden fairy kingdom a
door will open and they will pull you
in for a special 'thank you' was
the case for this experiencer
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
There is a hill in the woods known
to the Celts as a 'Fairy Mound'. This
place gives off tremendous
energies which Mary Sutherland
explains to the visitors. Here you
see the energies coming off the
mound, greeting the experiencers
and checking them out. Being that
they found the experiencers ok, they
all seen in photo 3   Click
Photos for Larger Viewing
Sometimes the Fairies and
elementals go into a frenzie when
they are given m&m's. They seem to
have a sweet tooth. Taken at fairy
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
In these woods, if you 'feel' like you
are being probably
are. Check out these entities
watching these experiencers  from
an interdimensional doorway opened
by their psychic energies and the
guardian trees.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
This experiencer could literally see
the energy to 'her' left (red). She was
so excited that she stepped out of
herself to get to it. Mary shot this
photo to document the energy she
was seeing and the camera caught
the energy and her standing behind
herself.  The hand on her throat
pointing down is hers.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
After being taught how to connect to
the Shaman this experiencer rose to
the occassion.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Before entering the woods, Mary
Sutherland instructs the visitors on
how to relax the body in order to be
able to experience the sensations of
being 'touched' or 'pushed' by spirits.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Upon arriving at the sacred circle site,
many times Mary Sutherland taps into the
energies in order to find out what they wish
for the visitors to experience and
instructions on how to make that happen.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Mary Sutherland teaching visitor
how to sense a change of energy
in his energy field when someone
or something walks into it.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Mary Sutherland teaching visitor
how to tune into their higher self
and match their energies with
the earth energy around them
through the process of human
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
The forgotten pyramid that nature has
reclaimed. Click Photo for Larger
Corpse Road & Woods
after Vortex has been
Click Photo for Larger
These experiencers had multiple
events taking place..spirit coming in on
female experiencer and male
experiencer splits into dual
dimensions..Notice how top male is
looking down on lower male to right
who is looking back at him.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
This is a common
occurrence at the
Manitou Stones.  This
couple is
experiencing what we
call 'Phase Shifting' .
Note the transparency
and different positions.
The Astral Spin
This exercise we have a lot of fun with but also learn quite alot from.
Mary Sutherland teaches the experiencer how to "spin" out of their body.
When the process begins, the physical body collapses and the astral self
leaves the body while Brad and Mary Sutherland photograph it.
As the astral self is traveling it directly relays back to the physical self
information from the other side.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Another phase shift. The only thing
different from the phase shift vs. the
astral spin is that during the phase
shift the experiencer is not aware of
the event..whereas the astral spin they
are aware of the event and receive
information from the othr side.
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
Astral Spin - In the case of this experiencer, he heard an unknown ancient
language communicating to him .
Click Photo for Larger Viewing
The Q'ero  (Inca Shamanism) believe that the doorways
between the worlds are opening again. Holes in time that we
can step through and beyond, where we can explore our human
capabilities. Regaining our luminous nature is a possibility
today for all who dare to take the leap.
The Serpent (Snakes)  have a history of symbolism in mystical and metaphysical history. Snakes biting their
tale represent the circle, and cycles of time and space.  The snake represents the power of kundulini power in
the base of the spine which raises upward through the  chakras of the spine to the head of a person.  It raises
up through sacral, solar plexus (belly) the heart,  the throat, the third eye in the forehead, the crown chakra of
the skull, and into the higher non-physical levels of chakras.  That is why the medical Caduses is represented
as two snakes intertwined together as giving off electric  power like alternating AC current.

Snakes also represent the process of the activity of the DNA RNA patterns and energy of electro-magnetic
force of higher level powers and energies field that create sub-atomic particles,molecules, cells, life, and
structures from the smallest items seen be radio microscopes, and to the largest stars and galaxies seen by
using radio telescopes.

The snaking energies are also the creating life forces from the cosmic mind, which create DNA patterns of
subatomic matter and minerals, and molecules - into conceptional levels of etheric, astral, dense and
sophisticated  patterns which create and form dense DNA patterns of life in mineral, vegetable, animal,
human, etheric, astral, and soul, including activity patterns in the higher dimensions of form and creations.

The Atlanteans and Egyptians symbolized their Temple masters symbolized their Temple masters and high
priests as "snakes" and "masters of wisdom."  So did the Jews who studied the higher wisdom of the Kabala.  
The Egyptians pharoahs (kings), queens, and high priests wore a symbol of the cobra snake on their
headdresses and crowns.  Many other ancient cultures showed the snakes as a symbolism in paintings and
statues, as representing the power of wisdom, truth and power that comes from with in the mind, and
symbolism  in icons, and in action.   (Martin)
Historical Tour
On this tour, Mary Sutherland takes you to see Mormon ,Historical Homes and
Landmarks  of Burlington and Voree.
She will show you the old underground railroad and entrances to the ancient
tunnel systems of Burlington.
Click Photo for More Information
Ancient Burial Mounds Tour
The mounds were built by an ancient race that pre-existed the Native American
People. They understood the energies of earth and knew where the doorways
were that opened into the other dimensions or worlds. Mounds were built on
these doorways. Later the Native Americans built their burial sites around these
Click Photo for More Information
Haunted Cemeteries Tour
Burlington has some very 'unusual' cemeteries. Many of them were built on
portals or gateways into the other worlds. These spirits use these doorways
freely to cross over from one world into another.

Click Photo for More Information
Enchanted Forest  Tour
4 Hours of Dimensional Shifting, Surfing the Vortices, Experiencing the
Enchantment of the Fairies and Little People. Visiting Rock Mounds, Earthen
Mounds,  Sacred Circles, Burial Grounds, The Goddess Realm, Places of the
Guardian Spirits and Portals (doorways into the other worlds)  Finished with a trip
to the Center to view photos and get a copy of your FREE Cd of photos taken of
your tour.
Yes - We also do them in the Winter
Click Photo for More Information
Haunted Woods Tour
Public Tour  Every Saturday Nite
Book a private Tour  any day other than Saturday
Click Photo for More Information
"Even though a vortex is considered by science as a geophysical anomaly,
indigenous peoples from all areas of the world, knew of vortex energy and
revered these locations as sacred sites. The ancients knew how to work with a
vortex to achieve a better understanding of self and of spirit. They also knew that
vortex energy held the potential to help heal mind, body and spirit.
Somewhere in our history we have set these old traditions aside, feeling that we
no longer needed them. We were wrong. Now, many of us are trying to find and
reawaken the communicative harmony that naturally exists between human,
Earth energy and Creation. Vortex energy is only one of many Earth energy
sources that may complete this trine."  Shirley MacLaine

Sacred Sites stimulate our consciousness and enable perception of realms
normally not visible to humans. Electromagnetic waves of earth energy occur at
frequencies just below the range of human hearing. These waves are called the
Shuman resonance factor. They occur between 3 and 6 hertz, which happens to
be in the range of the delta waves of the human brain. Biofeedback instruments
and medical EEG tests demonstrate this frequency. This is amplified along Ley
lines, stimulating modifications of consciousness, enabling perception of
realms usually invisible to humans, but altogether real.
Many people go to the Earths Sacred Sites hoping that the energy will trigger a
paranormal experience. These experiences include interdimensional
communication with spirits, and contact with 'Star Visitors'.

The vortex experience itself is a learning process, from which we can learn new
ways of perceiving reality. According to the Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos
Castenada, Don Juan believed the world to be an illusion that forms itself to fit
the belief and expectations of the observer. Master ufologist Jacques Vallee, in
Messengers of Deception posits similar belief, that ETs come to our reality
through portals and assume the shape that best suits the beliefs of the observer.

Alfred Watkins coined the term Ley lines, in an attempt to define a complex
network of straight lines connecting ancient sacred sites and mountains. These
lines can be found at the Mounds built by the Ancient Mound Builders . . Bruce
Cathie has even measured the strength of these coincidental lines, and created
a world chart of them. Sites such as Stonehenge, Easter Island, the Ancient
Mounds and the Eqyptian pyramids are all linked in a master convergence of a
grand coincidence. Such places as mentioned collect and emit energy that can
be used as an interdimensional portal by beings from either side.

In Celtic mythology, the ancient mounds or sidhe were portals to an otherworld,
accessed by astral flight or perhaps through actual travel (in UFOs) within an
electromagnetic field where the leys converge (inter-dimensional vortex.) This is
an organized grid, in the shape of tumuli and stone circes, interconnected by
ley-lines or dragon lines (meridians) which channel the fluctuating etheric flow.

The mound builders placed monoliths, dolmens and henges (gateways) at
locations that form interlocking grids. By connecting these sites, the map begins
to reveal that the earthworks produce geometric patterns in the shape of five
pointed stars and some seem to map out constellations, upon the surface of
Earth. Chambered mounds, comprised of alternating rock (inorganic) and soil,
(organic) are orgone accumulators and concentrate energy, some emit sound
waves, while others blank them out. These frequencies may have a positive
effect on the bio-rhythms of someone within the chamber or enhance altered
states of consciousness.
"All around you, in every place, there exist Energy Gates---portals in time and space---through which a person can
pass to new life and experiences. Some are visible, and some are of the mind and heart. All of them are real. Some
portals exist as specific places. Simply to visit these locations is to be transformed. Other portals require energetic
"passwords" or "vibratory signatures" to activate them. Still others---those connected to the highest levels of
transformation ---require passwords, along with "sponsorship" by an Etheric Guide, so that the unconscious or
unprepared can not enter them unaware.
There are many kinds of Trans-Portals. Most are opened through the verbalization of some goal or desire for
personal development. In such cases, the INTENT of the traveler becomes a blade that cuts an opening in the Veil
which divides the universes. Once a portal is opened, your journey begins. A vortex draws the individual in, and
certain "changes" are effected, so that transport to an adjacent universe can occur."
The prayer circle for
peace of the
planet...spirits rising to
join in on the healing of
earth and those in need.
Burlington's historical district rests uneasily on top of
twenty-seven ancient burial mounds. No wonder
everyone in the seemingly sleepy Wisconsin town
owns a ghost story or two. Residents have spotted
the White Beast of Burlington near the old fish
hatchery, bumped into a Confederate apparition on
Academy Road and caught a glimpse of the Lady in
Blue at the Malt House Theater. Mary Sutherland
spent fourteen years chasing local lore through the
underground tunnels and eerie skies of this hotbed
of supernatural activity. Now she stands as a ready
guide to the mysteries of the Burlington Vortex.
Burlington WI Haunted
Woods and Sacred Site
The Healing Abilities of Trees

Taoist Masters observed that trees are tremendously powerful plants. Not only can they absorb carbon dioxide and transform it
into oxygen, but they can also absorb negate forces and transform them into good energy. Trees strongly root with the Earth,
and the more rooted the tree, the higher it can extend to Heaven. Trees stand very still, absorbing the Earth’s Energy and the
Universal Force from the Heavens.

Trees and all plants have the ability to absorb the light of the energies and transform it into food; in fact, they depend on light
for most of their nourishment, while water and earth minerals make up about 30% of their nutritional intake. Trees are able to
live very long lives.

Absorb Earth Energy:

1. Create warmth in your navel and bring the energy up to the crown.

2. Project the Chi out into the top of the trunk of the tree. Enter the tree and feel that you have a connection with it.

3. During this process you can stand farther away from the tree (ten to thirty feet). As your practice continues you can project
your energy easily from far away into the tree. Let the tree take in your negative or sick energy. The energy you receive back
will be balanced.

4. Let your energy flow down the trunk of the tree to its roots and into the Earth. Let the Earth Energy purify your energy. Bring
this combined energy up through the soles of your feet to the perineum, then up through the Thrusting Channels, or through
the Governor Channel running up the spine. Let the energy flow up to the crown and project it outward again. Repeat the
process nine, eighteen, or 36 times.

The more you repeat the process, the more your energy will refine and increase. You will notice the Thrusting Channels and
the Microcosmic Orbit are cleaner and brighter. Once you have established a good connection with the tree, you can send
your sick energy to the tree from a far distance to refine your energy or improve your health.

5. Meditate while sitting under a tree once you have developed the ability to feel the tree’s Chi, you can sit under the tree
and meditate. Draw the tree’s energy into you through the stations points of the Microcosmic Orbit.
The Greers Chamber in Maine is nicely preserved and helps demonstrate what I believe the ceremonial pit found in the woods of
Burlington WI may have looked like before someone caved it in. Sitting in the pit, one has a sense of 'well being' or 'euphoria'. Many -
as you see in this photo- have 'Out of Body Experiences
Portals...Gateways to the
Multi-Dimensional Worlds
19.99  120 pages
Full Color

Portals- Gateways to the
Multi-Dimensional Worlds
Believe in the Magic Series
In reading my book, ‘Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds’ and my series ‘Believe in the
I assure you, that you will not be disappointed. Quite the opposite; this book and upcoming series offer
to the reader a unique understanding of ‘All that Is!’

Spread throughout its pages, are photos my husband Brad and I have taken through the years of the invisible
worlds, filled with multiple selves, faeries, trolls, UFOs, angels and more.

This book promises you not only ‘understanding’ but ‘photographic proof’ that Multi-dimensional realities do
exist! When you understand the workings of these multi-dimensional levels, you will then appreciate not only the
wonders of the multi-universe, but the ‘magic that lie within’…

‘Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds’ will teach you to not only communicate with the multi-
dimensional worlds, but to photograph these worlds, the entities that live within and the strange phenomena
interacting with us.

In this book and throughout the ‘Believe in the Magic series’, I will teach you how the mind interprets your reality
and how you can use this information to create the reality or realties you desire. I will continue to inform you
about vortices, portals, time slips, the Oz Factor or Dead Zones, alternative realities, frequencies and vibrations.

It is my purpose to help you, once again, believe in your own multi-dimensional capabilities and the magic that
lies within!
Price: $40.00 Per Person – 5 persons Minimum or 200.00 Minimum
Please join our Haunted woods tour group on Facebook if you want to you do not have the 5 or the don't want to pay the 200.00 and we will help put a tour together with you and other singles
looking for the same thing.

(Private Tours are also provided by appointment only)

6:00 Registration – Everyone starts arriving at Pine Street Café to grab something to eat or drink . Then sign liability papers, not holding the Sutherland’s responsible for any injuries on tour.
It is an opportune time to also get to know some of the other guests that will be participating in the tour.

7:00 Leave for the Woods
Group drive out to the woods in their own vehicle
In the parking lot Mary Sutherland will explain the layout of the woods and prepare the group to “Feel” spirit around them. While Mary is doing this, Brad Sutherland will be walking around taking
pictures of the group and the area. When the camera shows that the area has become active, we all go into the woods. (This usually takes about 10-15 minutes)

Upon entering the 'First' woods, which is the home of the fairies and elementals, we first arrive at the 'Fairy Kingdom' where m&ms are given to the fairies. Hopefully, the fairies accept our
m&ms and will allow themselves to be photographed with the group. Expect some of the group to be pulled into the fairy kingdom by the fairies. This will be shown on the camera as a
dimensional shift or the person disappearing.
We then continue on to the guardian trees where Mary teaches you how to 'become one' with the trees and communicate with them. As this happens there is a dimensional shift, where the
cameras will show dimensional shifts, dimensional entities and orbs.

As we continue, expect to feel 'touching' from spirit and whispers or whistling. When spirit is around, you will note a sudden drop in temperature and possible chills running up and down your

Upon entering a vortex area, dimensional doorway or parallel universe, expect to feel sensations of disorientation, lightheaded, nausea, ringing in the ears, headaches, pulsation of the 'third
eyes' (found in the middle of your forehead above your nose) and tingling of your hair on your scalp and/or arms.
Between the first woods and the second woods, we stop and Mary explains the history behind Serpent Ridge and its importance.
Entering the 'second woods' we will again make an offering of m&ms to the guardian, who Mary knows as a 'giant'.

We then continue on to the 'Sacred Site' area which has a 'fairy circle' made from a 'feminine' vortex, which spins 'clockwise'. These places are known for their healing benefits and were used by
the Druids for outdoor places of worship and ceremonies. It is here where Mary Sutherland will teach you how to connect with the 'Shaman of the Woods' and walk in the dimensional universes.
While you are shifting into the other dimensional worlds Brad and Mary Sutherland will be photographing you and showing you the photos as the phenomenon happens.

10 o'clock we leave the woods

Photographs of Brad and Mary’s will be posted to the Facebook Group Site @ Haunted Woods  with explanations of the various phenomena happening in photos.
For more information please go to our website at

Our Facebook group site is provided for all those members that want to go on one of our haunted woods tours in Burlington Wisconsin...Here is where we will help you schedule a tour and
meet some of the other members that will join you. All tour dates will be posted there and in our
Mary Sutherland Study Group site.

Answers to Questions Members Have Had:

I encourage members to interact with other members to create a group for tours with at least 5 members.

Creating a Tour
Minimum for tour is 200.00 or 5 people @ 40.00 each. Watch this site for members that want to go on a tour at a specific date. Then let us know you are available at that time as well.

Paying for Tour
We encourage everyone to pay in advance through
Click send money and send to . If you cannot make tour contact us at least 5 days in advance for refund. If arrangements are made prior, we can accept money from your
group when we arrive in Burlington.

Single Tours
Yes, if you are only one or more, you can still go schedule a private tour but you will have to pay 200.00 minimum.
Comment and post subjects in the Group
Please keep your posts to scheduling a haunted tour. We need your name, how many people will you be bringing. cell phone number. If you don't want number released, send me no. through p.

Photograph Usage
Brad and Mary Sutherland have exclusive rights to all photographs they take while on tour. Your photos are yours to do with as you wish. If sharing here please put your name and date of tour.

Although we take all measures to make sure you are safe, we are not responsible for any injuries incurred while on tour.
No Alcohol or drugs allowed
No guns or weapons of any kind are allowed

Equipment Usage and Proper Clothing
Using your own equipment is allowed and encouraged on tour. Please wear comfortable walking shoes, long sleeved shirt or short sleeve with jacket, Shorts, dresses and skirts are
discouraged. Bring flashlights and mosquito spray

Drinks and Snacks
We provide a m&ms for fairies, campfire ingredients for Smores, but please bring your own water or soda....Whatever you bring in ...TAKE OUT.
AUGUST 24TH 2019
REGISTER HERE and on our
 hauntedwoodstour group on
or call us at
815 367 1006
See Scheduled Tours